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Question What were you right and wrong about?

Revenant Zero

Death Comes
What I was wrong about:

Rain being an unlockable character
Rain being DLC in KP2
Mileena being the same tier as she was in UMK3
Sub-Zero faster frame low pokes after Beta

What I was right about:
No Rain in MKX or XL

xInfra Deadx

Gimmick stolen by Jordan Peele
Where I was wrong:
Grandmaster being top 5 (still is in the corner)
Triborg being a fun character
Quan Chi being bottom 5 on release.
Ferra/Torr and zoning.
Zoning being relevant.
Kenshi hotfixes I had some belief in.
Different playstyles.
Buzzsaw being better than Tempest (at least early on).

Where I am right:
Devorah as a braindead character.
Both Takeda and Kotal Kahn having gaps in their main strings that made them shit.
Shinnok, Kitana and Kenshi being basically beta characters on release (Thanks gaming industry)
Hollywood being stupid for the longest time.
Johnny Cage having way better footsies than Liu Kang
Raiden being really stupid on release.
Goro not needing a bunch of stupid and unnecessary buffs.
Jax having some serious converting issues on release.
Mileena being dogshit until her March buffs.
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villainous monk

Terrible times breed terrible things, my lord.
The tournament attending of my experience has been awesome. Trying to research and meet more people through forums/social media has unearthed the bitching. Haven't met one dickhead person yet while attending a tournament.

I hope the same goes for me.

I can't wait to go and once my hands heal.

I'll compeate. But for now I want to see how far tournaments have come since the late 95's early 2000's when I used to go for meets in the arcades.


Your hole is mine!
No he wasn't, and this is coming from someone who knew how to play more than 2 variations at the time...
Don't know how playing a different variation affects your understanding of Summoner but okay then sure.

I will say this though, his dirt was so powerful it offset any weaknesses he had, no matter how strong the opponent was all it would take is one touch, and no it wasn't guaranteed, but it might aswell have been.

Ketchup said it the best, every match up was an arms race to get your offense started first, an arms race that Quan would always win cause his offense was best in the game and he could initiate it from any position on screen.