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Combo List - Ermac MKX Ermac Combos Thread

Is there anything you can do to mediate the risk of opening a combo with F4? It's a nice overhead but if you can't cancel into anything that's potentially safe then it doesn't seem worth the risk.

MoS, best i've found after EX teleport:

ex-tp > bf2 > jip > f21d2 > f4 ..... 30%
I'm not at my PS4 to test but I think you can do something like

EX DF4, BF2, BF1, F21D2, JIK, DF4, F3, DB1

For a bit more, not sure how much but I can get around 40% meterless with similar combos.
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Head Cage
@Metzos or @zaf You should update the op with the aa combos for mystic variation.

. 1, f21d2, jikxxTelepunch, b12xxTelehold=24%+10% fall damage
. 4, Telehover, njp f21d2, telehold= 22%
. 4, EX Telehold, f21d2, telehold= 20%+10% fall damage
. d1, f212, jikxxTelepunch, b12xxTelehold=24%+10% fall damage


Head Cage
I've been really comfortable with Mystic so far, I'll try the MoS see how that goes. B/c when I use another variation and do the Tele lift, he goes up and immediately goes back down, i'm like no, no, keep that bitch up there.
I enjoy mystic too. MoS is a lot of fun though!


I agree with you. It seems meter combos cant add much more dmg , thats why with almost every char im looking for the best meterless combos. It seems the meter combos are just there for make your combos easier to execute or to look more cool. ( dont misunderstand me, ofc meter combos could be useful ,depends what char you use. for example some chars have specific juggle moves that require meter, or situations like you have to use them as a starters for abare/risk situations) But yeah from my ermac exp for the time being i havent found any meter combo worth to mention.
Agreed, and people should stop posting combos that start with f21d2 that do less than 37% and/or use meter to do less damage as well.


About the ex moves and the damage they add to combos... In Mystic they add something like 4-5-6% to combos.
I think its a good amount especially if you consider how fast Ermac can build meter.

Here also a few more meterless combos for Mystic after tps and jiks

jik, teleport, f21d2, run cancel 222 lift 35%
jik, teleport, 34 lift 29%
jik, teleport, b12, 222, lift 31%
(i know... its the same combo with different enders :) )

air teleport, f21d2, run cancel, 222 lift 30% (works out of levitate)

ex teleport, run cancel, f21d2, run cancel, 222 lift 35%
ex teleport, jik, teleport, f4, lift 32%

ex air teleport, f21d2, runcancel 222 lift, 33% (works out of levitate)
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Reactions: zaf
This combo VFELLHN mentioned seems to completely trivialize any meter combo below 37%, I personally do:

f21d2 > f4 xx > bf2 > dash > bf1 > nj2 > j3 xx > db4 > f4, 3 (37% meterless)
or low start:
b3 xx > bf2 > dash > bf1 > nj2 > j3 xx > db4 > f4, 3 (meterless)

So where are the EX combos that out-damage the meterless combos for Ermac?
I think based on the combo you posted you could replace the f4, 3 with something like F3, EX DB1, D2. You might actually be able to do F3, EX DB1, JI3, DB4, D2, might even be worthwhile, but I found hitting an uppercut right after in-air teleport quite difficult sometimes.

You can use meter to extend most of Ermac's meterless combos in one way or another, but its only a few percent extra, scaling hits things pretty hard by that point so it's not really that viable. Better to save meter for breakers I think.


@Addicttion it sure would be cool to have a projectile in Mystic. But honestly i dont find he needs one. If it were only for the projectile itself i would trade it in a heartbeat for the lift (the one with hangtime :) ). I Agree on the reset/vortex thing with the Soul Ball though. They are pretty cool. Still there is a higher risk to them. Also the Ability for Mystic Mac to end in lift is a thing you cant disregard as well as his meter steal armored push.

Vanish is cool but it also has its risks as it can be punished when he reappears. Also one might argue that regular lift is useless in this Variation.

