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Match-up Discussion Reptile vs. Mileena


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Reptile can punish telekick. 42 telekick sai against a Reptile that will punish is just losing whatever offensive momentum you just had, and if Reptile has meter, it's an actual punish. Keep telekicking, I'm just going to dash everywhere and charge up EX forceball when you whiff.

42 telekick/EX roll scouting is balls. Animation is WAY too long to not see the 2 would be coming and fuzzy guarding the cancel.
Reptile can punish telekick. 42 telekick sai against a Reptile that will punish is just losing whatever offensive momentum you just had, and if Reptile has meter, it's an actual punish. Keep telekicking, I'm just going to dash everywhere and charge up EX forceball when you whiff.

42 telekick/EX roll scouting is balls. Animation is WAY too long to not see the 2 would be coming and fuzzy guarding the cancel.
The only problem is getting the meter for the EX balls though.
Luckily 321 doesn't whiff anywhere
Go look at the meter data thread dude, 321 AH builds almost half of a bar on it's own.
I think I just manage my meter poorly in this lol. I can't remind myself how little her damage is and shit.
It's always like *hit by roll* BREAK THE U4!!!
But yeah, that and 1221 are his most meter building options fa sho