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Ken Masters - Keys to the Kingdom, Tips and tricks, Opressing Burnt out characters and more in this thread.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Welcome, if you want to have access to the Keys to the kingdom you have come to the right place, here you will learn the variety of Ken's buttons, frame data, the purpose of his specials, and finally how to abuse characters who enter burnout before Ken does.


- Amateur!! - (When Ken Perfect parries a scrub)
- Don't expect me to be a Pushover!!! - Intro

Describing Ken in short words, he is the type of character who wants all the smoke, sure he can't just do in and do stuff, but the pacing he controls and momentum he can gain from certain hits, will make your opponent feel like Ken can just get in and do stuff, in reality, it's all a combination of good buttons, throw loops frame data and scenarios where some of the things he can do in advance will make your opponent feel like you are maining of the most oppressive shotos of the roster.

Command Notations

Note: I play with classic controls, which i believe it gives me precise control of the character so i don't have to worry about anything.
If you are to take on this guide, i assume you are able to at least do the correct motions of things, i will try to go as much traditional as universal notations go in general, except for a few things that are traditional in my country and are 1000 times cooler than traditional inputs (i will not use numeric pads for it as i hate them)

Standing = St. (Any Button pressed with the character in the standing position will have an "St. " Icon before the button)
Crouching = Cr. (Any Button pressed with the character in the standing position will have an "Cr. " Icon before the button)
Neutral Jump = NJ
Forward Jump = Ji
Backward Jump = Jb
Back Dash = bb
Forward Dash / = FF
Drive Rush Cancel = Button~FF

P - Any Punch
K - Any Kick
KK - Two Kicks pressed Together
PP - Two Punches pressed Together

Light punch - LP / Light Kick - LK
Medium Punch - MP / Medium Kick - MK
Fierce Punch - HP / Fierce Kick - HK

Forward Throw = F+LP+LK
Backwards Throw = B+LP+LK

Special moves
(Commands when facing right)

Hadoken (HADUH))- :d:qtr:r + P /OD. Hadoken uses PP
Shoryuken (DP) -:r:d:qtr + P /Od Shoryuken uses PP (Fully invincible on startup)
Dragon Lash (Clipper) - :r:d:qtr + K / O.D Clipper uses KK ( gives airbone status, no lows or throws and special mids (crouching lights) can't clip it out of the air)
Tatsu (Kat Kat) -:d:qtl:l + K O.D Tatsu uses KK
Jinrai Kick (Crazy Kicks) -:d:qtr:rK (None of the kicks are safe on block, the heavy version it's a blockstring, the mid version cannot be jab interrupted /Od Version gives easy juggles in corner, no much of a strong mixup potential on neutral as last hit it's unsafe.
Jinrai Extentions - Forward LK - (Low) / Forward MK (Thunder Kick (Overhead)) / Forward HK (Safe High )

Run = KK (Meaning pressing two kick buttons at same time)
Sudden Stop (LK at any point during run to cancel the run)
Thunder Kick - MK during Run (overhead) +3 on hit
Step Kick - HK during Run

Powered by Run special moves:
- KK :r:d:qtr P - Gains massive Horizontal travel - Has projectile invincibility also massive damage making it the most damaging ender in Ken combos, starts on frame 9
En~Tatsu - KK :d:qtl:l K - Gains massive carry, can be used to punish some moves that are over -14 on punish counter giving 7f advantage post use to make use of extendable damaging combos, starts on frame 13
en~Dragon Lash (Clipper) - KK :r:d:qtr K (Gains fiery status on Clipper, switches sides if catches an opponent airbone and allows for followups, loops combos if clips characters on a crouching status)

Lvl1 - Has invincibility and switches sides with the opponent :d:qtl:l:d:qtl:l K (2x Tatsu any K, or Double Tatsu , any K)
Lvl2 - Deals massive damage on combos :d:qtr:r:d:qtr:r K ( 2x Hadoken any K, or Double Hadoken any K)
Lvl 3 - Anti-Airs, damaging combo Ender :d:qtr:r:d:qtr:r P (2x Hadoken with any P, or Double Hadoken P)

Short Cut notations
Crouching Fierce Punch = Cr.HP will be Called "SPOWER"
Dragon Lash = :r:d:qtr + K will be Called "Clipper"
Crouching Fierce Kick = Cr.HK will be Called "SWEEP"
Supers will be called by their levels

Ken's gameplay Design in street fighter 6 it's all about the Economy

Stay Rich by having more drive gauge than others

For the most part, Ken only has one plus move which is Heavy Clipper (DP+HK), as most of his buttons are minus, however, don't let that distract you from the fact, that while indeed he requires use of drive rush for continued pressure, block strings, and mixups, he is also one of the most economical characters in the game, when it comes down to drive gauge usage.

