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Guide "I Love My Job" -- Deathstroke General Discussion Thread


The future of law enforcement.
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Ok, got the images saved. The guy who played Deathstroke at pax didn't really do much besides jumping-sword and gunshots, but here's what I was able to get:


This appears to be his "d3", a nice quick low attack with decent range.


This is another low, a bit slower than the first as it comes out like a sweep, however this one leads into what appears to be a very reliable 30% combo.


Check out the range on that jumping sword! Like almost all of his sword attacks so far, it covers above and behind him.


And finally, his standing sword.


The future of law enforcement.
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I should note that #3, his jumping sword, isn't even his crazy command AA, which appeared to be quite similar to Vergil's Lunar Phase from UMvC3.


The future of law enforcement.
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I think between his low combo starter (#2 above) and his bouncing flip-kick overhead combo starter, he's going to be almost as dangerous up close as he is from range. I also don't see divekicks or jump-ins in general being effective against him except as whiff punishers.
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The future of law enforcement.
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I also forgot to mention that because his jumping sword swings back behind him, it looks crazy good for cross-ups; kind of like Hulk's jumping S from UMvC3. There's actually a great example of this in the video I took those from, but the screenshot was too low-quality to be useful.
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"Heaven Will Fall!"
I also forgot to mention that because his jumping sword swings back behind him, it looks crazy good for cross-ups; kind of like Hulk's jumping S from UMvC3. There's actually a great example of this in the video I took those from, but the screenshot was too low-quality to be useful.
I think that video with him vs batman shows a really good example of it when he wins the match


The future of law enforcement.
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Here's one more, from the video in the OP. It's a launcher that looks like it might start low, and it comes out crazy fast:


The future of law enforcement.
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Got 2 more:

This first one is a quick jab that seems to lead into a few combos. Watch the Deathstroke vs Batman video to see some of what it can link into:

This next one is a demonstration of his jumping sword being used as a crossup. Check out that same video to see this in action:

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
Depending on how many recovery frames Deathstroke has will solely determine his place on the tier list. ATM he is reminding me more and more of Noob Saibot. If Deathstroke has Kenshi recovery and even ONE good poke he will be a terror to deal with. If he has Noob recovery, and Scorpion pokes than Deathstroke is going to get a hurting placed on him.
I've said this countless times, he's looking a lot like Noob/Liu Kang hybrid. But has that Stryker gun speed so unless read, will be hard to react to.

EDIT: After seeing that DS v WW video, IDK, he seems pretty strong but balanced. Defo leaning onto that Saibot. Except with better normals.

It's decided for me now, not going to fuck around story mode on release date. I'll be Stroking nearly 24/7 in training mode.


The future of law enforcement.
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Here's his overhead "flip-kick". It's the only notable move I really noticed from the most recent gameplay video:

As you can see, it's got some decent range on it. It comes out pretty damn quickly and pops the opponent up for an easy combo.
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I also noticed his overhead is not only fast but it looks safe! Sweep is good and all pokes came out relatively fast. The only thing that was slow was his super but let's face it, we will be burning meter with ex guns/push block!


The future of law enforcement.
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I remember hearing that some specials can be confirmed into their "ex" equivalent. I bet Deathstroke's guns qualify, considering the "ex" bonus is a post-gunshot grenade.


The future of law enforcement.
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After watching the footage of Cyborg's zoning, I started wondering how vulnerable Deathstroke will be to ranged pressure. Because he doesn't seem to have any aerial moves that travel diagonally down, I could see it being hard for him to reverse zoning momentum.


Believe in the hop kick
After watching the footage of Cyborg's zoning, I started wondering how vulnerable Deathstroke will be to ranged pressure. Because he doesn't seem to have any aerial moves that travel diagonally down, I could see it being hard for him to reverse zoning momentum.
I kinda hope that Deathstroke will not be the best zoner in the game, but is compensated for it with viable mid-range and close range tools as well. Cyborg's zoning looks better than his, so I expect Cyborg to get molested by Catwoman/Flash up close. I wonder if Deathstroke's aerial gun moves can be aimed, delayed or cancelled so he gets a free jump-in when the opponent is expecting an air gunshot and just blocking.


The future of law enforcement.
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I kinda hope that Deathstroke will not be the best zoner in the game, but is compensated for it with viable mid-range and close range tools as well. Cyborg's zoning looks better than his, so I expect Cyborg to get molested by Catwoman/Flash up close. I wonder if Deathstroke's aerial gun moves can be aimed, delayed or cancelled so he gets a free jump-in when the opponent is expecting an air gunshot and just blocking.
I'm thinking this is when his trait will really come into play. Anyone know if traits can be activated while airborne, and if they have variable activation speeds?


After watching the footage of Cyborg's zoning, I started wondering how vulnerable Deathstroke will be to ranged pressure. Because he doesn't seem to have any aerial moves that travel diagonally down, I could see it being hard for him to reverse zoning momentum.
I don't think so for the fact that his guns are a lot faster; he can probably stuff his projectile/missiles on reaction. I think low guns will also beat out Cyborg's air projectile.

Smoke_Of_Finland He can be the best zoner and still have great CQC; depends how NRS has designed him.

I'm honestly a bit worried about his dashes and throws more; his dash covers so little distance compared to most of the cast and his throw has Sektor Syndrome.

Crimson Cobra

The Ultimate Shadow
why did they make him seem so badass in this game? even his win pose is super badass....Raven got a pretty lame win pose yet he gets a detailed one showing him kicking back and confirming his latest kill then locating his next target(while throwing a knife in the air and catching it)


why did they make him seem so badass in this game? even his win pose is super badass....Raven got a pretty lame win pose yet he gets a detailed one showing him kicking back and confirming his latest kill then locating his next target(while throwing a knife in the air and catching it)
The answer is simple.

Because he IS badass.

Crimson Cobra

The Ultimate Shadow
why did raven get the short end of the stick as far as looking awesome goes....(Not saying she's a bad character but deathstroke seems to have this epic style about him)


Justice 4 Firestorm
why did they make him seem so badass in this game? even his win pose is super badass....Raven got a pretty lame win pose yet he gets a detailed one showing him kicking back and confirming his latest kill then locating his next target(while throwing a knife in the air and catching it)
The only thing he lacks is a good costume to match all of that bad ass.