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Question - Kitana Kotal Kahn has come for his queen.


Motor City Warrior
I picked up Kotal a couple days back. I have some things with him I would like to polish, but I am satisfyied enough with him that I am ready to add a secondary. So can somebody give me Kitana 101?


Motor City Warrior
Looks like they got the technical difficulty sorted. I can execute most of this stuff in practice, but having trouble iniating offense with her unless I can get in off blocked fan.

The Abbot

Unit LK-52O
Looks like they got the technical difficulty sorted. I can execute most of this stuff in practice, but having trouble iniating offense with her unless I can get in off blocked fan.
Fans are her game. Use them to condition your opponent and you can run in for pressure. Run up throw works a lot after some instant air fans.

I like to stagger her strings and try to catch people trying to counter.

B3 Ex fans can lead to good damage and is slightly +.

She has some gimmicks that work but you sacrifice damage and can be risky. Example: this reset won me the game but again it's just a gimmick I use.

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