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Top 5 things you LIKE about MK11!


The future of law enforcement.
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Let's hear 'em! For me, in no particular order:
  • RoboCop is in the game.
  • I love the brutalities!!!
  • It has the best tutorial of any fighting game I've ever played.
  • Its practice mode is amazing.
  • The netcode seems really solid for me almost all of the time.
Your turn!

Afk Skinny

3D Krusader
1. Graphics are gorgeous, amazing seeing how far nrs has come.

2. Friendships are great and would love for them to be a mainstay

3. Online is still some of the best in fighting games (would really love a wifi filter though)

4. Training mode is amazing

5. They added Mileena, which is always a plus


My pussy, my rules
1. Shang and Shao Kahn both playable in the same game.<3 (Really, the roster in general is top notch)

2. Stellar netcode.

3. Phenomenal training mode.

4. Insane amount of single-player content, especially for an FG.

5. Game looks gorgeous and has a level of polish/presentation that you just don't see with other fighters.


FGC Cannon Fodder
The game does a lot of things right as a package.

I no real order
  1. Presentation is great. All the character and background design work, action dramatizations, effects.
  2. Pandemic approved netcode
  3. Training mode is hard to argue with
  4. Stuff other people seem to hate like Flawless blocking and automatic meter regen.
  5. More stuff people hate. I really like the simplicity of it. A lot of games are just too nuts or have too much gunk to sift through for me to wrap my head around. Comparatively speaking, MK11 doesn't let you hide behind too much before you get into to it. I can almost keep up with what is going on , and I've been able to play around with a large amount of the characters over the last couple of years and really get to explore a lot more of the game than I do with most other fighters.
Best version of Baraka I've ever played and he was given some justice in the story too. After X this was very appreciated.
Kollector is pretty neat. Hope to see him come back in future games that deal with Outworld
The Customization system for Skins+Gear allow you to make them look like how you want
The overall Color palette is a refreshing change from MKX
The Amount of stages which have more compared to MKX's tiny in comparison stage select, A lot of really good ones too.


"Feel the wrath of Shao Kahn"
  1. finally Shao Kahn (skipped all 3D MK's because of the stiff and ugly animations, eye cancer)
  2. so many brutalities (Graphics) @NRS please keep adding more :D
  3. Metersystem (no more "forced" spam to build meter)
  4. Buffering on normals (finally, was waiting for this since MK9)
  5. Best Story mode I have ever played in a fighting game (A movie to play)


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Premium Supporter
  1. Graphics/presentation
  2. I like the regenerating meter, I think it's an interesting way to handle meter. It's different, but that's ok.
  3. This might be a bit of a back handed compliment, but I like the ideas behind a lot of the mechanics they added, even if the actual execution is sorely lacking. I like Krushing Blows, Breakaway, Armor Breakers, Flawless Blocking.
  4. I like how there's a lot fewer guaranteed situations where players can simply rely on set play or doing the same thing every time. This game can reward you for making a read on the opponent.
  5. The balance in the roster.
  1. Grounded moves outprioritize air attacks. No trades on supposed "anti-airs" as has been the case with every game before.
  2. Meter build system is fantastic. Injustice 3 needs this. Let me build meter while I work my way in on zoners instead of slowly fighting my way in only to be at a huge bar disadvantage
  3. Godlike netcode. WiFi indicator.
  4. Flawless block mechanic
  5. 2/3 on ranked play
1. Graphics and colour is top notch.

2. Story - best of the NRS era, lot of fan favourites getting screen time, Tagawa and the Aftermath part was just awesome, even with the terrible Shao & Sindel fiasco and time travel shenanigans. Kotal vs Shao was awesome.

3. Roster - Baraka, Kabal, Noob, Shang Tsung, Nightwolf back and Fujin finally playable. Then we have Spawn, best guest ever. Rain was cool too. Movie versions of Shang, Raiden, Sonya and Johnny also really helped.

