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Combo List - Kotal Kahn [Outdated] The Kotal Kahnbo Thread

Second Saint

A man with too many names.
So cuase I felt like it combined a chunk of things so far into a more singular post here. It's kind of crudly done for now, and I skipped over a bunch cause they are all slight variations of each other. I especially left out the F2 combos cause theres a gagillion of them.

While I did colour code them by how they were entered most combo's here can be done in any mode except for the final hit.

At some point I will looks to actually make a proper detailed combo list that analyses it all and lays it out in a more convenient format.

f2-f2-f2-d2 32%
f2,njp,f2,f2,b12~exdf1,b122 39% Note this can be cancelled into specials either for more dmg or passive effects

f1b2, f2, f2, f1b2 xx db2 [29%]
F1,b2 f2 b1,4 EX airgrab b1,4 sun choke 38%

f1,b2~db1,d1~df1 ex,f1,b2 34%
f1,b2~db1,d1~df1 ex,b2,b122 38%
f1b2 xx db1, d1 xx EN df1, f2, d2 is 39%

f1b2~EX df1, f2, b122~db1 35% 1 meter. Easy and
f1b2, f2,f2, f1b2xxdf2 = 30% (sub with b122xxdb1 for 31%)
f1b2,f2,f2, EX df+1, f+2, b12xxdf+1 = 38% 1 bar

b14~(EX)db1, f2, d2 (34%)
b14~(EX)db1, f2, f1b2~df2 (36%)
b14~(EX)db1, f2, b122~db1 (37%)

b14xxEXdb1, f+2,f+2,b12xxdf+1 = 39% 1 bar


b12~db2 12%
b122 xx EX df1, f2, f1b2 xx db2 [35%]
b122 xx EX df3, d1, 114 xx db2 [38%]

114 xx df1 [20%]
114~(EX)df1, f2, f1b2~df2 (40%)
114~(EX)df1, f2, b122~db1 (42%)

114 xx EX df1, f2, f1b2 xx db2 [37%]
114 xx EX df3, d1, d1, d1, 114 xx db2 [42%]

f34~db1 EX, f1b2~df2 (32%
f34 xx EX df1, f2, f1b2 xx db2 [35%]
f34 xx EX df3, f2, d1, 114 xx db2 [42%]

(Ji2)-b14-db1:ex-f2-b122-db1 (39%,midscreen)
(Ji2)-b14-db1:ex-f2-b12-df1:ex-b12-df1 (43% for two bars)

War God db1 ex starter:
Some War God NJP combos.

NJP, f2, f2, f1b2~df2 (30%)
NJP, f2, f2, b122~db1 (32%)

Easier versions
NJP, ji2, f2, b122~db1 (28%)
NJP, ji2, f2, f1b2~df2 (26%)

1 Bar:
njp, ji2, f2, 21~EX df1, f1b2~df2 (34%)
njp, f2, f2, 21~EX df1, f1b2~df2 (38%)

It's possible to get a second f2 in a combo with ji2, but the timing is tight and it results in less damage meterless because the enders miss (or have when I tried). With meter, I assume you'd get more damage. I have trouble with consistency because my computer is terrible and prone to dropping frames (not that it can ever reach 60 fps /sad), so I've yet to finish the combo with meter in it's entirety. To add a little extra damage, 21 can be replaced with b14 in almost all circumstances, though I didn't play around with that.
@Alien Substance These two posts cover most of the stuff in this thread, though they differ from your notation substantially. So many commas.
War God combos, especially meterless ones that don't end in df2 or AT LEAST df1 are a bit silly in my eyes.

It makes sense from some metered combos to end them for maximum damage but df2 gives a much better oki situation than other enders.


Your Emporer
War God combos, especially meterless ones that don't end in df2 or AT LEAST df1 are a bit silly in my eyes.

It makes sense from some metered combos to end them for maximum damage but df2 gives a much better oki situation than other enders.
Df1 is -1 on hit so actually not really good for that. DF 2 is the best but often it won't connect if they are in a juggle state due to being to slow on startup. DB1 however tends to hit very reliably at the end of combos and is +17 on hit so it still give you good frames.

Second Saint

A man with too many names.
War God combos, especially meterless ones that don't end in df2 or AT LEAST df1 are a bit silly in my eyes.