Ken it's among the most economical characters in the game, he can use as less drive gauge as he needs in combos, due to the amazing mileage he has with Chin buster Target Combo (MP, HP) and his Run mechanic having clipper extension on Run, he can do most combos without the use of a single drive rush cancel unless a specific situation in the game requires him to do so, or in case he wants to cash out a bit more damage.

Naturally, Ken will do 25% to 30% damage at the cost of using 0 drive rush cancels, just by purely using punish counter into run cancels, to dish hurtful damage while being fresh on his stamina, where some characters would be at almost burnout state if they were to perform similar extensions normally.


Ken is a Neutral Monster, not only he has access to Standard shoto's game, with space control of Fireballs, a powerful DP and Clipper (Dragon Lash) to launch a surprise attack, he also has some normals with insane range that will put a stop on anyone trying to brute force through his zone and pay the full price if continue to do so.

Hadoken Game
Light Hadoken has the slower travel speed, but it also the one that takes longer to prepare in startup, so it's good for setups, and when i say setups, its that kind of fireball that lingers in the screen for a longer period of time, forcing opponents to delay their actions for it including jumping, parrying or anything else, while giving you enough time to setup your next action before hand, either close that space behind by running, dashing and Shoryuken whoever dares to jump through it.

Mid and Heavy version have faster travel speeds, almost like Ryu, and the main difference with light version it's that it also way faster, so if you want a standarized projectile spam similar to Ryu, Ken can do it with Medium and Heavy version of those buttons.

OD Hadouken, has two hits, but doesn't knocks down, if hits on a perfect range can drive rush into a full combo from it (i personally haven't tried yet, but i have seen it)

Clipper Game (Dragon Lash)
Originally, Ken's Dragon Lash it's a move you have to unlock it's full use, the light version it's quicker and crushes crouching normals but it's -4 on block, the medium version connects from a St.HP on punish counters against crouching characters and gives +3 adv on hit on standing characters but its -9, so on neutral you have to use heavy Clipper to setup things, the problem with it, it's a telegraphed attack, so it is +1 on block, against standing characters, which you can mix with a cr.Light Counter hit bait or throw, and +2 on block which you can throw without giving them a chance to challenge with a jab, or jab check or back dash to bait stronger reactions.

Meaty Dragon Lash
When you end combos with DP, you can time correctly and chime in a meaty light. Clipper, if done correctly Ken now will be at -2 which is safe( more on that later)

Run Game
Sudden Stop (run cancel)
Will give enough mental advantage you can get, when you want to brute force a strike/Throw game on certain scenarios on hit.

Thrunder Kick
Will give +3 of advantage on a crouching character on normal hit, but will equally be -3 whenever the overhead it's guarded, the way to combo from it without being a counter hit, it's by going for a meaty setup, by finishing some your combos with medium shoryuken, Heavy Shoryuken and En~Tatsu the advantage on it goes over +40 on knockdown, even if they tech, you can setup a meaty overhead which will give you ~4~5 frame advantage on hit to connect a cr.lp or st.lk depending on range, or even chin buster , just be careful as it's very seeable

Step Kick
The SF5 option in this game it's -4 on block, but it has a sort of push back, when done correctly, it becomes safe and no character in the game will be able to punish without parrying it.
You can also run right behind certain moves whiff like SWEEPS and whiffed Drive Impacts and step kick them on punish counters to gain a 7f advantage for a free combo or more.
When canceled from Drive Rush~Cr.MP/HP and Cr.HP they cannot be interrupted with a normal as it can and it will land as counter hit, however the opponent can still drive impact through it, but the best part is, Ken will recover in time to drive impact back, so it's essentially a Bait, on CH he gains a free combo, if drive impacter, he can counter drive impact back or react in any other way.


