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Raiden and Mind Games: 101, teleport and you.



This thread is going to be sort of a guide/discussion of the mind games you can play with both Raiden, his teleport, and the game in general. While I have not been playing this game as long as others, I feel I do have a good grasp on the concept and intricacies that come with it and the character. Since this sight has been so helpful to me, I figured I would try my best to contribute as well. I would consider this guide beginner or average player friendly because I'm going to assume many raidens are already aware of many of these situations and tips.

The reason I flocked to Raiden is because the amount of options he has to play with in the game. Here is a pro's/con's list of Raiden in general.

-teleport is incredibly useful skill that is original to raiden only, while other members of the cast have teleports they deal direct damage while raiden's tp is ambiguous. this will be discussed later. In mk9 raiden's tp basically makes raiden... well.. raiden.

-superman is his next most useful special. It has incredibly fast startup but can be easily punished by a full combo. Wake up superman can be good to keep an opponent on their feet but is not to be overused if they catch on you will eat shit very fast. It is very easy to link this attack into combos which you can look into at any of the guides on this sub-forum. I believe Loots' guide was the most helpful to me starting out. This also awards a strong push to the corner of the map assuring you a chance at pumping out a strong corner combo

-he has powerful combos once you learn execution. online can severely gib your chances of landing big midscreen combos. his corner pressure is incredible


-many of his normal strings are very very slow, and very very punishable

-incredibly bad high/low mixups. there is basically no reason to crouch against raiden and smart players will not allow you to get free launches off 334

-weak projectile (jk who cares teleport)


okay so here it is, Im going to give some tips on some mind games you can play as raiden. Honestly though, these all boil down to how well you can read your opponent. Luckily raiden has a large amount of tools to abuse and exploit your opponents patterns and mistakes. Many of your mind games stem from options out of teleport. I look at it like this-

Teleport creates a rock paper scissors scenario for the next few seconds.

Your options:

EDIT: it is important to know that teleport can be punished on reaction if the opponent is NOT BLOCKING and has insanely fast reaction timing. While this usually is not a problem, becoming predictable with teleports will get you punished. For the most part you want to use them strategically where you don't seem like you are using the ability to the beat of a metronome.

-immediately combo out of it- honestly, this is usually not a good idea because they will be wanting to block, however if caught off guard or if trying to punish while attempting something that will get beaten by your combo then it can be very rewarding. The best combos to do in this situation would be f2-4 or 121shocker into whatever combo you are most comfortable with. These are both quick and efficient.

-sweeping- This is surprisingly effective. If you sweep immediately you can dodge high attacks and knockdown your opponent, forcing him to make mistakes. Many times people I play will wake up attack that can be predictable and punishable.

-dash/grab - for someone you have scared with pressure they will certainly be wary of letting go of that block button. This is where a dash grab is very effective. You can do it fast enough where the time to react is very very quick. Do this often then change it up some more.

-superman- only do this if you opponent is incredibly slow or jumps back

-crossup jump into combo- this is great for getting that slow 334 string off. If your opponent want to punish your tele with something that can be jumped over then jump over and aerial punch him, then follow up with your 334 combo of choice after. It is confirmed if you hit at the right time. I usually 334 into teleshocker 334 superman for a 40% midscreen AND corner which is insane pressure. However this combo is difficult to get online so just 334 into superman is a safer way to deal with things.

-double crossup- if you are abusing the crossup air punch and your opponent seems to be waiting it out, you can crossup jump another time to bait their combo or uppercut. This is situational but it can be tricky if you can use it at the right time.

What he can do:

Block- counter this by grabbing if he is holding block too long

Uppercut- if he is spamming uppercut for crossovers or teleports in general you can tele quickly and jump back, catching him on recovery with a superman is some decent damage and corner push.

jump back- superman that ho

sweep- crossover jump deals nicely when they try to sweep punish

grab- you should not really be dicking around after teleport where you can get easily grabbed, keep moving to keep your momentum and pressure if you are not jumping out immediately

fast special- if they catch you with a fast special, like reptiles elbow dash, up ball, or cages kick special then you can block and punish accordingly (unless its elbow dash online lololol)

Each of your movements has a counter to each of his, you just have to read them better than they read you.

It should be noted that teleport is not your ONLY way of moving around. While it is a huge mobility boost, you dont want to become too predictable with your teleports where you are being punished for them constantly. Be sure to move in head on as well, 121 startup is very useful up front.

You want to be as unpredictable as possible with your teleports, using them when you can but not getting caught in a pattern.

Playing with your opponent can give you a psychological advantage. It is extremely frustrating to teleport into a grab, expect a mixup from raiden so prepare after the grab to get grabbed again. Then the opponent can't imagine that happening 3 times in a row, knowing a big combo is coming right up he braces himself for a tele combo....... just to get grabbed again. Of course this is all player based and once you can establish these patterns then you have a huge advantage because of the options raiden has.

Some other individual tips-

-If you notice someone is really abusing wake up attacks especially with invincibility, such as sub-zero's wake up slide, then getting that knockdown can lead into even more combos. Bait the wake-up and punish immediately after. ta-da.

-raiden can be an overwhelming character to play against. His strong midscreen and corner combos puts a lot of pressure on the opponent to guess right. Once you get momentum, you can go crazy on the teleports confusing and overwhelming him. Because raiden is so mobile, it is easy to turtle up until a mistake is made then going all out once you have established pressure.

-switching to playing offensively to defensively on and off can confuse the opponent

-if you want to save meter for breaker and have 3 bars, dont be afraid to toss out an EX lightning bolt or superman. A well timed EX lightning bolt can buy some clutch damage and catch some people off guard while superman has projectile invincibility.

-opponents abusing jump can be easily punished by superman, and predicting a jump you can jump with them and midair superman for an easy punish and corner. this is usually safe unless playing a teleporting character that can punish quickly enough if you wiff it.

Hopefully this thread can be helpful to at least some people. If anyone wants to add more mindgames/strategy and tips go for it, this could turn up being a good discussion thread.
I'm sure there are some mistakes here and there so feel free to bring anything up.

Also feel free to message me with any questions or comments.
