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Pocket Picks for Jade.


Motor City Warrior
For the unacquainted, a pocket-pick is a character that you have on back up if your main is in a bad match up or you just need to throw someone off. I am currently using Jacqui as a pocket because I feel like her gameplan is so much more aggressive. Opponents might be thrown off by the tempo change. Discuss you pockets and logic behind them below :).


Waiting on SF6
My sub is Kitana. I don't know much about matchups but I switch to her when I need more damage on midscreen punishes.


I like the team synergy Baraka has with Jade. He has the benefit of good normals and also being ve ry quick and easy out the gate so good to play fresh @ZeroSymbolic

I don't know if Jade needs a pocket though? She may, but I dunno any mus where I just cringe yet.


I generally go with Sub Zero, he has mix-up pressure and a more aggressive play-style, he does better in some of Jade's most problematic match-ups, like Scorpion.
I kind co-main both Jade and Johnny Cage. However a big problem I have when playing a non-Jade character, is that I use throws to punish stuff way too often.

Jade's normal combo punish damage is so shitty, that I just end up usings throws with her most of the time. It's hard for me to break that habit when I play another character, so I end up missing huge potential punish combo damage. :/
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