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Strategy "Shazam!" -- Captain Marvel General Discussion Thread

The full lightning strike isn't a hitbox. I also tried this and concluded that the actual hitbox of the move is at Shazam's waist height down to the ground.

3, d2, and b1 make excellent anti airs in different situations and I encourage you to try em out along with other normals and see what results you can get!


We are Many but we didnt make MK11 not one
I need help from some shazam mainers. The F223~2 Achilles Clutch(MB)Herculean Might(MB) B3, 2 Achilles Clutch.I cant seem to connect the Achilles clutch after the 2 to end the combo it keeps whiffing. Idk if Im too early with the 2 or too late. Any advise would be appreciated.
I feel that f+3 and b+3 are really worth spending MB on for armor as Shazam but I'm having a really hard time getting the MB versions of these when playing (online). Anyone had similar issues and/or know anything to do differently to be able to get this out more consistently? Maybe it's just an issue with the games move priority... (I'm playing on stick)

Feel free to let me know if you guys think I should do anything different.
Thanks alot man for posting this set. I don't main Shazam because the difficulties he brings with him but this definitely made me more hype for him. The only thing I felt you could change was the "overuse" of Torpedo. But you got punished like once or twice so I'd assume you'd knock it off yourself when someone punishes you for it consistently. Also no teleports on wakeup? You get added invul so doing it here or there even with the recovery frames is imo worth it.
The recovery on the teleport is rather small so knowing that this is an actual invincible wakeup is great. I thought I was doomed to having to decide low/high throw on wakeup (SFxT King has the same problem, on wakeup if I want a reversal I have to guess how the opponent is going to meaty me. Standing ducking or jumping.)

The non punished torpedoes definitely contributed towards me using that move a lot in the set. If I get punished twice in a row my mid range game changes and instead I do a lot more dash up command throws since they're blocking high. It's all conditioning from that point on so I'll figure out what to do when I get to it. I almost never do torpedo against Aquaman though.

I've added a few more things to my game since then too so I play pretty differently now. Thanks for the tip about wakeup teleport!
I hope you post another set with your new play for us to see soon enough then.
Afaik all specials get a set of invul frames when performed as wakeup/reversal. I'm maining Ares so I'm using teleport on wakeup quite a bit myself though as escape tool, especially at the corner Shazam has alot better. But doing dbf1 as wakeup to get invul frames to put them in the corner is also tempting! Especially if you have stage transition so dbf1 MB, b+3 should be 30%+ I guess. If you don't wanna go for 112 loop in the corner instead.


Shazam is so good in the corner. His transition combos hurt so good and do more than 50% with trait it's like more than 70%. It brings a tear to my eye. ;o;


[05] Battler
Ambiguous cross-up with Psycho Crusher:

I accidentally said B3 in the video when I meant B2.
As mentioned in the video, it'll probably better after a hard knockdown setup, but you get the point lol.

EDIT: It actually crosses up the roll if you do psycho crusher instantly after teleporting

EDIT2: also crosses the roll after f12 & f223
Shazam's wake-up game seems completely free to jump-ins. The only special that has wake-up invuln until the active frames is his dbf1. Both teleports, db1, and bf2 can all be stuffed and db2 doesn't seem to have any invuln at all. A well-timed jump-in can handle all his wake-up attacks. Best option for dealing with it seems to be backdash.

Side note: Why is the wake-up input window so small in this game? :(

EDIT: His backdash can get stuffed, too. :( There seem to be ways to get away if the opponent's jump-in isn't timed/spaced well but if they do it right the only option is to block or dbf1 forward (punishable after it whiffs).

EDIT2: Testing some more, maybe it's more the backdash timing than anything that's causing it to get stuffed sometimes. Forward dash seems like another viable option against some jump-ins.


I played a lot with Shazam in casuals at civil war and it definitely seemed like teleport on wakeup was viable vs jump ins because of the initial invul frames but it may have been the fault of my opponent. Also, the dbf1 vortex worked ridiculously well when i got better with the timing once the weekend went on. Like Heroic was saying, the opponent is forced to guess on wake up and you get free punishes every single time. I feel like it eats characters like Green Lantern alive since because GL's wakeup game seems pretty bad so far. All he can really do is his lift attack or get grabbed. I also got a lot of success from ending a bnb in f1, 2, trait near the corner then mb f3 into the 112 loop.

Edit: To add to this, midrange I was able to mix up some people using Shazam's projectile conditioning them to duck it by throwing two and instead of a 3rd I would do psycho crusher since its overhead and that worked pretty well.

One last thing, jumping vs grundy and doomsday is almost not viable at all. Their AA grab can snatch even cross-ups out of the air which is pretty ridiculous. B2 can be AA grabbed as well. Another thing about fighting doomsday is when he goes into trait, you can just keep crouch jabbing him and there isn't much else he can do since it comes out so fast. Not too sure how reliable that may be but its worth testing.


Proud owner of the briefcase hitbox
112>Advancing mercury>corpse hop for reversed wake up or torpedo for crossup.
On that note 112~dbf1 into forward teleport will sometimes switch sides with the opponent. Haven't tested it too much but it definitely looks promising
Hey guys, so I have some Shazam tech that I'm filming right now and it should be up in the next hour. It's really good stuff your gonna wanna incorporate into your game. Ill be back =)
alright sooo theyre uploading, I have setups for Non-Rollers and Anti-Rollers so that you can cover all bases, they're still uploading so yeahhh, Sorry for the camera quality, potato ass Iphone camera with no one to hold it for me haha...Ill keep updating this post though.

F223 Setup

F223 setup anti-roll (Setup itself) Upload of the anti roll application coming very very soon.

F223 anti roll setup Application <<< I do the setup here

Vids are still processing, Ill organize them when they're all done but yeah save this vid for last so you understand whats going on.



Proud owner of the briefcase hitbox
First vid was interesting. Though i fear that once the opponent gets familiar with this they can tell which way to block

I've known about the corner cross in thing for a day or two now. It's vulnerable to wakeups =[

Good shit nonetheless!
First vid was interesting. Though i fear that once the opponent gets familiar with this they can tell which way to block

I've known about the corner cross in thing for a day or two now. It's vulnerable to wakeups =[

Good shit nonetheless!
yeahh i just added an alternative one just in case they catch on. check it out =)

and at least you get free meaty pressure, so thats always a plus


Proud owner of the briefcase hitbox
yeahh i just added an alternative one just in case they catch on. check it out =)

and at least you get free meaty pressure, so thats always a plus
Definitely. To be honest i'm thinking shazam may be top tier. He's dirtier than skrillex on ketamine


alright sooo theyre uploading, I have setups for Non-Rollers and Anti-Rollers so that you can cover all bases, they're still uploading so yeahhh, Sorry for the camera quality, potato ass Iphone camera with no one to hold it for me haha...Ill keep updating this post though.

F223 Setup

F223 setup anti-roll (Setup itself) Upload of the anti roll application coming very very soon.

F223 anti roll setup Application <<< I do the setup here

Vids are still processing, Ill organize them when they're all done but yeah save this vid for last so you understand whats going on.

Excellent work imo, this brings more pressure options the opponent has to worry about and allows you to better control the match with shazam. Again, Excellent job man, I definitely learned something new and thanks!


Oh man I am loving this tech in the corner. You can probably kill someone off of one reset like this.