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Match-Up Discussion - Venomous Venemous Matchup Thread


My blades will find your heart
I think its about time to get this started up.

This is a place to ask about any MUs you are struggling in, or put any notes for MUs you would like to share. This can also be a thread where we discuss whether we think MUs are advantage/disadvantage, although I would strongly suggest not using #s quite yet.

I'll start with the characters I have the most exp. with.

Takeda(Lasher and Shirai Ryu)
I believe this MU is in her favor

She can backdash between b21 kunai, f12 2+4 kunai, etc. She can also armor through it to give venom stacking damage.
She can punish any tele cancels in d1 range, you can also check with d4 or d3(he can do a max ranged f1 2+4 tele cancel and be safe)
He cannot reversal punish Spray on block that I know of(except throw)
Takeda doesnt have great wakeups, and they can all be be armor broken with b12 anyway. I would go for max damage against shirai ryu, but Lasher has good wakeups so I would go for restands against him
Watch out for his b3 low, its super reactable but can catch you off guard
His F33 can get out of puddle setups

Sub Zero(Grandmaster)
I believe this is in her favor

She can't punish cancels into clone per se, but she can get a free d4 off of any of them
D4 and D3 gets rid of clones if he stays to close(this does wonders in the corner)
You either have to hit confirm or use Option Selects in this MU, he can slide reversal spray on block. He can also slide under f22 spray, puddle setups etc.
Sub's wakeups are good, so end in restand
Ice balls trade with puddle unfavorably

Thats it for now. Keep in mind the adv./dis. could change over time. Feel free to ask about specific MUs or about the MUs I already talked about.