Chin Buster (Target Combo, St.MP > HP)

A two hit starget combo, it hits anyone on crouching or standing, launching them in the air for a run special extension, unsafe on block indeed, but we will cover that later, for now, know that this string, it's where most of your combos will flow into on a standing opponent or a crouching one.
Cons: The range of the St.MP it's very short, the move has pushback on block.

a 4f Startup normal that it's +5 on hit +7 on CH and +8 on Punish Counter the purpose of this normal cannot be taken lightly, on normal hit allows Ken to hit confirm Chin buster up close, so be wary that this normal can somethings hit as a counter hit or punish counter, and most of the times at distance, when this happens, it's purpose changes, as now you can link a Cr.MP and drive rush cancel into SPOWER~run~cancel to be at +7 to get closer and get a chin buster in for a damaging combo.

In the Tutorial it says that this move it's one of Ken's keys to the kingdom, means it's one of his main buttons that will make your opponent scratch their head on, they weren't kidding, while indeed coming from a drive rush will put this move into a +2 state, this moves inserts his hitbox very quickly, so it makes it easier to catchup other cr.MKs whiffing on important ranges when characters are battling for space, what they don't tell you, it's that you have to drive rush cancel this move, even at the tip of the range, when drive rushed into SPOWER (Cr.HP)~Run Cancel, Ken will be at +7 for a free combo.
The move also connect a OD. Clipper ( overdrive Dragon Lash with KK) on counter hit or Punish counter, which is the route to go for less meter or for extension combo loops if you want to spend, when you punish someone crouching.

One of the most important Buttons on Ken's KIT, mainly because any mid normal cancelled to drive rush into this button it's +7 on hit, you can retain the frame advantage if you run cancel right after and chin buster into another run for damage at the cost of nothing.
It's also his main punish Counter normal for bigger damage at the cost of nothing as SPOWER~Run Cancel during a punish counter it's +7 on hit, and you can still cash in much more by doing Punish Counter SPOWER, Cr.MP~FF~SPOWER~Run~Cancel~Chin Buster~"insert run into whatever here" for more damage at the cost of just 3 bars of gauge.
Spower~run into step kick, frame traps jabs, but ken is unable to block if opponent drive impacts the gap.

St. HP (Standing Fierce)
A button that slips through some crouching normals, and has a surprising range, hits characters crouching, when up close in a punish counter situation allows ken to link Cr.MP~FF for a longer combo or simply St.HP~FF St.HK floops for an easier conversion.
This normal is very dangerous at the corner, if Ken baits the opponent well, against someone crouching, can be canceled straight into Od. Clipper (Dragon Lash) for a crouching loop, it also has some specific cancel advantage for some of ken's pressure (more on that later)
The move its -2 on block, when cancelled into run~step kick it frame traps jabs forcing a counter hit, and while still has a gap that can be drive impacted, ken recovers in time to drive impact back.
St.HP~lk Clipper will interrupt anything that it's not fully invincible such as jabs or throws when you cancelled into, however the opponent can drive impact the gap, yet ken is able to recover in time to drive impact back.

A 5f light normal, that protects ken and prevents some characters to brute force in, it puts and retracts his hitbox quickly, and in some specific situations where anything else links, this will net a hit and can be canceled into OD.Tatsu.
Ken can also Drive Rush cancel into standing Jab for a +8 frame advantage to link a Chin buster or SPOWER~H.Jinrai for a more damaging route if needed.

On normal hit this move it's not something special unless they are cornered, as it's an excellent normal to time meaties into throw loops, however this change when this move gets out of a drive rush state, at it's one of the main ways Ken has to force a 50-50 in the game, and least straight to a combo when it hits when a Drive Rush state in.

So Far my least Favorite normal, while it has the range, the conversion from it's punish counter it's the one that needs more practice, if done correctly, you can run into extensions from it and do 25% damage at cost of 0 drive gauge.

Brute Force Chin buster Pressure/ Brute Force Drive Rush Pressure
Normally, Heavy Clipper is a very telegraphed way to get yourself an advantage to chime in some damage pressure or mixup, so in order to get closer with Ken you will need drive rushes., other than that, try to keep your distance when possible and pick your moment to get close to the opponent with specific moves

Chin Butster can be used on block if you want to play a bit dangerously, and brute force reactions against your opponents in general: However opponents can, jab through the run after they block Chin buster, Drive Impact counter, and use invincible specials if they have time to think about it

You can Counter these by using a variety of options in order to keep them guessing by either:

a)Chin buster into Drive Impact, while a niche option, the cancel advantage of it, make it harder to react with their own drive impact if they are planning to jab through the run instead, however they can still react with drive impact after a light if they are fast enough, otherwise they have to drive impact instead.

b) in such case, if the opponent is trying to drive impact after they block chin buster, sudden stop the run into drive impact counters it, or you can Shoryuken from run to break through the entire drive impact wall, sadly this option doesn't work against lights.