4. Stages - some of the best looking versions of old ones like Goro Lair and Dead Pool as well as the best locations ever in Tarkatan War Kamp, Fire Garden and the Grotto.

5. Friendships - best finishers in the game by a mile.

Through all of this there’s just great fan service, throwback to the first movie, skins, stages and finishers.

Art Lean

1) Above all else, I love how it plays like an updated MK2. The impacts are perfect, it feels hard and heavy, there's time to stop and think, it's not ridiculously fast like MK3, it's not 'floaty' like MK9 and MKX (I love those games but something always feels off with their jumping attacks, like there's not enough gravity), it just feels fantastic; very oldschool yet modern simultaneously. So many moves play like they used to, Kung Lao's dropkick, Mileena's teleport kick, my brain is wired to a lot of those old school inputs so to have them still be the same just feels so natural to a crusty old fan like me. Think this one covers a lot, so there's probably stacks in my number 1 here that could be covered by different entries. But I'm filing them all under 'classic gameplay'.

2) Needless to say, it looks amazing. They all like like actual people (or monster people in some necessary instances, but intentionally so at last), none of the weird wet clay skin and distorted faces of MKX, none of the dated oversized Shenmue hair from MK9, the bar has been set so high for MK12 I can't imagine how good that will look.

3) Customisation. Oh my god. I love this sooooo much. Yes I think it's undercooked (some characters like D'Vorah and Jacqui have terrible gear choices, there's not enough celebratory gear from other entries of the MK multimedia universe when this was an opportunity to give people practically every mask from the old games to the films and TV shows, whilst too many skins are revolting colour choices etc.) and the grind can be fiendish, but to have my characters look the way I want them to? I utterly utterly love that. Please be a staple of all MK moving forward, I never ever want this taken away. I love seeing other players' creations when I play in KL, I've spent hours upon hours designing my characters with different wardrobes, different names, different logos, hell I'm still doing so right to this day, for me it's like a whole game in itself. I love knowing that my Kitanas probably look nothing like yours and that I can even choose my own announcer (it's a crime there's no Shang, but Jennifer Hale's Kronika is the best since MK2/3's Shao Kahn IMO). I have "my" MK11, you have "your" MK11, and I love that so much.

4) I'm delighted the world and atmosphere has taken a step back from the death metal apocalypse of MKX to a more mystical and Asian influence again, didn't like that game's world much at all. It's not to MK1 or MK9's beautiful extent, but it's a big step forwards from the last game. Shirai Ryu Fire Garden, Shang Tsung's Island Ruins, Wu Shi Dragon Grotto and Shaolin Trap Dungeon are all such wonderful stages.

5) Story mode and single player content. Who'd have thought it would be possible to give the single player mode so much content to play and explore. From a fantastic story that was later expanded, with two possible endings, an interactive explorable version of Shang Tsung's island from MK1 and MK9 narrated by Cary Hiroyuki Tagawa in the Krypt, to the practice mode, towers of time, the gauntlet, the character towers; there's weeks upon weeks of things to progress through as a single player in a game that was born from being a two player coin-eating arcade game.

