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Combo List - Ermac MKX Ermac Combos Thread


f21d2 is 0 on block the only problem is the gap for armor, f212 has no gap and is -1 on block
This is a useful point you've made that might get overlooked. If players understand how to punish f+2,1,d+2, you can use the f+2,1,2 to keep them honest... it's like a never ending guessing game w/ Ermac but you want to keep it in your favor as much as possible.


The D1 needs to be hit almost immediately after the teleport.
You can press D1 pretty much as soon as he completes the teleport and lands. I had some troubles too at first, but this is because I was doing the D1 waaaaaay too late. I started to speed up the timing and press D1 as soon as he lands and this is 100% consistent for me now.


Also for people having trouble with D1~ Soul ball after a teleport.

In MK9, to end combos after a double teleport, you could go for a D1~TKP
back in Mk9, to do this I would just tap D1 and slide my thumb from back to forward and press 1 and the push would come out.

The timing in MKX is more much strict and this will not work for the most part.

What I am doing now to consistently Hit d1~soul ball is : I press D1 Back forwards 1.
I literally enter all of the required inputs. No issues and it always comes out.
Actually I just figured out after playing some practice (I can land it better now), that you can also combo in to his FwD4 from a teleport!
The frames are tight but this actually works out quite nicely for me.

I've only seen people combo his Fwd,2,1,Down,2 in to Forward 4, so I never thought it would actually hit from a teleport, but it appears it actually does.
I'm sure this has been figured out already and is in several videos that I missed but it's something new to me at least.

It also works from a standing teleport but it's much tighter I suppose.
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I've been learning some of the basic combos I would assume netting 18% damage at most using mystic. I know more can be done but I'm having trouble actually knowing what to go into next. The combo I'm using ( this may be wrong as I'm not looking at ps4 controller ) jip 1 1 db1, j3 db4 db1 and that's it. I hope that combo makes sense.

Edit. I can also start that same combo with f2, 1, d2 but that's all my basic skills will allow me to do at this time.


Head Cage
I really only see Mystic making more meter then MoS when you land a hit.
You get to make the meter off the instant air soul blasts, but like I mentioned it is only when you can actually land a hit.
Other then that, I think they make meter more or less at the same rate no ?
So the trade off becomes "At the end of my combo, do I want to make meter or do I want to go for a 50/50"

In MK9 Ermac force push was -17. It used to have push back but it was nerfed and he lost it. In this game it is not the same tool that it used to be.
I was Referring to making more meter when you land a hit, but yes, they do make close to the same meter if they don't land the hit. You make a good point. It should be the same honestly. Kano's knife throw comes out in 11 frames, has +11 frames on hit which lands you a free knife your opponent has to respect or they eat it, and on block is -11 which isn't bad. Quan's zoning abilities are great too and so are Kitana's, so why limit the game to a few zoners when they all can be good? I'm just trying to be hopeful is all. A lot of variations seem promising so far, would like a majority of them to be promising. Options all day.


Actually I just figured out after playing some practice (I can land it better now), that you can also combo in to his FwD4 from a teleport!
The frames are tight but this actually works out quite nicely for me.
I've only seen people combo his Fwd,2,1,Down,2 in to Forward 4, so I never thought it would actually hit from a teleport, but it appears it actually does.
I'm sure this has been figured out already and is in several videos that I missed but it's something new to me at least.
It also works from a standing teleport but it's much tighter I suppose.
What do you mean by FwD4 from a teleport ?

I've been learning some of the basic combos I would assume netting 18% damage at most using mystic. I know more can be done but I'm having trouble actually knowing what to go into next. The combo I'm using ( this may be wrong as I'm not looking at ps4 controller ) jip 1 1 db1, j3 db4 db1 and that's it. I hope that combo makes sense.

Edit. I can also start that same combo with f2, 1, d2 but that's all my basic skills will allow me to do at this time.
Check out the main post of this thread for a list of combos!
Your combo makes sense, but it is lacking.

I was Referring to making more meter when you land a hit, but yes, they do make close to the same meter if they don't land the hit. You make a good point. It should be the same honestly. Kano's knife throw comes out in 11 frames, has +11 frames on hit which lands you a free knife your opponent has to respect or they eat it, and on block is -11 which isn't bad. Quan's zoning abilities are great too and so are Kitana's, so why limit the game to a few zoners when they all can be good? I'm just trying to be hopeful is all. A lot of variations seem promising so far, would like a majority of them to be promising. Options all day.
Yea I figured that is what you meant.
Well I also feel if ermac mystic zoning was "better" it might be too good.
Imagine if the push, with the range that is has was only -12 to -17 on block. It would be so hard to get in on ermac with his d1, his d3, his teleport.

