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Games that you wish they would make/hope they make...


I want a new Star Fox game, one that's amazing like Star Fox 64, I still enjoy that game to this day...and I've beaten it at least 64 times lol.

STB Sgt Reed

Online Warrior
A zombie game that is nothing like Left 4 Dead, Dead Rising, etc.... (Dead Island may be something like I'm thinking about, but I haven't played it, so idk)

I want a zombie game that isn't just mindlessly running around shooting zombies.

I want it to be survival horror like Dead Space 1 mixed with the exploration, leveling, customization of RPGs.

Wake up after an accident or something and make your character, choose what they are skilled in like survival, weapons, etc and be able to level those skills. Then you have to find out what's going on, you explore the world finding little pockets of survivors. You gather supplies and loot stores, etc.