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Kitana/Kabal Air Projectiles Question

On several occasions over the past few weeks, I have played a few very highly skilled and very high level individuals in UMK3 on Kaillera, but I think maybe they're a little too skilled.

What I mean is, for example, one specifc player is able to jump up or jump back and throw a projectile on the way up, but he does so after barely leaving the ground, literally within a fraction of a second of jumping. My point is, I've been playing this game for almost 13 years, and it's impossible. Am I just getting too old and am I too slow that I just can't do it and don't know what I'm talking about, or is there some kind of cheat that is being used?

I don't want to say who these people are or who the person in the example is, because I'm not the kind of person to call someone out, but I think it's pretty ridiculous and want to know how it's done, because I can't imagine that it's being done legitly.
many people believe that this is cheating but I assure you that if I can be any makina ago in which the arcade where it is and whether it can be


Dual inputs.
example: Ps2 controller with two "ups".
up+forward, forward, hp+lp = insta-fan.

Can be done on keyboard too.

Really dangerous with Kabal and MK2 Liu AFB 100%'s

I think it is bullshit too, but this all comes back to the "how the game is supposed to be played" cab vs console/pc argument that we all love so dearly. (what marv was sayin, I think)

The person you are playing is most likely kiki, lol. I have never seen anyone else use it.
OK, thanks for the help guys. I've played on a cab all my life and just started playing on consoles early last year, so when I started seeing people do this, I was taken aback because you'd have to be insanely fast to pull it off on a standard joystick or controller.

I guess I don't care that much, but it's annoying because I always end up running into the damn thing because it's so unpredictable because it's not done in the arcade and I'm not used to seeing it. It also just makes me wonder sometimes what else people are doing or using online to get an edge.
It, of course, requires some practice, but they are possible eventually. Try to practice like this:

For Kabal's eye laser (or whatever it's called)

Press Up and at the same time Back; something like this: Up + Back, then press Back + HP. You have to be very fast at the last one. That's the way I do it :) If someone has a better way to do it or explain it, please post it :)
[MKII said:
Scorpion ]
It, of course, requires some practice, but they are possible eventually. Try to practice like this:

For Kabal's eye laser (or whatever it's called)

Press Up and at the same time Back; something like this: Up + Back, then press Back + HP. You have to be very fast at the last one. That's the way I do it :) If someone has a better way to do it or explain it, please post it :)
This isn't really what he's talking about, the right way shoots it straight away.
black album said:
Impossible on Cab, possible on keyboard, xbox pad, anything else that is like those.

it is possible on cab , because that's were i been playing for a few years now and it works perfect, i dont use xbox 360 d-pad( sucks) :(
If this is possible, can someone please post a video pulling this off on a cab or with a standard controller with standard button mapping? I went to the arcade last night and tried for over an hour with both Kabal and Kitana, and I still say it can't be done. It's just too fast to do using one joystick, and I've never seen it done at tournaments in Chicago or Milwaukee. You would literally have to have the buttons input one or two frames after leaving the ground for it to work.

Again, I don't care that much about this specific thing, but if people playing online are mapping their buttons funny to pull off stuff like this, I have to wonder what other advantages online players are using that can't be done in an arcade.


Ha, Marv just proved that shit.

He is doing it on stick on 360 (where you cannot alter any button config).

This tactic is old news.
OK FRIEND YO GAME only shows that there are many people WITHOUT LEGAL NAMES dimension that speaks of my speech that this was not possible


black album said:
dubson said:
The End said:
I went to the arcade last night and tried for over an hour with both Kabal and Kitana, and I still say it can't be done.
I still say a lot of the ppl that do it are using dual config.
marvirrasta was playing against the cpu and still wiffing.

Randoms wouldn't be able to do that shit.
black album said:
Can you do it though?
No, I still can't do it, and I've given up trying. I guess it doesn't really add or take anything away from the gameplay, except for me running into the damn things because it happens so fast.
I made this for the thread.


interesting spots include,

1: Kabal 3 fireballs in mid air
2: Kitana fast fan
3: Nightwolf 4 axe
4: Sindel mid screen flight cancel
5: Sindel corner flight cancel.


Your Source For All Things MK Arcade Related
The End said:
I went to the arcade last night and tried for over an hour with both Kabal and Kitana, and I still say it can't be done.

Trust me, I wasted a lot of time on this and it can NOT be done on the arcade.