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So this game made me wanna read comics

This game made me wanna learn more about dc comics and movies. Im particularly interested in Deathstroke. Any recommendations? ?

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Yeah its funny how that works, that is why sometimes the DLC for fighting games is used to make money instead of what the fans want. Same thing happened with Playstation All Stars. Made me want to play all the characters games.


Get staffed bro
I'm off to the local comic book store to make my first purchase. I'm going to try and get Justice league hardback volume 1 and the Injustice comics if possible. I was tempted to get them online but think I'll support my local store, even if it is a couple of quid more.


Check out a tpb called Identity Crisis. It's a Justice League story with a good Deathstroke segment in it.

That is not the place you want to start off in if you are new to DC. Especially if you plan on enjoying DC comics. If you want some Deathstroke stuff, just check out his New52 series from #1-8. It was pretty average but it had some good art and funny action.


Im sorry whats tbp?

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Trade paper back. a collection of issues that form a complete story. instead of getting each issue for 6 -12 months for one complete plotline, you wait a little and pick up the collective works.

Sometimes called graphic novels, but that is wrong, while they can be the same size a graphic novel is a completely original story while a TPB is a reprint of smaller issues.

when people mention big event stories you can be sure those issues are collected in a TPB.

for newer readers starting on TPB are cheaper and easier way to delve into comics.
Another good tpb you can read for history on Deathstroke is The New Teen Titans
, The Judas Contract. It was that storyline that started the grudge that Cyborg STILL held against Deathstroke. It was that story that made the rivalry personal for he Titans. It also is the first appearance of Dick Grayson as Nightwing

The Gabriel

Mean Man
View attachment 5286

That is not the place you want to start off in if you are new to DC. Especially if you plan on enjoying DC comics. If you want some Deathstroke stuff, just check out his New52 series from #1-8. It was pretty average but it had some good art and funny action.
Umm so you recommend he start out with a "pretty average" (actually pretty terrible) run over a critically acclaimed one? Just because it is now for the time being "in continuity"? Ok buddy...


Umm so you recommend he start out with a "pretty average" (actually pretty terrible) run over a critically acclaimed one? Just because it is now for the time being "in continuity"? Ok buddy...
Identity Crisis is a heaping pile of poop man. I don't care if IGN gave it a 9/10 or whatever their 'good' scores are these days. That story is literally one of the worst events DC has ever published. They killed off Sue Dibny and pretty much Ralph while they were at it and turned Dr. Light from a comedic villain into a serial rapist all while writing every other person in that story completely out of character. That isn't the place you want to start if you want to get into comics.
Also, Deathstrokes Nu52 ongoing was actually pretty good until Liefeld came on and pretty much killed it. First 8 issues had really good art and cheesy action that your supposed to get from Deathstroke.

The Gabriel

Mean Man
Identity Crisis is a heaping pile of poop man. I don't care if IGN gave it a 9/10 or whatever their 'good' scores are these days. That story is literally one of the worst events DC has ever published. They killed off Sue Dibny and pretty much Ralph while they were at it and turned Dr. Light from a comedic villain into a serial rapist all while writing every other person in that story completely out of character. That isn't the place you want to start if you want to get into comics.
Also, Deathstrokes Nu52 ongoing was actually pretty good until Liefeld came on and pretty much killed it. First 8 issues had really good art and cheesy action that your supposed to get from Deathstroke.
Identity Crisis being good or not is obviously a matter of opinion. It was a huge seller and was critically praised by many more outlets than IGN (who I wasn't even aware reviewed comics, but whatever). Regardless, someone brand new to comics like the original poster obviously wouldn't give a shit about any of the specific criticisms you leveled as he doesn't know sue dibney from wendi tyler. He wanted cool deathstroke stuff, and the deathstroke stuff is IC is infinitely better than anything found in the new 52 series, which was so bad it was already cancelled.
Identity Crisis being good or not is obviously a matter of opinion. It was a huge seller and was critically praised by many more outlets than IGN (who I wasn't even aware reviewed comics, but whatever). Regardless, someone brand new to comics like the original poster obviously wouldn't give a shit about any of the specific criticisms you leveled as he doesn't know sue dibney from wendi tyler. He wanted cool deathstroke stuff, and the deathstroke stuff is IC is infinitely better than anything found in the new 52 series, which was so bad it was already cancelled.
the liefeld stuff was so bad it got cancelled


Nothing gets past the Cold Field.
Read Teen titans: Judas contract.

If you want a solo Deathstroke story then read Deathstroke The Terminator Full Cycle or The new 52 Deathstroke before Liefeld ruined it.


Identity Crisis sucked, and the Deathstrokes segments were so dumb. The Deathstroke series while a bit goofy was pretty fun till Liefeld took over, I don't know anything about the current Team 7 run.

