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Making a Tourney


I was wanting to know how about going making a local tourney. I can never seem to find any here or close to the Dallas area. I know there needs to be a place and preferbally arcade versions correct? What else needs to be done?


I think you understand basically what needs to get done. Find a place, have the machines, and then just set up the brackets and do it.

Which version of a game to choose kind of depends on what the community around that game says. There's pretty much got to be a home system version thats acceptable but make sure you have the right one. I'm not certain, but I would guess there are games where the arcade version is actually not the preferred version for tournaments.

Do you have a place to hold it? Arcades are the natural place because people already gather there for games and there is a better chance of people showing since there is probably a group of players that frequent the arcade and are definately going to be at the tournament.


As of now, there is a place here at the school I attend currently, but there are no MK arcade games yet. They do have a "console" room with PS2 and Xboxs(Those are the two I know they have in there). There are plans for a newer student center with more games comming soon. Which is why I said yet when referring to MK machines on campus.

Off campus, there are lots of aracdes here, Dallas, but not really any MK machines left, other than MK 4.

My goal is to set up a fairly decent MK tourney for N. Tx. area, preferbally either MK 2 or UMK3. I have had some good casual matches at an UMK3 that one mall HAD. So I know there are some good players here.


If you can't find a machine, then I guess emu plus some nice controllers.

At NEC, UMK3 is run off a computer using MAME. Until there is good controller support for the Xbox 360 version it'll probably stay that way.


I see. If I could get use of the big projection theatre room, maybe a computer with MAME would be best? Would having MK on a very big screen work or just a standard size screen?


If you are talking UMK3, you have the choice of a computer with MAME or Xbox 360. We end up with problems on MAME with controllers pretty regularly. But that might just be terrible luck. With 360 you'd be limited in what controllers you can use as well. So it's kind of up to you.

UMK3 on a big screen is really fun. I have a projector that I use for movies and gaming and it owns.