It makes sense from some metered combos to end them for maximum damage but df2 gives a much better oki situation than other enders.
Yeah, like Regulas said, you still get a free dash forward after a db1 ender. It's really not that bad. But df2 is definitely the go to ender.


In the corner with Sun God full charge you can do:
f2,f2,f2,f2,b122db2 = 42% That's pretty good for meterless damage.

D. R.

A combo I found very practical with all variations off f2 goes as follows:
F2, f2, EN df1, f2, b14 xx df1

In Blood God, I found this one beneficial with buffs active:
F2, f2, d2, run cancel f1 xx EN df1, f2, d4 xx df1


Your Emporer
I'm updating this to be clearer and consistent all the way through as well as a brief overview. Still more work to be done to add on more combo's though:

Each line starts with meters used then total percentage e.g.: 1 [36%] is 1 meter used for 36% total damage
(EX) is used here for well EX
xx is for cancel
- is for the next string or ability when not cancelled into, Note: to avoid clutter I didn't space every button press with commas but left whole strings (what the move list calls Kombos) together e.g.: B122
Totem Indicates that this string summons a totem within the combo.
Colours indicate the type. I didn't otherwise separate otherwise them because most combo's are fairly interchangeable other then the last hit.

War God
Blood God
Sun God

F2-F2-F2: Highest damage starter – but it is somewhat unsafe and punishable on block – Cannot be cancelled but offers a large juggle window

F1B2: Fast far reaching starter – large juggle - Cancellable – But lower damage then a lot of starters

B14: Decent speed on start-up – Only first hit has notable reach – Second hit is low especially useful for the high mix-up potential with war god

B122: Excellent speed and reach, cancelable though sometimes can’t cancel into Air throw.

114: No reach – high juggle and damage

F34: Slow slow start-up good juggle

DF1 EX – F2 – String – Ender: the primary extender gives a consistent juggle height, with a good follow up potential. It’s weakness is that it can’t always follow onto all strings if the enemy is too low, as such can usually only be used a first extension and rarely as a secondary

DB1 EX – String – Ender: The downside is that this extender cannot always be followed easily, at minimum you may need to use a f1 which offers lower damage

DF3 EX – Only extends in certain situations like the corner but allows for very high damage

DF1 : Ok dmg but terrible frames mean this is mostly only for Blood god

DB2: Sun god: Primary ender best to use in all cases where it will connect
War God: Low reach and bad frames mean this should be avoided

DF2: War god only: Best ender but it often will not connect

DB1: War God only: Pretty decent ender at 17 frames positive, easiest to connect as an ending move by a long shot decent dmg

DF3~EX decent damage if you want to spend the meter, excellent frames

0 [32%] F2-F2-F2-D2
1 [39%] F2-NJP-F2-F2-B12 xx (EX)DF1-B122 Note this can be cancelled into specials either for more dmg or passive effects

0 [29%] F1B2-F2-F2-F1B2 xx DB2
0 [30%] F1B2-F2-F2-F1B2 xx DF2
1 [34%] F1-B2 xx DB1- D1 xx (EX)DF1-F1-B2 Totem
1 [35%] F1B2 xx (EX) DF1-F2-B122 xx DB1
1 [38%] F1-B2 xx DB1-D1 xx DF1 (EX)-B2-B122 Totem
1 [38%] F1B2-F2B1-4 xx (EX) DF1-B14 xx sun choke
1 [38%] F1B2-F2-F2 xx (EX) DF1-F2-B12 xx DF1
1 [39%] F1B2 xx DB1-D1 xx (EX)DF1-F2-D2 Totem

1 [34%] B14 xx (EX)DB1-F2-D2
1 [36%] B14 xx(EX)DB1-F2-F1B2 xx DF2
1 [37%] B14 xx (EX)DB1-F2-B122 xx DB1 These two are ideal combo's easy to land solid damage with DF2 giving better advantage for 1 less dmg
1 [39%] B14 xx (EX)DB1-F2-F2-B12 xx DF1

1 [12%]B12 xx DB2
1 [35%]B122 xx (EX) DF1-F2-F1B2 xx DB2
1 [38%]B122 xx (EX) DF3-D1-114 xx DB2