If you time his teleport when someone runs, you teleport to where they used to be. You can use this to avoid aggressive players.

His levitate is super solid this time around. I think more people need to start to use this more as a "zoning tool"
It can be blocked if the opponent just sits there blocking low. But If they want to do that, either you just sit there making all the free meter you want or run in on them when they do not expect this.


Head Cage
Yea I figured that is what you meant.
Well I also feel if ermac mystic zoning was "better" it might be too good.
Imagine if the push, with the range that is has was only -12 to -17 on block. It would be so hard to get in on ermac with his d1, his d3, his teleport.

If you time his teleport when someone runs, you teleport to where they used to be. You can use this to avoid aggressive players.

His levitate is super solid this time around. I think more people need to start to use this more as a "zoning tool"
It can be blocked if the opponent just sits there blocking low. But If they want to do that, either you just sit there making all the free meter you want or run in on them when they do not expect this.
Grandmaster Sub-Zero Haha.

In all seriousness, I understand; however, I'd rather have it be really good than be pretty ehh. It's a personal gripe of mine. That's a good way to avoid rush down and how would you use his levitate as a zoning tool? I'm new to Ermac and you obviously have experience with hi. More than anyone on here.


Grandmaster Sub-Zero Haha.

In all seriousness, I understand; however, I'd rather have it be really good than be pretty ehh. It's a personal gripe of mine. That's a good way to avoid rush down and how would you use his levitate as a zoning tool? I'm new to Ermac and you obviously have experience with hi. More than anyone on here.
Just walk backwards or run away and just use levitate. Watch @N1k0lasss play people at GGA on youtube


Makes women fap
You have a lot of options from the levitate as ermac. The ground pount is 8% unless they block low, jump or armor through it. You can cancel it or You can teleport/forceblast.

I personally use it at full screen just trying to bide some time and figure my opponent out. I also use it after the drop in telehang. After that 10% drop a lot of people try to jump out or roll when they see you in the air. If you do it a few frames after they drop you getbget that extra 8% tacked onto the 10 from hang.
Reactions: zaf


So this is a combo I will never use. Here is why.

- F4 ~ teleport F4~soul ball = 18%
- F4 ~teleport d1~soul ball = 20%

the scaling is bad from this. It is also a lot harder to hit. I def would not recommend to use this.
Yeah you are right, and even if the damage was higher, the difficulty would not justify it.


I made a Mystic combo list for myself and though there can be no harm in posting it here.

F21D2 Starter

jip, f21d2, jik teleport, b12, 222 lift (40%) ------- ending can be replaced by b12 f4/ 222/ f4 for 39%/38%/37%
jip, f21d2, run cancel b12, b12, 222 lift (38%) ---- 222 can be replaced by f4 for 36%
jip, f21d2, run cancel b12, b12xxteleport, d1 lift (36%)
1 Bar
jip, f21d2, jik, teleport, b12, 222 ex-lift, 22 lift (43%) ---- mid can be replaced by b12 f4/ 222/ f4 for 42%/42%/41%
jip, f21d2, run cancel b12, b12, 222 exlift, b12 lift (42%) ---- 222 can be replaced by f4 for 41%
jip, f21d2, run cancel b12, b12xxteleport, d1 ex lift, b12 lift (40%)

222 Starter (222 teleport whiffs on small hitbox character)

jip, 222 teleport, d1 lift, NJP, f21d2, run cancel 2 push (32%) ---- just push after f21d2 is 31%
jip, 222 lift, NJP, jik, f4 push (29%)
jip, 222 lift, NJP, f21d2, f4 push (26%)
1 Bar
jip, 222 teleport, d1 ex lift, f21d2, run cancel 22 lift (40%)
jip, 222 ex lift, f21d2, run cancel 222 lift (37%)

114 Starter

jip, 114, f4 teleport, d1 lift, f21d2 (whiff f21) run cancel uppercut, push 33%
jip, 114, f4, teleport, d1 lift (32%)
jip, 114, f4 lift, (27%)
1 Bar
jip, 114, f4 teleport, d1 ex lift, f21d2, run cancel 22 lift (41%)
jip, 114, f4 exlift, f21d2, runcancel 4 lift (39%)
jip, 114 exlift, b12 222 lift (33%)