I disagree on the combos. They both have several mid 30 to 40 combo option - meterless. (in the OP some combos that are mentioned in the MoS section are actually for Mystic & they are more in this thread itself)

P.S. Dont get me wrong - i am not arguing on which one is better. You just made it sound that MoS is that much superior which in my oppinion its not.
Push and lift being the same range instantly turned me off to Mystic. If Mystic was closer to 9 I would be playing it regardless of what mos has, but since mos has way more tools and options, I feel like mos is way more useful in a real match. If I mixup and go into ball, im minus, but not as much as mystic. ill take -22 over -50. not to mention the mystic mixup is weaker in damage than mos without using meter.
Reactions: zaf
So, I've been labbing with Ermac in general, don't know if this has been found out but. His F21D2 string is great, 0 on block. Except for the fact that it's punishable between the 1 and D2 by EX moves with less that 15 frames of startup I believe, which is a lot. However, if you're not sure your opponent is going to block, you can always just do F2D2, gives you a little less damage, but good safety. So unless your opponent does not have the knowledge of the gap, or doesn't have EX meter, F2D2 is the safer route.
So, I've been labbing with Ermac in general, don't know if this has been found out but. His F21D2 string is great, 0 on block. Except for the fact that it's punishable between the 1 and D2 by EX moves with less that 15 frames of startup I believe, which is a lot. However, if you're not sure your opponent is going to block, you can always just do F2D2, gives you a little less damage, but good safety. So unless your opponent does not have the knowledge of the gap, or doesn't have EX meter, F2D2 is the safer route.
Yeah it's amazing, especially as you don't directly cancel DF2 from it, but rather, wait until their up in the air. It makes it an extraordinarily safe confirm.

Also your opponent having knowledge of the gap in this context is double sided, as if you think they're going to mash out EX's to bait out and punish with a full combo.


I can understand your reasoning & as said i agree on the vortex matter.
Mix-up dmg in Mystic without meter is 30+%, not that much less than MoS.
Anyways - pointless to keep argueing about this for now :) MoS is ofc more pressureing than Mystic.

For the record... -22 will still get punished. Also in Mystic you generally shouldnt cancel into lift.


Head Cage
Push and lift being the same range instantly turned me off to Mystic. If Mystic was closer to 9 I would be playing it regardless of what mos has, but since mos has way more tools and options, I feel like mos is way more useful in a real match. If I mixup and go into ball, im minus, but not as much as mystic. ill take -22 over -50. not to mention the mystic mixup is weaker in damage than mos without using meter.
I don't know about that. 40% meterless in mystic is pretty nice.


Just to confirm, you can't follow up anything to naked TP right? I mean naked in a sense that you start a combo with barless TP.


I was surprised by how much more difficult MKX Ermac is to get high damage with. That's not to say tah he doesn't have access to a lot of high damage combos, but the execution is more technical than it was in MK9.

Apart from the hanging lift, the only small reason I can see for using Mystic is the EX force push to annoy your opponent and drain their meter. It isn't much meter drain but it feels great to take away someone's breaker and with instant air blast exploits your meter is slightly more disposable.

Still, Master of Souls seems to be objectively better. I don't know dick about Spectral yet because flying all over the screen unable to block sounds about as appealing as eating bees and thumb tacs.


Makes women fap
I think for the mystic variation using meter early is your best bet for high damage combos. Wherever youd use telehang, do the ex version instead. You continue the combo and finish with regular hang for that extra 10%. buts seeing as metzos said that corner extkp can lead to combos, we could be missing a viable asskicking tool


ex tp leads midscreen into combos as well so makes sense that it does so in corners as well. havent checked it in corners yet though.
The BNB damage is the same, but going off f4/b3 in Mystic will mean you NEED to spend a bar to get damage or only do like 25ish, while in MoS i get 35%+ no matter what the situation is. Also Mystic lift ending is cool, nice meter build, but you lose the setup that MoS gives easily, like B12 or F43 wakeup pressure. With 0 bars MoS can end the game in 3 mixups, can Mystic?


I don't know, I find MoS both to be both really high damaging (while requiring 0 bars) and relatively easy to pull off. The worst one seems to be Spectral.


Mystic can do 30% after a b3 and 32% after a f4. Meterless.

So to answer your questions... yes Mystic can end the game in 3 combos/mixups.
Further your b3/f4 are as punishable in MoS as in Mystic. Actually if you cancel into SoulBall as mentioned above you´d be more negative as someone in Mystic.
Cancelling a string into lift is suicide.

And again... i agree on the pressure part cuz of the standing reset/ vortex. Leaving them standing also means no wake-up. Its nice.
In Mystic i have options as well though. I can pressure them, bait out a wake-up, build meter, create space between us, ex throw them and what not.
Just cuz MoS seems to be more aggressive doesnt mean its miles better.

Only reason i would say MoS is overall maybe slightly better atm is cuz push is unsafe & so far its all going ham on peoples.

Anyways to each is own. I like both and i dont see one to be much superior to the other atm. Just my oppinion though.