0 [20%] 114 xx DF1
1 [37%] 114 xx (EX)DF1-F2-F1B2 xx DB2
1 [40%] 114 xx (EX)DF1-F2-F1B2 xx DF2
1 [42%] 114 xx (EX)DF1-F2-B122 xx DB1

1 [32%] F34 xx (EX)DB1-F1B2 xx DF2
1 [35%]F34 xx (EX)DF1-F2-F1B2 xx DB2
1 [42%]F34 xx (EX)DF3-F2-D1-114 xx DB2

1 [39%] (JI2)-B14 xx (EX)DB1-F2-B122 xx DB1
2 [43%] (JI2)-B14 xx (EX)DB1-F2-B12 xx (EX)DF1-B12 xx DF1

1 [36%] (EX)DB1-F2-B122-DB1
1 [34%] F1B2-F2-B14 xx (EX)DF1-B14 xx DB2
1 [35%] F34 xx (EX)DF1-F2-F1B2 xx DB2

1 [35%] F1B2 xx (EX)DF1-F2-B122 xx DB1
1 [35%] F1B2-F2-(EX)DF1-F2-B12 xx DF1
1 [37%] 114 xx (EX)DF1-F2-F1B2 xx DB2
1 [38%[ F1B2-F2-F2 xx (EX)DF1-F2-B12 xx DF1
1 [42%]114 xx (EX)DF3-D1-D1-D1-114 XX DB2
Last edited:

Second Saint

A man with too many names.
@Alien Substance Most of the Blood God combos on the first page are actually War God combos. If it says overhead strike or Saw Blade, that's War God. Honestly, just putting Regulas' overview on the front page might be for the best. He did some really good work with that thing.

@regulas Wow, great job, man. A few things, though. You keep saying that df2 doesn't always hit, but I've found it to work more often and with less fuss than db1, especially in combos involving ex air throw. It just needs to be f1b2~df2 and it's pretty consistent.

Also, does ji2 need it's own section? I'm fairly certain that you can tack a jump in to pretty much any combo. Seems like we've got some corner combos in there that should probably have their own section as well. I don't play Sun, but there's no way the SG combo for 114 isn't a corner combo. Three d1's?


Your Emporer
Wow, great job, man. A few things, though. You keep saying that df2 doesn't always hit, but I've found it to work more often and with less fuss than db1, especially in combos involving ex air throw. It just needs to be f1b2~df2 and it's pretty consistent.
Does the damage of f1b2 xx df2 come out the same though? If that is more damaging then b122 xx db1 then it would be worth it to replace, but I can't check right now I thought f1b2 was a less damaging string (but df2 might make up for it, or the frames could be worth it anyway) I do find that it doesn't connect a lot on a lot of strings though after a juggle.

JI2 was included in my original post mostly to account for total % so more of a reference data then combos. I have considered even just including damage summaries from what some things can due and only including the basic parts of the combo's.

I do need to separate out and add a corner combo section for sure though

Second Saint

A man with too many names.
Does the damage of f1b2 xx df2 come out the same though? If that is more damaging then b122 xx db1 then it would be worth it to replace, but I can't check right now I thought f1b2 was a less damaging string (but df2 might make up for it, or the frames could be worth it anyway) I do find that it doesn't connect a lot on a lot of strings though after a juggle.

JI2 was included in my original post mostly to account for total % so more of a reference data then combos. I have considered even just including damage summaries from what some things can due and only including the basic parts of the combo's.

I do need to separate out and add a corner combo section for sure though
It's slightly less damage than b122~db1, usually 1-2% behind. However, it hits consistently in situations where b122 would require perfect timing to hit the db1 due to the shape of their hit boxes. Notice that literally every combo with a df2 ender is preceded by f1b2. It's the only thing that pops them up high enough to get hit by it except possibly f34 under certain circumstances and I think some corner shenanigans.

Is there anything I can do to help?


Your Emporer
Is there anything I can do to help?
Made some more updates (including more readable colours). I need to go through the thread and find more combo's to add to it as I know there's plenty. I also need to add notations in some form to indicate "easy to perform" or "highest damage" etc.

If you ever want me to include anything just compile it in format and I'll slot it into my post.


1 [39%] B14 xx (EX)DB1-F2-F2-B12 xx DF1

i use b14 instead of b12 before df1 and it seems more consistant... Also i tend to occasionally EX the DF1 and add another b14 df1 for 46% or 47% with jump in starter.