34 Starter

jip, 34 lift, f21d2 (whiff f21), run cancel uppercut push (29%)
jip, 34 lift, f21d2, runcancel f4 push (29%)
jip, 34 lift, njp, jik, teleport, f4 push (28%)
1 Bar
jip, 34 ex lift, f21d2, run cancel 222 lift 38%

F4 Starter

jip, f4 teleport, d1 lift, NJP, f21d2, run cancel 22 push (33%) ---- 22 push can be replaced by upercut for (33%)
jip, f4 teleport, d1 lift, f21d2 (whiff f21), run cancel uppercut push (33%)
1 Bar
jip, f4 teleport, d1 ex lift, f21d2, run cancel 4 lift (41%) ---- 4 can be replaced by f4/ 22/ b12 for 41%/39%/39%
jip, f4 teleport, d1 ex lift, b12 f4 lift (37%)

B3 Starter

jip, b3 teleport, d1 lift, NJP, f21d2, run cancel 22 push (31%) --- 22 can be replaced by uppercuz for (31%)
jip, b3 teleport, d1 lift, f21d2 (whiff f21), run cancel uppercut, push (31%)
1 Bar
jip, b3 teleport, d1 ex lift, f21d2, run cancel 4 lift (39%) ---- 4 can be replaced by f4/ 22/ b12 for 39%/37%/37%
jip, b3 teleport, d1 ex lift, b12 f4 lift (35%)

JIK Starter

jik, teleport, f21d2, runcancel 222 lift (35%)
jik, teleport, b12 222 lift (31%)
1 Bar
jik, teleport, f21d2, run cancel 222 ex lift, b12 lift (39%) --- 222 can be replaced by f4 for 38%
jik, teleport, b12, 222 ex lift, b12 lift (36%)
jik, teleport, b12, f4 ex lift, f4 lift (36%)

Standing Teleport

teleport, d1 lift, f21d2 (whiff f21), run cancel uppercut, push (25%)
teleport, d1 lift, f21d2, njp, run cancel 22 push (25%) --- 22 push can be replaced by uppercut for 25%
teleport, d1 lift, njp, b12 222 lift (23%)
1 Bar
teleport, d1 ex lift, f21d2, runcancel f4 lift (33%)
teleport, d1 lift, njp, f21d2, run cancel f4 ex lift 22 push (28%)

Air Teleport
(work out of hover)

air teleport, f21d2, run cancel 222 lift (30%) ---- 222 can be replaced by f4 for 29%
air teleport, b12 222 lift, f21d2 (whiff f21), run cancel uppercut, push (29%)
air teleport, b12 222 lift (26%)
1 Bar
air teleport, b12, f4 ex lift, f21d2, run cancel 4 lift (36%)
air teleport, f21d2, run cancel, b12 f4 ex lift, 4 lift (36%)
air teleport, f12d2, run cancel, 222 ex lift, 22 lift (35%)

Standing EX Teleport

(ex teleport, run cancel f21d2, 222 lift 35% --- was sure i hit this a few times but today i was able to do it....)
ex teleport, run cancel f21d2, 4 lift (33%) --- 4 can be replaces by 22 for 32%
ex teleport, run cancel b12 f4 lift (29%)
ex teleport, run cancel 222 lift (27%)
2 Bars
ex teleport, run cancel f21d2, 22 ex lift, 22 lift (37%)
ex teleport, run cancel, b12, f4 (35%)
ex teleport, run cancel 222 ex lift, 22 lift (33%)

Air EX Teleport

ex teleport, f21d2, run cancel b12, f4 lift (34%) ---- b12 f4 can be replaced by 222/ f4 for 33%/32%
ex teleport, b12, b12, f4 lift (30%)
ex teleport, b12 222 lft (29%) ---- 222 can be replaced by b12 b12 for 29%
2 Bars
ex teleport, f21d2, run cancel, b12, f4 exlift, 22 lift (39%)
ex teleport, b12, f21d2 ex lift, 22 lift (35%)

Naked Lift

lift, njp, jik, teleport, f21d2, runcancel 4 push (24%) --- 4 can be replaced by 22 for 23%
lift, njp, jik, b12 f4 push (22%)
1 Bar
couldnt find anything that adds more than 2% to the meterless

