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The Stick Thread


Cock Master!!
thanks rob lol I know which button is which. I just want to re re drill my set up. i fixed it from the frost drilling but I'm still off by a few cm here and there.

I'm not sure if that pix could help me tho but I hope it will. I'm going to hold it over the wood and drill.

Tim Static

Question concerning the AIAB, you can use any KUSTOM art right? Meaning as long as it's not someone's copyright art, so I can use a painting a friend did or one I did myself as long as it's not copyright or any art online that's not copyright, correct?
Any? depends. Copyright? hells no

thanks rob lol I know which button is which. I just want to re re drill my set up. i fixed it from the frost drilling but I'm still off by a few cm here and there.

I'm not sure if that pix could help me tho but I hope it will. I'm going to hold it over the wood and drill.
dude dont do that. get the actual layout for the stick and measure then drill.

Tim Static

Yeah, it was/is kind of hard to play on lol. But I admit, since it has a bubble/cherry top stick(I think they're horrible IMO) it makes it more difficult to play with, give me a baseball bat HAPP any day over the cherry/bubble top...
for goodness sakes, its A BALL TOP.


Question concerning the AIAB, you can use any KUSTOM art right? Meaning as long as it's not someone's copyright art, so I can use a painting a friend did or one I did myself as long as it's not copyright or any art online that's not copyright, correct?
As long as it isnt copyrighted It will probably be ok. I would email Ed first though and ask him about what template and/or resolution he requires.

thanks rob lol I know which button is which. I just want to re re drill my set up. i fixed it from the frost drilling but I'm still off by a few cm here and there.

I'm not sure if that pix could help me tho but I hope it will. I'm going to hold it over the wood and drill.
Oh your looking for measurements. Hmmm I dont know. I would suggest messaging Shock at www.UltimateMK.com and asking him. If anyone knows the actual measurements or has a template you can use, he would.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Thanks guys about the art thing. :) I noticed Phil's art is part of the MK dragon logo, but not the entire icon...slick lol.

for goodness sakes, its A BALL TOP.
lol whatever man, I call it cherry bubble top :p lol Ball top/bubble top, same shit man lol


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
The typical gamer outside of arcade cab buffs don't know what it's called in general, but I've heard it referred before to cherry tops, bubble tops, ball tops...by different people.

I know what it is but I'm just kidding with you guys(guess you can't tell) no biggy lol.

Tim Static

Well i got this back from from Lucky Day tonight, FINALLY :p I sorta lost interest in it and he has a lot on his plate so i was never in a real big hurry to get it back. Which is funny because TvC is eh. lol

but this stick is still pretty good stuff Nick. And BIG PROPS to goldenoreos for the artwork too. sexy stuff.

btw its a Dreamcast & PS2, soon to be Gamecube too, Mad Catz TIM STATIC EDITION TE :coffee:



Yes thank you thank you thank you :)
Dan if you notice the placement of the run button overlaps one of the mounting screws for the stick in the template. This is actually not a big deal. It doesnt actally overlap the screw hole itself but it does overlap the mounting plate of the stick itself a little. I recently changed the stick in one of my AIAB sticks and found all I had to do was saw off a little bit of the corner of the mounting plate and it fit perfectly. The screw hole remains intact.

B W1zZ

Finally got my SE modded with Sanwa OBSF-30's and a JLF-TP-8YT stick with light blue buttons and balltop, thought I'd share it, the buttons and stick feel fantastic compared to the stock:



Looks neat, maybe some artwork under the plexi will enhance the stick.
Yeah originally planned to do so but I was so excited to try it out i got it all put together before I had any art ready. I have some ideas just lost motivation to take it apart for the sake of looking pretty lol.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Nice stick McNasty, it's just different looking at an MK layout with a cherry top stick :O


Nice stick McNasty, it's just different looking at an MK layout with a ball top stick :O
fixed... MKF, please... PLEASE call it by the right name. Feel free to call them whatever you want, however, that's basically giving people a license to mock you mercilessly...

Here you go: http://www.lizardlick.com/Sanwa-35mm-Ball-Tops_c_210.html

all the proof you will ever need to see what they are called... they are called BALL TOPS... and no MK stick should ever have one...LOL