Love MK11, my criticisms are all aesthetic things that I just feel were wasted opportunities BECAUSE I love it so much. Shang announcer, movie gear from MK95 and MK21 (they don't need skin and voice packs if that's too much work and money, just give us masks and costumes for the ninjas etc. - fans would gladly do it for free if they had access to the modding tools), cloth masks for all the ninjas like Shang and Rain's fatality have access to, expansions to the Krypt, having revenant skins talking like revenants, not being able to put Kitana's Kahn mask down; it's all shallow pointless stuff that I'm sure many are reading thinking I'm insane regarding those things when they have their own personal issues with the gameplay. However I love the game exactly as it plays, I just wish they could have knocked it completely out of the park on all the new features I love, rather than just to the edge of the field.
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Positive Poster!
  1. Jade is in the game and she's tournament viable
  2. The game feels more balanced than the rest of the NRS products combined
  3. Netcode is pretty brilliant when they aren't forcing wifi or 275ms down your throat in ranked
  4. They attempted crossplay even if it's only between two consoles so far
  5. The roster is pretty nice, if we get Smoke Reptile and Ermac we'll be set.
1) Above all else, I love how it plays like an updated MK2. The impacts are perfect, it feels hard and heavy, there's time to stop and think, it's not ridiculously fast like MK3, it's not 'floaty' like MK9 and MKX (I love those game but something always feels off with their jumping attacks, like there's not enough gravity), it just feels fantastic; very oldschool yet modern simultaneously. So many moves play like they used to, Kung Lao's dropkick, Mileena's teleport kick, my brain is wired to a lot of those old school inputs so to have them still be the same just feels so natural to a crusty old fan like me. Think this one covers a lot, so there's probably stacks in my number 1 here that could be covered by different entries. But I'm filing them all under 'classic gameplay'.

2) Needless to say, it looks amazing. They all like like actual people (or monster people in some necessary instances, but intentionally so at last), none of the weird wet clay skin and distorted faces of MKX, none of the dated oversized Shenmue hair from MK9, the bar has been set so high for MK12 I can't imagine how good that will look.

3) Customisation. Oh my god. I love this sooooo much. Yes I think it's undercooked (some characters like D'Vorah and Jacqui have terrible gear choices, there's not enough celebratory gear from other entries of the MK multimedia universe when this was an opportunity to give people practically every mask from the old games to the films and TV shows, whilst too many skins are revolting colour choices etc.) and the grind can be fiendish, but to have my characters look the way I want them to? I utterly utterly love that. Please be a staple of all MK moving forward, I never ever want this taken away. I love seeing other players' creations when I play in KL, I've spent hours upon hours designing my characters with different wardrobes, different names, different logos, hell I'm still doing so right to this day, for me it's like a whole game in itself. I love knowing that my Kitanas probably look nothing like yours and that I can even choose my own announcer (it's a crime there's no Shang, but Jennifer Hale's Kronika is the best since MK2/3's Shao Kahn IMO). I have "my" MK11, you have "your" MK11, and I love that so much.

4) I'm delighted the world and atmosphere has taken a step back from the death metal apocalypse of MKX to a more mystical and Asian influence again, didn't like that game's world much at all. It's not to MK1 or MK9's beautiful extent, but it's a big step forwards from the last game. Shirai Ryu Fire Garden, Shang Tsung's Island Ruins, Wu Shi Dragon Grotto and Shaolin Trap Dungeon are all such wonderful stages.

5) Story mode and single player content. Who'd have thought it would be possible to give the single player mode so much content to play and explore. From a fantastic story that was later expanded, with two possible endings, an interactive explorable version of Shang Tsung's island from MK1 and MK9 narrated by Cary Hiroyuki Tagawa in the Krypt, to the practice mode, towers of time, the gauntlet, the character towers; there's weeks upon weeks of things to progress through as a single player in a game that was born from being a two player coin-eating arcade game.

Love MK11, my criticisms are all aesthetic things that I just feel were wasted opportunities BECAUSE I love it so much. Shang announcer, movie gear from MK95 and MK21 (they don't need skin and voice packs if that's too much work and money, just give us masks and costumes for the ninjas etc. - fans would gladly do it for free if they had access to the modding tools), cloth masks for all the ninjas like Shang and Rain's fatality have access to, having revenant skins talking like revenants, not being able to put Kitana's Kahn mask down; it's all shallow pointless stuff that I'm sure many are reading thinking I'm insane regarding those things when they have their own personal issues with the gameplay. However I love the game exactly as it plays, I just wish they could have knocked it completely out of the park on all the new features I love, rather than just into front row of the crowd.
The Asian inspired stages really are the most beautiful. Shang's Island is a perfect mix of that mk mysticism and gloominess. Dragon Grotto is cool but has a fakeish look it.
1. The idea of custom moves. I think it's really ambitious and vastly worth it if they can put a lot of work into. Variations in MKX weren't amazing until they were refined with multiple patches. Regardless I think it allows for a lot more player expression.

