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New Movesets for certain characters


Added my thoughts on NW.
NW is missing something to counter d4s. Perhaps a longer range d3 or d1 (with a tomahawk involved?). Either that so he can be more effective at rushdown or make his lightning faster or arrow more useful so he can mindfuck you into fearing him easier (provided all changes are balanced blah blah blah)


Two men enter, one man leaves!
NW is missing something to counter d4s. Perhaps a longer range d3 or d1 (with a tomahawk involved?). Either that so he can be more effective at rushdown or make his lightning faster or arrow more useful so he can mindfuck you into fearing him easier (provided all changes are balanced blah blah blah)
That could work. I'm thinking with a scalping knife over a tomahawk for a D1 tho. I'll add that.
-Better mix-up options I mean the stuff he has isn't that great at all but it's something compared to NW and his pressure ATM isn't great also if someone knows how to punish your clone after a string you pretty much done! And if you cancel any of your string your pretty much gonna get hit cause his strings leave him at negative advantage or even. And you can punish most of his strings with like 23% damage. His 212, B121,B121,13B4 can all be punished his only gud string is 22 and that's not all that great either :(

-Make Ex Ice puddle an OTG like smokes and mils where as it can prevent a wake up, smoke can prevent a wake up with a move that leaves him completely safe after and if you don't block he gets like 32% off of it. So why can't sub have an OTG :( Nhaaa I'm asking for too much lol

-Well I think this is fair have clone be able to appear after you freeze someone but not freeze the person twice if hit, because you can create some pretty gud situations out of it ya know. So you can set traps after freezing someone would be pretty nice ya know, say I freeze you set a clone do B12 then free advantage lets me make you guess on either the f4(med) or Ex slide(low) all that would lead into a combo :) Pretty kool technique right! I like this IDEA

-Can puddle have that funny animation from past mk's lol. It was hilarious!

Noob Saibot!
-Have Ex tackle the low version be replaced by that kool tackle move in UMK3, I mean the move already brings you forward it would be kool to have that version. And maybe you can throw ppl into portals with it :)

Lui Kang

-Make dragon stance and actual move with armor capabilities ya know, it would be kool cause people normally try to counter poke you in strings and you can armor throw there pokes with it! Pretty beast and it would help his horrid wake ups, parry is just shit ya know.

-A parry fix maybe? the move is just a fail safe I think I want it to be more tho, maybe have it be able to be held like smokes Ex parry.

And for all these characters kooler looking moves :)

Give me feedback ppl


Two men enter, one man leaves!

Lui Kang

-Make dragon stance and actual move with armor capabilities ya know, it would be kool cause people normally try to counter poke you in strings and you can armor throw there pokes with it! Pretty beast and it would help his horrid wake ups, parry is just shit ya know.

-A parry fix maybe? the move is just a fail safe I think I want it to be more tho, maybe have it be able to be held like smokes Ex parry.

And for all these characters kooler looking moves :)

Give me feedback ppl
I don't think Dragon Stance is a special move so suggesting an armored ex version seems odd to me, not to mention an armored 50/50 setup seems like it gives LK too many options and tools considering what he already has.

I personally don't understand why LK even has a parry. Seems useless to me. It could have some minor improvements but that could cause some balancing issues.
Kitana: A teleport like she had in MKDC would be nice.
Her fake out kick can be switched last minute to a groin hit to hit Medium.

Mileena: A prowl Stance.


Two men enter, one man leaves!
Kitana: A teleport like she had in MKDC would be nice.
Her fake out kick can be switched last minute to a groin hit to hit Medium.

Mileena: A prowl Stance.
I approve of the prowl stance. Maybe throw a one-liner in every time the move is executed, something playful like her entrance or when she does neckbite.

Tele, square wave, and IAFs? Would require a lot of thought into making that balanced.
I approve of the prowl stance. Maybe throw a one-liner in every time the move is executed, something playful like her entrance or when she does neckbite.

Tele, square wave, and IAFs? Would require a lot of thought into making that balanced.
You never know, some moves may be removed or nerfed.

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
-Better mix-up options I mean the stuff he has isn't that great at all but it's something compared to NW and his pressure ATM isn't great also if someone knows how to punish your clone after a string you pretty much done! And if you cancel any of your string your pretty much gonna get hit cause his strings leave him at negative advantage or even. And you can punish most of his strings with like 23% damage. His 212, B121,B121,13B4 can all be punished his only gud string is 22 and that's not all that great either :(
all of his strings cancel into a clone... so you can't punish him.
I'd just like IceBall to do like 2% damage both on hit and chip. If they want to keep the scaling how it is (which is fine), then that 2% won't really matter as much as the chip damage.
He is one of the few characters that does not have a single launcher combo. I'd love for them to give him something after 1,1... like 1,1,2 where the 2 launches.

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
Probably, but I was referring to having to chase zoners from one end of the screen to the other with dash cancels. It gets old quick.
Sonya has a pretty good projectile ... not great... but it recovers really fast....
She is already one of the more mobile fighters.


Sonya has a pretty good projectile ... not great... but it recovers really fast....
She is already one of the more mobile fighters.
Hmm. Between my experience and what I've seen on streams Sonya doesn't have a lot of options in the movement department. Arc Kick is too slow and jumping in is almost suicide (especially against Kitana and Sindel). Her two best options for getting in seem to be dash cancels and MS :r1. Still not entirely sure that MS :r1 goes under projectiles tho.

Yeah, Rings aren't bad at all but a projectile fight is still super-risky with Sonya without some kind of life lead.

CY MasterHavik

Master of Chaos and Jax
NOOOOOO!!! That's what sucks about SF!
(I'm not sayin SF sucks btw, i like SF, but the inputs are unnecessarily complicated IMO)
Uh...they're not...I can do them without much effort. I play Tager in Blazblue, so I was expecting something like that.


Scrublord McGee
Rule 63 Venom and Eddie? Que interesante ... or am I mistaking your avatar for something else, MasterHavik?

Anyhow 360 and 720 motions wouldn't work well for MK. They'd still work, but then they'd take out the simplicity of just pressing the directions instead of rolling your thumb/wrist.
reversed lightning bolt instead of Vicinity Blast

cyber sub zer0:
instead of close, mid, far ice bombs he should have close, mid, far ice showers.

sub zer0:
i prefer his ground freeze instead of his puddle freeze.

instead of her cartwheel (should be a move instead of special) Upward Bicycle Kick

they should replace his Invisibility with a new effective move.

quan chi:
prefer his MK4 sky drop instead of the new1

add laser eye and make him bald.

liu kang:
his parry animation shouldn't be an teleport but more like a counter animation. and make his ex low fire ball an overhead.

i don't kno but just add something original.


Jade should have her U3 back and she should have a non-offensive teleport, and maybe a little more damage.

Ermac could use a safe string that cannot be duck punished, an ex teleport similar to Scorpion's, and maybe a faster recovering levitate/levitate cancel.