Second Saint

A man with too many names.
1 [39%] B14 xx (EX)DB1-F2-F2-B12 xx DF1

i use b14 instead of b12 before df1 and it seems more consistant... Also i tend to occasionally EX the DF1 and add another b14 df1 for 46% or 47% with jump in starter.
Personally, I don't think I could ever get two f2's in that combo consistent. I mean, sure it's possible, but I'd miss it every time. If b14 works for you, that's great because it typically adds 1% to the combo over b12/21.


Personally, I don't think I could ever get two f2's in that combo consistent. I mean, sure it's possible, but I'd miss it every time. If b14 works for you, that's great because it typically adds 1% to the combo over b12/21.
I have spent countless hours practicing just this combo because of that very reason...i am getting close to being semi-consistent with it. It took a long ass time but I have maybe 40-50% success rate which was less than 5% a few days ago. Once I realized the most important part of landing the 2nd f2 was making sure the 1st f2 comes out as soon as possible after the EXdb1 it started getting easier. I am sick of hearing "TASTE THE BLADE OF OSH'TEK" hundreds of times in a row though.

Online i usually opt to use the easier ones.
@Alien Substance Most of the Blood God combos on the first page are actually War God combos. If it says overhead strike or Saw Blade, that's War God.
I hate variations.

More reasonably: I made the mistake of doing it while tired.

Honestly, just putting Regulas' overview on the front page might be for the best. He did some really good work with that thing.

@regulas – Your most recent overview has been edited into the first post.


Wow after so much anticipation all day I come home to grind some combos in the lab to find out that all of those sun god combos are impossible to do unless in the corner. The only correct combo was b12 xx db2. It is impossible to open a combo with b122 xx ex df1 in the open. It is impossible to do b122 xx ex df3 or F34 xx df3 without launching them across the screen LOL. The F34 xx DF1 is impossible too, unless in the corner. What you can do is b12 xx ex df1 - f2 - f1b2 xx db2 for 32%. However without the overhead you might as well throw away the b12 starters. Not that it is important but you cannot do F1B2 into a standing 4 xx DF1 without being in the corner as well. The sun god variation is dead.

Second Saint

A man with too many names.
Wow after so much anticipation all day I come home to grind some combos in the lab to find out that all of those sun god combos are impossible to do unless in the corner. The only correct combo was b12 xx db2. It is impossible to open a combo with b122 xx ex df1 in the open. It is impossible to do b122 xx ex df3 or F34 xx df3 without launching them across the screen LOL. The F34 xx DF1 is impossible too, unless in the corner. What you can do is b12 xx ex df1 - f2 - f1b2 xx db2 for 32%. However without the overhead you might as well throw away the b12 starters. Not that it is important but you cannot do F1B2 into a standing 4 xx DF1 without being in the corner as well. The sun god variation is dead.
I swear, we need someone that mains each variation. Thanks for catching all these. We're going to have to start confirming each combo we put in this thing. Either the inputs got copied wrong at some point or somebody posted them wrong to begin with.

A lot of the War God combos are mine, so I can at least vouch for those.


The war god combos are fine. It is the best variation anyway. I wanted to try to use the parry, but war god's mix ups are way too good to give up.

Second Saint

A man with too many names.
So this is the Kotal Kahn BnB for all var ?

The timing changes when we jump in.
It's good for a universal, but Sun/War God can get more damage out of that. Also, I really just don't like f2 as a starter. I very rarely get a hit with it. Though, the guy I mostly play doesn't get hit by anything. Stupid people and their good fundamentals and being better at video games than me.


It's good for a universal, but Sun/War God can get more damage out of that. Also, I really just don't like f2 as a starter. I very rarely get a hit with it. Though, the guy I mostly play doesn't get hit by anything. Stupid people and their good fundamentals and being better at video games than me.
F2 looks great after large jump in punch. Kotal's Jump in are great (almost fullscreen :p )!

This one works for all variation. War God you'll get more mixups. Sun God, dunno if that worth it, the level 3 is usefull to be cancelled in life or meter imo, don't think it has been designed to do that much damage, and Sun Grab push a potential zoner in fullscreen at lvl 3 :(