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What Fighting Game Series Would You Want To Return?


Ambiguous world creator
Virtual On: Cyber Troopers. It was a 3D mech fighter. I had the Oratorio Tangram edition for Sega Dreamcast and it was the bomb. Crazy gameplay, I can't even remember if you could block at all; you mostly spent every round running like mad trying to dodge missiles and lasers while landing your own. Sounds like a mess, but it was a beautiful one; the visuals were so energizing. Would love to see a current gen edition of it.


FGC Cannon Fodder
Um exCUSE me! But have you not heard about RIVAL SCHOOLS ?Question mark? That series was fucking AMAZING!
I remember it coming out and being a thing. Never actually played it. I will have to take your word on it.

I did have some friends that thought Bloody Roar was great, so I'm kind of thinking I would be sentimentaly curious if that were done. Never played that one either.

I was pretty laser locked on SF for a lot of years. Probably missed out on stuff along the way.


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Any X-Men fighting game (Mutant Academy, Children of the Atom, vs Street Fighter, etc)

Any Marvel or DC fighting game (the VS series, Justice League Task Force, Marvel Nemesis, etc)

TMNT Tournament Fighters

Star Wars: Masters of Teras Kasi (except, you know, good...)

villainous monk

Terrible times breed terrible things, my lord.
Battle arena Toshinden

Marvel super heroes or children of the atom

A Def jam trilogy!!!

Bloody Roar

Any fighting game that has Afro Samurai, or Samurai Jack.

More fighters the better.


Mr. Righteous
Seeing TMNT: Tournament Fighters done with the same amount of love as DBFZ would be completely awesome.

And the Turtles seem to still be popular, so it's not bad timing, either.

Also @methademic I love you for that.
Tournament Fighters was fucking AMAZING! And I hate fighting Rat King and his infinite body slams but that shit was fun ;)

Battle arena Toshinden

Marvel super heroes or children of the atom

A Def jam trilogy!!!

Bloody Roar

Any fighting game that has Afro Samurai, or Samurai Jack.

More fighters the better.
I would LOVE a new Xmen/Marvel fighting game WITHOUT TEAMS! Children of The Atom was great and Psylock was my bitch!

DEF JAAAAAAAAAAM! Talk about a gem of a fighting errr wreslting game. I guess it was a fighting game with a WWE wrestling grapple mechanic. But one of the best damn games ever! Until part 3 got all weird n shit with the DJ scratching. I'll still bump that "Tell Me When To Go!"


Mr. Righteous
Shaq Fu. :DOGE

Battle Arena Toshinden for damn sure. Ehrgeiz too.
Shaq Fu!! HAHAHAH I used to have that game too. It was bootleg as all hell but i still had fun with it ;) You know they did bring that game back right? But its not an action side scroller game now.

Battle Arena Toshinden was probably my first Playstation fighting game ever. But i really loved part 3 with all the clone-like characters. I mean, you had Michael Jackson named Countdown and that won me over lol


Shaq Fu!! HAHAHAH I used to have that game too. It was bootleg as all hell but i still had fun with it ;) You know they did bring that game back right? But its not an action side scroller game now.

Battle Arena Toshinden was probably my first Playstation fighting game ever. But i really loved part 3 with all the clone-like characters. I mean, you had Michael Jackson named Countdown and that won me over lol
Yeah. It was originally a fighting game, but now it's more like Streets of Rage or some such crap. Not interested in that nonsense at all. Shaq Fu was genuinely a piece of shit fighter that was cheap af (the AI mainly), but it was fun with other people.

I'd like to see Primal Rage make a return and let NRS handle the development. I miss that game. It had some odd finishing move choices (inputs/requirements) that made some of them unnecessarily hard to do. But I had fun with it outside of that. Chaos pissing on his fallen enemy was nothing short of foolishness, but it was funny too see regardless.