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EventHubs 2015 Top 50 Mortal Kombat X Players List (1-50)

Okay since I know I'm not the only one who has no clue what you're talking about I'll be the guy to represent everyone else and say:

Aqua man said he would bet $1,000 that he could beat anyone in the top 20. I replied that if a member of EVB gaming made the top 20, i would bet him $1,000 on a match with that player.

He bluffed. I am calling his bluff.


Hardcore spectator of majors and such for this game since day one here. So far, I have one problem with the list.

Much respect to Mustard. I'm sure if he played in NA majors and such, he'd place well, but I don't understand, with their tournament placings laid out, how he's so close to Digit? After watching all of the majors since the game released, when I think of non Yomi competitors, Digit may make my top 5. I always watch as many pools as I can, and everything leading up to top 8. I'm positive he's gotten 9th at at least 4 or 5 majors, including EVO and SCR. Of course he also won Texas Showdown(I think that's what it was?) and has a top 8 or two.

At first I was stunned that Big D wasn't higher, but then I realized that i'm probably weighing online success too heavily haha.

I also realized that I've got a lot of work to do before i'm close to anyone on this list. :(

Mr Aquaman

Armored Launcher
Premium Supporter
Aqua man said he would bet $1,000 that he could beat anyone in the top 20. I replied that if a member of EVB gaming made the top 20, i would bet him $1,000 on a match with that player.

He bluffed. I am calling his bluff.
You said if milky beat anyone in the top 20 you would win $1000. I made the same bet. ANYONE in the top 20. Did you read your own post? Lol also sure. See em at nec ;)
If eventhubs is the same people who came up with that god awful tier list. Please don't hesitate to drink bleach. If not. this list is terrible.
Bleach drank. That was horrible... and probably deserved, dammit.

FWIW, I do think our MKX tier list is considerably better now than it used to be. It's a community voted list, and sometimes that's a good thing, and sometimes it's not so good.

Anyone can sign up and vote for it, so if you jump in and vote on several match ups, you'd probably have a pretty strong impact on the list.

Mr Aquaman

Armored Launcher
Premium Supporter
Wait if someone in top 20 beats u you'll pay $1000?
Read the original posts. The original bet was as long as he beats 1 person in the top 20 he wins. Out of all of them. So I said the same lol. There are many ppl not on this list who can.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
im not trying to be funny and maybe i m just out of the loop but i thought @Pig Of The Hut quit/stopped competing in this game
I have quit since July traveling to majors, close ones included

All I do is Esl period

No plans for any majors or anything, game is a broke fest and my character doesn't fit. There's zero point

I have less than zero desire to go to a major