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Online Interview With SonicFox by Daily Dot

You act like this is alot? I make double that, Yearly, and have for quite sometime.

To me this guy seems ignorant, specially after that shit he pulled on perfect legend. Teabagging in mid match? Talking shit before the match? Sorry, I dont "respect" anyone who does that type of crap. And Id hate to be the guy who breaks the bad news, but being a gaming legend wont get you far in life.
...and you get enough time off to trash talk a 17 yo kid over a video game? Pshh... lucky.


Official Merlin of TYM
So I was the only one who paid more attention to the I interviewer than SonicFox?
His vsmile was weird to me. It was like Jeff the Killer's.
A Nd did anyone else noticed that look he gave the screen whenever Sonic interrupted him (Also apparent when he asks Sonic about KI), no shade thrown, I just notice people's facial expressions, especially when determining their thoughts on me/someone else I like.