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Ed boon says Jason has better chance than a dc character

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Get on that hook
Guest characters are cool as long as they're cool. Freddy was k. Meh on Kratos. Scorp in Injustice was pretty awesome if it weren't for gameplay flaws.

Soul Calibur games had awesome guest characters because they fit. It'd be nice to say the same for MK.
Unless they're shoe horned into story mode I don't understand why anyone would look at guest characters as a bad thing. If they're just part of arcade mode and vs then who cares who they let in?


Not that surprising dont think DC would want to get Batman or Superman to get teared apart.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Well, If Jason gets in at least he won't have rigged moves like Freddy lol. He'd have to be a brute or get close.

I personally hope Myers gets in also or has a chance. Still, would love if Riddick got in. He's such a badass who looks like an MK character.

Doctor Future

Baraka Lives!
I feel like the only reason to include a guest character is so they can get someone who may not be a MK fan involved into the game.

But that aside, I think Jason would be awesome.



"On your Knees!"
Freddy in MK9 just shows that NRS can make a good fighting character from a horror movie franchise. If NRS made a game full of horror slahers/Sci Fi characters like in the "Terrordome" you ppl wouldnt be talk alot of shit huh?


"On your Knees!"
I don't understand why having a single guest character can rile up so many. Freddy was a pretty cool addition to MK9 and Scorpion wasn't too bad in IGAU, it helped introduce a lot of players that weren't MK fans to the world of MK and why MK's universe is interesting and cool.

I personally feel we could just accept that they are going to do this and we all know why and its because many of the casuals will buy it and us tourney players will buy it to know the MU. I say just bring in the one character and lets just see what it is, who knows might be something interesting for, like say if they decided to implement a character like Pin Head from Hellraiser, or Leather Face, two characters that many just never imagined could even be a FG character.
Its b/c in tiers Freddy was supposdly The best zoner" in the game. And making a character that isnt a regular fighter and put him as a high tier character above the regular ones, thats probably why ppl got pissed so much.


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
Its b/c in tiers Freddy was supposdly The best zoner" in the game. And making a character that isnt a regular fighter and put him as a high tier character above the regular ones, thats probably why ppl got pissed so much.
Its really whatever, I would rather the character be good instead of garbage, considering he cost extra money to get. These guest characters bring people in though. I know I have a buddy who is a horror movie nut that doesn't play games at all until he saw Freddy pop up in MK9 and he has had nothing but good things to say about the game after that, hell he has been studying to become a director for years and even began to praise KT's direction in the first season and the rebirth trailer of Legacy and this dude hates everything thats mainstream.