If you want good Wonder Woman stuff the current ongoing is probably one of the best books DC is putting out. Flash is also extremely good with great art, took me a minute to get over the loss of Wally though.


Alien Life Form
The best way to get into comics is not to try and jump in with the current stuff (especially since DC is currently doing New 52 which has been a bit divisive with fans), but to instead just find a story with characters you like and pick up the trade.

Depending on where you live, your local library may have a selection of trades, and you can browse those to see if any of them interest you. Barnes & Noble usually has a large selection, and usually will allow you to read some in the store (or at least the one around here does).

For Deathstroke specifically, the Judas Contract (a Teen Titans story) would be a good place to start, since it was collected as a trade several times so it should be a little easier to find.

Identity Crisis is much more recent so it's even easier to find...but it's basically all flash over substance, and the mystery is full of holes if you reflect on it, so I don't generally recommend it. Besides, Deathstroke basically only really features in a single fight scene for the most part.


Scary Bat
^ I disagree with that statement, the New 52 is a great place to start. It's the best way to get into the characters you want to read. After you've read them I would then go back and buy the good pre-52 trades. N52 is a great way to learn what's going on, some of the older trades refer to stuff that is happening in other titles, or that happened in the past. For a new reader the continuity and history of Pre-52 can be a terrifying place, I had a friend who tried to pick up the Flash but he couldn't work out who the hell The Flash was as each trade he picked up had a different guy as the main Flash: Bart, Barry or Wally.


Alien Life Form
Most good stories stand alone and make only passing references to prior events , and this is the age of the internet where two minutes on google can tell you who a character is if you want to know. Continuity is not an insurmountable hurdle, it's just an excuse some people use. Heck, Marvel proved this when they launched Marvel NOW and were able to bring in new readers without throwing away all their old continuity or resorting to the status quo.

Personally, I like that DC and Marvel had this giant rich history and I could explore whatever parts of it I wanted, which would then lead me to new parts. New 52 has significantly less of that. Not to mention the countless characters that were either deleted or altered beyond recognition for no good reason.

I find it hard to believe someone would be terrified of pre-New 52 continuity seeing as despite only being two years old the New 52 itself is already full of retcons and vague histories because the editors can't make up their minds on what's canon or not (especially with Titans). Not to mention it's actually harder to google New 52 information because a lot of wikis just tack the New 52 information to the end of a character's bio from before New 52, making it look like all that information is still relevant to New 52 when it can be way off.

(They really should split those things into separate articles, or at least do something like the Mortal Kombat wiki and have something like the Original Timeline and Alternate Timeline tabs.)

That's why I'm hesitant to recommend a new reader just start collecting issues with the New 52. If you just get a trade, you get a defined story with a beginning, middle, and end that can introduce you to the world and let you decide where to go from there. Not to mention it is much easier to find detailed reviews on specific trades, whereas with ongoing series you tend to get a bunch of vague recommendations or hate from people (ie. "Red Hood & the Outlaws is exploitative crap!" "No, Red Hood & the Outlaws is awesome after the first issue!") that don't usually give you the insight about whether or not you'd like it.

Another reason I'm hesitant to recommend the New 52 to new readers is that between Geoff Johns' run ending with the Volthoom thing and then the upcoming Trinity War, there is probably going to be some pretty major shake-ups to New 52's continuity in the near future and if you wanted to jump into collecting singles it would probably be easier after that instead of just before a bunch of stuff gets changed.


Scary Bat
Yeah... there is some arse approaching in the New 52 universe. Hopefully it's done well.

But Pre-52 continuity being difficult isn't an excuse. Even the 2mins on wikipedia isn't necessarily true. Pre-52 has lots of shake-ups, Identity/Infinite/Final Crisis gets things a bit ridiculous. Throw in some Brightest Day and people have no idea who the hell is meant to be alive or dead and any given time.

The New 52, while still a bit buggery with continuity (I am side-eyeing the shit out of you Stormwatch!) is at least a little more accessible.
Fuck it, everyone just read Earth-2, you can't possibly go wrong with Earth-2!


Show me what you can do
I'm curious as well, any Raven recommendations?

Also, I haven't heard of any comic book stores around my area. (West Kelowna BC, Canada)


A prop on the stage of life.
I'm a nub with comics, but I'm sticking to DC for now. I'm currently reading the Justice League and Suicide Squad. New52, of course. I like them. :) My friend highly recommends Night of the Owls to me though.


Df1 Specialist
Whoah, you from around here, or did you search it up?

No Raven recommendations huh, how about Shazam/Captain Marvel?
Yup! I live in Kelowna. Me and a few friends are reviving a fighting game community here.
I posted some stuff over in this thread earlier today http://testyourmight.com/threads/calling-all-pacific-north-regional-players-please-list-your-names.1401/page-3
As for recommendations, sorry I cant really help out ;-; I'm new to DC to be honest.. I'd like to get into Shazam, Green Arrow and Animal man more though.