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Question So what is peoples general opinion on the mkxl balance patch?


Why Kano received a 2f overhead is beyond me.
I have to play against Kano day in day out and this one is bringing out the salt in me. What also makes me cranky is that the first hit can also be a low depending how far away Kano is when he triggers the move. It's hard enough conditioning myself to block overhead after playing thousands of matches against the putz without adding in the variability. Even when you do block the OH the distance it sends him is real and makes it really hard to punish with more than a special unless you have a really long-range starter. All this feels like it's accomplished is giving Kano a tool he can safely just pop off in the neutral and... why?


Ermacs b1 nerf a high... The on thing I did not want. But overall nice changes but I feel like Kano and some others in the cast received a unneeded buff also characters who are a lil crazy such as jacqqui are not getting nerfed like have you seen full auto. Also make some of those huge NJP's more punishable


Resolution through knowledge and resolve.
Its still early, but I think they've improved the game.

Looking at it from one character here and there, they've made things less safe - therefore, rewarding players for good blocking.

Once the new characters run through the same wringer all the others have already been through, we should have a very well balanced game.
we have one hundred fucking playable characters in game! thats just wow...to make them all fairly balanced is heavy task especially when nrs make "new" game every few years. I mean look at SF, that game is pretty much the same for how long,25 years?
mkx is awesome game imo and its perfectly normal to have some unbalanced stuff even tho some stuff gets overlooked

NaCl man

Welcome to Akihabara
Overall so far it seems very good. The only thing i find a bit strange is triborg seems to have what was taken from other characters. Up rockets being alot like tremors up rock and the cyrax hard to blockable vortex alot like summoner used to have.


Ready to lose your head?
I'm not going to lie, I didn't expect somebody who thinks jumping is OP to understand the game.

But think before you type.

since you actually are crying about assassin, lets just render your sonicfox moan mute.

So sharpen was fine at 74 f start up ...right crying that they normalized a 74 frame startup .....is that really the mountain you want to stand on?

the buffs aren't as good as they could have been. Lmao you're the only one the only person I've seen complain about her buffs so far.

Just because she dosen't play how I want her to play? right look ,buddy that's not how NRS want her to play ,that's why they changed it.According to your logic they should NEVER buff a character... just nerf jumps.......on Milenna.....
Show me exactly where it even suggest I'm "crying", unless that's the only thing you gather from me pointing out an uncalled for buff. Welcome to TYM, where pointing out anything means you're crying and moaning despite it being backed by facts and the opposer only comes back with opinions.

And FYI, numerous people have put their input on it on private chats and parties since even remotely trying to have a discussion with the Kitana community, example right here, leads to the assumption of bitching and crying.


Meterburn the Meterburn
backed by facts
LMAO, facts you have no understanding of the word.

right so I guess sonicfox did win with assassin because of your fact, and its a fact that kitana didnt need faster frames on her 74, its a fact!!!!

my god you need to think before you type

Im getting to emphatically embarrassed for you to continue, so heres some actual facts you can argue.

kitana assassin needed a few buffs to make her as intended, NRS changed her 74f startup .

Deal with it.


It's too soon to get cocky.
To be fair, the assassin variation was good to use as it was, but the duration of the sharpen was pointless on its own if you didn't want to spend a bar. It seriously only lasted a good 3 seconds, and the startup time was horrendous.

I really only used it against high rush down characters to keep them in check, but it's much better now than it was. It keeps folks out even more now.
I still think they should make block breakers not cost stamina. Should have it where it cost 2 bars, and resets you and your opponent's stamina to zero, regardless of how much stamina you have.


I'm a lover, not a fighter
Don't want to post, but whatever:
Speaking of which, why Kitana received all the buffs that she did is beyond me. The fact that her mains felt she was incomplete before the patch despite Sonic placing and winning numerous times with her, speaks for itself.
The changes to Kitana were reasonable. Kitana's main buff was the Assassin variation which was really not that great. The changes give her 3 very even variations. I personally don't think any one is the best / worst anymore. I think this should be the aim for ALL characters. I would not begrudge her for that and hoped that it would happen for as many characters as possible across the board.

Deleted member 9158

I'm thrilled with the netcode and I like the stamina change for breakers. None of my mains got gimped, and all the new dlc characters are fun to play.

10/10 for me. Can't say the same for Tanya and tremor players though...


Kenshi Srubtastic,Cyrax, Special Forces Mains

There is alot of dirt in this game, and im not about to talking about liu kang or Shinnok or any of the ones i don't Main (u guys can figure out what to do with them) obviously mains of characters should know their weaknesses as well as their strengths

As of now i Main Cyrax and dabble with the other 3 variants.

the only thing i feel is in need of an adjustment is his Endless loops from high net, Low bomb into B2 he shouldn't be able to Reset over and over with it being so "Hard To Block"

his Low bomb into B3D4 HTB is not so HTB wonce you know what to do.... if you simply Hold down till the right time, and release and press right back on down while holding block, it will fuzzy that HTB setup.
and his Low net low bomb B2: is always gonna be Low OH since the timing is so strict, otherwise he will not reset.. but if someone found a way to hit oh first with a 35frame move. then some characters have a great backdash and can actually escape the B2 range, others might be able to jump out. but if they have a very tight setup for it, sadly the only thing that can be done is Armor out.
and its only considered cheap because the reset. which im fine with that leaving off cyrax.

what i porpose is all moves in the game that can have OH/Low's hit at same time or close to same time, have a few buffer frames inbetween each hit.

what this will do is turn a one frame link into a 3-5 frame link, a HTB into a very blockable setup.
and if they try to make them hit at same time it will cancel both into a MID which will defeat the purpose of the Resets and loopable HTB's.

that way all characters with them including:

Cyrax, Cyber Sub Zero, Tekada, Quan Chi, Tremor and all others

will be able to keep the tools and make them hard to read but still be viable while still being very much blockable.

even though me and a few friends can block Cyrax Senanigans doesn't mean the Casuals and majority of the player game base want to deal with tight links like that. so let it be known

A CYRAX - Triborg Main is asking for the buffer change for HTB's and is fine with it.

in turn

i would like

Smoke and Cyrax to have Standing Armorable moves.

Cyrax's Shrapnel Port is a very good wakeup, but has issues with some normals. and isnt always reliable with many situations.

and it seems Smokes EX smoke Forward can be normaled after as well as Grabbed.

i know we all find these new characters to be very strong as of now. but just as we find new tech and dirt in the upcoming days, we will also find ways around their dirt as well.

As for CSZ, he is fine the way he is. i can block those HTB's any day. but he is no doubt a very strong character and with my suggestion the buffer added should make it easier to block those Sky dive into low bomb, oh/low or low/oh

BTW @Alien Substance
i can't wait for the TYM update for the new DLC mood choosers.

Cyrax i bet looks sick, i was also looking forward to that new GGPO one you made :)

Lt. Boxy Angelman

Almost none of the major nerfs make any sense considering there's at least one example amid the new DLC that invalidate them.

As I said in my past thread, it really feels like someone took 100 hits of acid and spiked the MK bloodstream. That being said, I'm having a fucking blast with Leatherface and will continue to do so since I literally can't see a way they could logically or illogically slow the character down that would make him any less amazing, so wherever NRS goes from here, Face and I are in board.

Northern Slasher

Heads or Tails X
Really loved the part of this patch where they bitch slapped Tanya and Tremor. Reading post after post from Sharp and Crusty Clown crying over their character never gets old.