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Strategy - Reptile Low Dmg output


Why? What does the addition really do? Yeah mixing up ins trings between Slide or EX Claw would be nice I guess but in the long run it's a pretty low impact change. Adding more damage here & there for Reptile would have big impact because he has a good way of picking up damage in spots due to his good footsies.


I think you can't make ex swipe overhead because you'll have a situation like this one:
b3, ex swipe, OS
low starter into armored overhead OS cancelable it's too much for any character :)
Agreed, it probably wouldn't be unfair, but would you rather have EX Klaw Swipe as an Overhead, or a 5% buff (or make it so it doesn't scale as hard) to his F211+3 string? There's not a wrong answer there, so if you prefer the buff, fair enough. I just feel that the added OH would help Reptile much more.
I mean personally I hit so many people with Ex Klaw without it being an OH. I would prefer he just got a general buff on damage. He would be alot more deadly. But honestly I think they should also shave some start up on Force Ball as well.


Overhead or no overhead, if either version of Klaw Swipe were safe on block, that could be worth so much more than damage. Combined with any sort of Forceball buff it could mean slightly better meter build and more ways in which to use it. If Forceballs improved to the point that they could be used in more meterless combos, so much the better.