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Breakthrough - Kenshi Kenshi Changes apparently 2-1-16 *post any I miss*


Stand 4'ing airplanes out of the sky
It remains to be seen whether the changes to Kenshi are worth-while, but who knows. If the changes are as noteworthy as The Fox says then perhaps there's hope.

Also how much extra damage on Possessed specials are we talking? BF2 7% likely, but any others/


Damn vro, hadda mess with yo auntie
The Possessed whiff issues are still not fixed. BF3 Still whiffs when people run at you. I do like these buffs but I don't think he's that good, yet. If they gave Possessed better Meterless damage, fixed the whiffs then that variation could do fine.

Balanced needs his whiff recovery on BF3 improved and his overhead to be slightly faster (did it's hit advantage change?)

Kenjutsu needs to recapture with EX DF1 and make 322 more useful. Maybe make it like cage F244 where F24 gives a combo and you hitconfirm it to F244 and be safe. Make 32 launch and 322 safe. That way you not only have a good mid starter, but a hitconfirmable mid that can get you decent meterless damage. The 322 buff isn't necessary but would help imo. And his damage scaling on DB1 and EX DB1 need to be fixed if they haven't already.

If the parry properties on Kenshi's reflect give him a damage buff like Kotal's, that's super good. I like these buffs but it doesn't make Kenshi good yet. I'd with these buffs in the beta, change a few more things and he'd probably be set.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
B1 being 13 frames and better recovery is big imo.
7f d1 will only realy help kenjutsu
F21 is a great string at -1 but why f2 when you have b1

Parry is a decent tool for gaps and balanced since you recover immeadiately for a bf3

Kenjutsus combos are much improves thanks to b1 and d1 111 db1 d1 111 teleslam is super viable now.

Possessed pressure got slightly better with teleport being able to go into j1 421 and b1 teleport are his best strings for cancel advantage and now you have a restand but its not worth it too meter heavy

Balanced is still ass imo but parry does help.

@Pig Of The Hut paulo did says frames arent updated so maybe theres hope for balanced. Lol not...
B1 is his best buff

It fixes all kenjutsu combo issues on females and all others

The BNB now is b3/f2 db1 d1 b1 ex db4 ji2 43 bf3

Kenjutsu run game is way better now

Run xx b1, run in throw, run in push. Ect

I completely agree w f21 vs b1

The best answer I have is f21 creates stagger pressure for possessed and balanced

Also kenjutsu b2 seems completely safe now against reptile ex slide


They see me zonin', they hatin'
I was watching Reo playing balanced and It looks like balanced's tools are faster. Overhead slice seems to have faster start-up, tele-flurry seems to have faster recovery and shoulder charge seems to have faster start-up or recovery :D

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Is it true that 32 string moves faster? It looked like it moved faster from watching Reo's stream. Stand 3 can make some crouching moves whiff and 2 looked like it could counter attack a crouching attack with how much faster it looked.
322 is DEFINITELY faster
It's weird now idk why it looks weirdly fast but definitely makes kenshi look faster

I'm a big fan of 322 because of standing 3 so this is nice


11 11 11 11
I might be crazy, but I swear the recovery on Possessed's DB4 is faster. I could be wrong though. I didn't play too much Possessed before the beta.


B1 is his best buff

It fixes all kenjutsu combo issues on females and all others

The BNB now is b3/f2 db1 d1 b1 ex db4 ji2 43 bf3

Kenjutsu run game is way better now

Run xx b1, run in throw, run in push. Ect

I completely agree w f21 vs b1

The best answer I have is f21 creates stagger pressure for possessed and balanced

Also kenjutsu b2 seems completely safe now against reptile ex slide
Wait... B1 is now fast enough that you can fix DB1 issues? You made me feel complete now.

And B2 isn't suicidal anymore? Don't play with my feelings please.

3 questions if I may:

Does Kenjutsu have the new properties on parry?

Are the heavy double damage penalties gones?

Do you think there is any use for Kenjutsu to meterburn 22 or having Ex Hold plis the ability to change sides with tele finisher outclasses it?


Official Loop Kang Main
Pretty disappointed about balanced, 0 changes in his main specials...:/
The new combos with f2 give more usage to this surprise attack, but still...
And the 22 should have given plus frames free, not paying a bar.

"Ex df1 doesn't recapture " Really nrs...? Come on...

Let's have hope, this is probably not the Kenshi we will see in march. Some pretty reliable voices said, for example, that A-list is going to be nerfed, and he is untouched in the beta, so...this might be pre-buffs.
Nrs said as time goes on they will implement nerfs/buffs. For example, lius mb fly kick was reduced to +1, now f213 cancel advantage was reduced. Characters are still changing. Paulo said this kp2 will be the LAST patch we receive so expect a lot more. Said all we MAY get after that are little updates for bug fixes. Hope for kenshi may still be there lol


Stay focused or get Caged
Wait... B1 is now fast enough that you can fix DB1 issues? You made me feel complete now.

And B2 isn't suicidal anymore? Don't play with my feelings please.

3 questions if I may:

Does Kenjutsu have the new properties on parry?

Are the heavy double damage penalties gones?

Do you think there is any use for Kenjutsu to meterburn 22 or having Ex Hold plis the ability to change sides with tele finisher outclasses it?
I have to admit I'm excited about these buffs.

I just tested kenjutsu and he feels waaay better. Full consistent combos, and the new bnb Pig pointed out rocks. No more whiffing d1s after db1.
The parry seems also to combo with db1 as in balanced, which is very cool. Now people has to fear something when pressuring Kenshi :)

I think 22 meterburn is very useful to kenjutsu too for his corner vortex. Before, it relied on back throw meterburn, which could be teched. 22 meterburn is guaranteed sideswitch and plus frames into reset.


I know this has nothing to do with Sub Zero, but Kenshi now has a parry that leads to a full combo that also functions as a reflect with 24 frames of whiff recovery while Unbreakable Sub Zero's parry still has 35 frames of whiff recovery, doesn't reflect, and is one of the only 2 tools the variation gets. Come on man.


Stay focused or get Caged
I know this has nothing to do with Sub Zero, but Kenshi now has a parry that leads to a full combo that also functions as a reflect with 24 frames of whiff recovery while Unbreakable Sub Zero's parry still has 35 frames of whiff recovery, doesn't reflect, and is one of the only 2 tools the variation gets. Come on man.
Nrs decisions are not completely coherent.
Another example, you have Fisticuffs Cage with a bump that is completely outclassed by Flame Fist Liu Kang's bump. FF does everything FC does, but much better.
Nrs said as time goes on they will implement nerfs/buffs. For example, lius mb fly kick was reduced to +1, now f213 cancel advantage was reduced. Characters are still changing. Paulo said this kp2 will be the LAST patch we receive so expect a lot more. Said all we MAY get after that are little updates for bug fixes. Hope for kenshi may still be there lol
if thats the case just pick one of the broken kp2 characters since there will be no more balancing


Nobody's afraid of Bruce Wayne
In before I get bashed when Ermac gets buffs.
as long as they don't make his OH or soul ball completely safe then we cool. good to hear kenshi is finally getting a bit of balance in his variations, i really enjoyed playing possessed when i first started playing but the damage just wasn't enough for me. what does a typical meterless and one bar possessed bnb do now damage wise? and with the balanced meterless parry are you able to interrupt something like tanya's middle rekka gap when she delays and cancel it into RK? or can you only do it if there's a gap at the end of the opponent's string?