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Sonic Fox´s initial thoughts about Injustice 2 chars

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see you at the top.
Can someone provide the golden cliff notes?
Top Tier

Darkseid - Zoning OP
Captain Cold - Traps OP
Dr Fate - Zoning OP but not as OP as OP
Canary - Cyrax
Robin - Hold this neutral


Firestorm - Zoning OK but with the possibility of becoming more OP than OP
Brianiac - Who tf knows but looks strong
Cheetah - Weak neutral and unsafe AF
Joker - Suped up Injustice 1 Joker but still weak AF
Cyborg - Suped up Injustice 1 Cyborg but still weak AF

B. Shazzy

NRS shill #42069
Main people crying in beta was BB players lol
lul pls bro nobody even played beetle because he took actual skill canarys well just look at their discussion thread right now talking about superman 7-3s black canary guise batman- canary worst matchup in beta guise lul the struggle cant even wakeup for free yet they still mash cartwheel out everytime or how its too hard to play footsies to do their 50% combos lul



The Fantasy is the Reality of the Mind
Not going to listen to any bullshit till the game gets released. It's bound to be patched on the way around and a lot of changes might be included that will not base their thoughts at all.


Not going to listen to any bullshit till the game gets released. It's bound to be patched on the way around and a lot of changes might be included that will not base their thoughts at all.
But of all of the people to trust, patches notwithstanding, wouldn't Sonic's be the most reliable?


The Fantasy is the Reality of the Mind
But of all of the people to trust, patches notwithstanding, wouldn't Sonic's be the most reliable?
Could be, but the last decision lies to NRS and WB. Sonic might have his idea of those chars, but it's always possible that after the patch they might change the gameplay somehow.

For me, pre-release OP are:

Swamp Thing

The rest aren't so OP like those above. They might be still OP, or not, after the release date.

So, we'll see how much basis do Sonic's thoughts have.
Top Tier

Darkseid - Zoning OP
Captain Cold - Traps OP
Dr Fate - Zoning OP but not as OP as OP
Canary - Cyrax
Robin - Hold this neutral


Firestorm - Zoning OK but with the possibility of becoming more OP than OP
Brianiac - Who tf knows but looks strong
Cheetah - Weak neutral and unsafe AF
Joker - Suped up Injustice 1 Joker but still weak AF
Cyborg - Suped up Injustice 1 Cyborg but still weak AF
Forgot Captain Cold - Day 1 main


In Zoning We Trust
Top Tier

Darkseid - Zoning OP
Captain Cold - Traps OP
Dr Fate - Zoning OP but not as OP as OP
Canary - Cyrax
Robin - Hold this neutral


Firestorm - Zoning OK but with the possibility of becoming more OP than OP
Brianiac - Who tf knows but looks strong
Cheetah - Weak neutral and unsafe AF
Joker - Suped up Injustice 1 Joker but still weak AF
Cyborg - Suped up Injustice 1 Cyborg but still weak AF
What? LOL. Thanks for the Cliffs, didn't know what the video was. But now that I do-

everyone else would get roasted for doing this
So much this. This is the grainiest of grainy salts. "This person can do it though" is by definition a logical fallacy.


Alpha Tarkatan - Moderator
on the subject of cpt cold, i wonder how changed/accurate cold's frame data is from pre-release build as them overhead sky ice things were like +27 on block from footage i seen in the frame data menu, vanilla tremor lives lol


Lexcorp Proprietary Technologies
I usually end up loving mid to low tier characters. Glad to hear Brainiac might be the exception.


Booster Gold is in Injustice 2
So, um...where's the torches and pitchforks at, folks?

This is grade-A material for people to start going nutty over. Is it because of who made it? If so, shame on you.
But all mighty lord SleeperFox made it. so its fine


Too bad YOU... will DIE!
I swear if Fox ruins Cold for me and he gets band wagoned...

I have a weird complex in all games where I need to play niche characters.
Look, speaking as a Sindel fan, if you want Captain Cold to return in Injustice 3 as more than an NPC or a shoutout you had better hope at least a few pro players love him.


Aqua Hood
Its cool to get input from Sonic Fox and where he thinks the characters will rank and why, based on their moves and trait. However, even though he is currently the raining NRS game champ, I think anything beyond pure speculation isn't validated until the final version of the game launches 8 days from now. We don't even know the final frame data or anything.
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