Neutral Jump Punch

njp, jik, teleport, f21d2, run cancel, f4 lift (35%) ---- f4 can be replaced by 22 for 34%
njp, jik, teleport, b12 222 lift (33%) ---- 222 can be replaced by f4 for 32%
njp, b12, f21d2, runcancel f4 lift (33%)
njp, b12, b12 222 lift (31%)
1 Bar
njp, jik, teleport, f21d2, run cancel 22 ex lift, 22 lift (38%) ---- first 22 can be replaced by f4 for 38%
njp, b12, f21d2, runcancel f4 ex lift, 22 lift (38%)
njp, jik, teleport, b12, 222, ex lift, 22 lift (36%)
njp, b12, b12, 222 ex lift, 22 lift (35%)

AA´s (out of d1 and 1 you can do the same combos)

Uppercut, lift, njp f21d2, run cancel f4 push (29%)
Uppercut, lift, njp, jik, teleport, b12 push (27%)
4 teleport, d1 lift, njp, f21d2 push (29%)
4 lift, njp, f21d2, run canel 22 push (27%)
1/d1 f21d2, jik, teleport, b12 lift (34%)
1/d1 f21d2, run cancel 222 lift (30%)
1/d1 b12 b12 222 lift (28%)
1 Bar
Uppercut, ex lift, f21d2, run cancel, 222 lift (37%) ---- 222 can be replaced by f4 for 36%
4 teleport, d1 ex lift,, f21d2, run cancel 22 lift (37%)
4 ex lift, f21d2, run cancel, f4 lift (35%)
1/d1, f21d2, jik, teleport, b12 ex lift, b12 lift (38%)
1/d1, f21d2 run cancel 222 ex lift, b12 lift (35%)
1, b12 b12 222 ex lift, b12 lift (34%)


jip, f21d2, njp, uppercut b12 222 lift (44%) ---- after uppercut its reversed input; without b12 its 42%
jip, f21d2, njp, teleport, b12, f4 lift (41%)
jip 114, b12, f21d2, njp, d1 lift (37%)
1 Bar
jip, f21d2, njp, uppercut, b12, 222 exlift 22 lift (46%) ---- after uppercut its reversed input; without b12 its 45%
jip, f21d2, njp, teleport, b12, f4 lift (44%)
jip, f21d2, njp, uppercut, ex lift, 222 lift (43%)
jip 114, b12, f21d2, njp, d1 ex lift, 22 lift (41%)
jip 222, Soul Blast up, d1 ex lift, f21d2, 22 lift (41%)
Out of corner
ex teleport, f21d2, njp, uppercut lift 38% ---- gets you out of corner and puts enemy in
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So, guys, apparently they patched the unscaled 10% falloff damage from the Lift for Mystic today. It now does 8.50% base damage and it also scales as it is counted as a hit in the combo, kinda sucks for Mystic players like myself. No biggie though, MoS is still pretty good for me.


『T R I G G E R E D』
So, guys, apparently they patched the unscaled 10% falloff damage from the Lift for Mystic today. It now does 8.50% base damage and it also scales as it is counted as a hit in the combo, kinda sucks for Mystic players like myself. No biggie though, MoS is still pretty good for me.
really? mine still gives 10%


It's 10% unscaled still.

I'm worried if they're planning to patch it though. It's not broken at all, and the reason I play Mystic over MoS. MoS is nice and all but Hang is literally the sickest move in the game.


Are any of you guys on PS4 though? It seemed like the patch mentioned PS4 only fixes, so the change could have been sneaked through a PS4 only patch only to happen to the other versions later. My game is definitely different though, the Lift falloff counts as a hit, and scales according to the combo. (the falloff did 4.03% on F21D2 JiKxxDB4 222xxdb1). I can post a video if you guys want.


Here's the video of it in the meterless and by itself:

And here's a link to a screenshot of the notes for the patch that came out today (which doesn't mention changes to any characters, but there were changes to balance last patch and it didn't mention neither, so it doesn't matter):

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Yea i play on ps4 but here its still patch 1.02 - you are on 1.03.
Hope its just something they broke lol... they should have patched the telepush not breaking something that was fine :(

8,5% instead of 10% wouldnt be to big of an issue, the scaling though... it looks really sad...
That combo in your video does 38% for me. That cant be right... they must have messed up - wanted to fix spectral and broke Mystic more
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