2. Slower pace. MKX is more impressive to watch and seeing the pro players make lightning fast decisions is inhuman to me. However I suck at fighting games so when it comes to playing MK11 is what I can keep up with.

3. New systems. Namely wake up and meter, for brand new ways to manage these systems they work quite well.

4. Cassie redesign. Never liked her design in MKX. MK11 version is cute and still badass. Robot beats baton any day.

5. Geras. Great new character even though the hyperbuff black guy in fighting game trope. His fighting still is brute and methodical, not very flashy in contrast to the over the top sand magic. Very fun and hilarious to see his shenanigans on screen.
5. I like the KBs in concept. I actually hope they return in a future title. That said, I would like them to have more unique requirements and everyone only have a few. Less 'punish a random high', more 'do WXY thing and then get a KB on Z.' Requirements that allow an knowledgeable opponent to reset or more easily avoid the trigger.

4. Flawless blocks. Legitimately my favorite thing in MK 11. It was an absolute struggle for me to really get them down (I am only just now starting to do them with regularity on things other than strings with gaps in them) but it's been a great challenge and has given me a real feeling of personal growth.

3. The pace. I know we all want more combo routes and a bit more personal creativity in how individuals can play a character, and I agree. But I do like the overall slower pace to matches in MK 11. I feel like I'm able to breathe and think about my next move and (and my opponent's) far more often in MK 11 than I was in X.

2. Being able to play as Terminator and RoboCop. I know not everyone likes the guest characters and I know they could technically be more MK characters instead. But I've ended up co-maining at least one guest in every game so far...I'm a kid of the early nineties and I love my dumb horror and action movies.

1. Jax's Quad Grab KB and watching my local training partner's soul leave his body as I steal yet another game with this dumb, sexy KB.
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1. Having Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa return as Shang Tsung

2. Having Shang Tsung's Island serve as the setting for The Krypt

3. Homages to the original movie in The Krypt and skin packs

4. Seeing them try to undo the terrible story decisions they made in MKX

5. The return of Friendships


Everyone Has A Path
Presentation is unparalleled. Anyone who says NRS doesn't care or that this game is 100% profit motivated needs to look at all the unnecessary neat stuff in this game. Its bursting with character. Brutalities, intros, end of round taunts, every character has at least three unique interactions with the whole roster

Great netcode
Good roster full of viable characters
Really fun despite being flawed
Really fun to watch at a high level
1) The graphics and overall presentation are exceptional. The Story Mode cinematics and how many of the charatcers are brought back from midway through Mortal Kombat: Komplete Edition, the Krypt being heavily based off of Shang's island from Mortal Kombat (1995), etc. all make for a fantastic nostalgia trip. Especially in 4K with HDR, this is quite literally the most beautiful and visually detailed game I've played to date. Using face models for characters was an excellent move. The artists, animators, and UI teams have all truly outdone themselves.

2) The Single Player content is excellent, with a great deal of variety. The issues with grinding and the frustrations around Towers of Time have been all but resolved and the modes are great now. The Story Mode, and its presentation, are fantastic, and Kronika is an excellent, morally ambiguous antagonist.

3) The game is simple to play, yet has many advanced mechanics that make it hard to master. Combined with a fantastic, in-depth tutorial system, it's one of the most intuitive fighting games out there and is the easiest to recommend to new players of the genre, or those hesitant due to the perceived "skill barrier" of fighting games.

4) I don't mind the Gauge system the game uses, and Fatal Blows, unlike X-Ray attacks, are actually useful for non-casual players.

5) The return of Friendships is fantastic.

I also want to add that outside of some delays with patches, this PC port of the game has been excellent, and a complete night and day experience over Mortal Kombat X.