c) you can use Chin Buster into lk.Clipper (lk. Dragon Lash) if they are trying to crouch jab out of chin buster into run, just do Chin Buster light clipper instead and while it will crush the jab, will also counter or punish counter in return giving you a full combo, however, can still be drive impacted or if guarded you will be at -4, more on this later.

d) you can use mid Jinrai Kick after Chin buster, while it still loses to immediate drive impacts due the gap, it completely shuts off jab mashing out of it landing in counter hit leaving ken at +5 on CH, enough to link a St.lk or St.lp which can then be drive rushed into jab for a +8 advantage and then go back to Chin buster/SPOWER combos.

While all these options have a nice counter, options C and D cannot be option selected to beat option A and B, which is to jab first and drive rush later to counter your own drive Rush, so your opponent either he jabs to interrupt the run, which Jinrai beats either case, or he drive rushes to beat Jinrai, which Run Cancel and run DP beats in either case, you just need to have a better control of your own Ken in such cases, as against crouching they will eat option B or D if try to crouch jab after.

On the other hand, you can still make your self more impredictable by transforming Chin Buster into a blockstring, by doing Drive Rush Cancels and prevent jabs, Drive Impacts and invincible moves to be used all together, but it will start to cost your stamina:

With Drive Rush

a) Chin Buster (st.Mp>HP) when drive rushed into light jab it becomes a block string that it's +3 on block, enough advantage to brute force a strike/throw mixup, it cannot be interrupted by normals and the throw priority and strike priority will both win in this specific scenario.

b) You can also go straight into a throw from it, instead of jab, be sure to time it well other wise, the throw will comeout while you still have advantage and it will whiff.

c) You can drive rush into Cr.LK, if it hits Ken will be at +5, enough advantage to hit confirm a Chin buster combo, or Cr.LP to hit confirm into the same scenario at the spent of scalled damage, while it's indeed a blockstring, this it's one of the way ken can brute force a strike/throw mixup by delaying the drive rush cancel just enough to make them think it's a throw and instead you land cr.lk instead.

d) you can Drive Rush cancel into Run, however the run moves will lose propriety of the drive rush propriety so you will not gain 4 frames of advantage if any of the moves hit (kinda sucks, capcom pls buff) While also not giving you enough advantage.

e) You can Drive Rush into Cr.MP, which will add a new layer on pressure:
  1. Opponent has to guess a strike throw mixup from a +4 disadvantage, allowing ken to fake an apporach as if it would allow him to throw, and whiff punish it
  2. Perform a throw if they respect
  3. You can now cancel into run into a step kick, which cannot be interrupted by jabs, but still has a drive impact gap
  4. You can sudden stop the run and bait opponents either jabs, Drive Impacts and Invincible moves, or Throw Loop.
f) You can Bait a trade with Drive Rush St.HP, if this move trades with a Jab which is the faster normal to interrupt, Ken becomes +15,
  1. On a crouching opponent at +15 trade, this is enough to land another St.HP~OD. Clipper (Dragon Lash) and Start Looping on a crouching opponent from there
  2. On Standing you will have to drive rush which will cost meter, so just St-HP~run~DP or Tatsu for carry or damage
  3. If St.HP it's guarded~Canceled from Run becomes uninterruptible by jabs, opponent has to drive impact, which allows Ken time to recover, and drive impact back.
(Oh, F*cK)

When an opponent enters this State, they will now face a different type of Ken, because now Ken has 4 frames of advantage against them naturally on any move he does, so if a move was +4, now will be +8, and if a move used to be -4 now will be 0.

What does that mean? Well....

It basically transforms Ken into a SFV V-trigger Ken, where some of his moves that were -6 and -4 are now -2 and 0 respectively, giving a strong warning that him being this minus it's not exactly your turn, sure still gives off the strike/throw mixup game, but now you have to worry if you should or shouldn't pressure in some scenarios as he is basically safe, and full of meter.

When the opponent it's in burnout,:
Light Clipper (LK.Dragon Lash) becomes Neutral on crouch block
, and -2 on stand block, both options safe and strong enough to perfect parry into damage if they try to press buttons or Just give them old SFV Ken Meme, even if Parry it's not perfect he will be at +1 if he parries a jab, enough to go for a strike/throw meta.

While in this state, since opponent loses drive impacts, ken St.HP is now +2 on block, when added a light clipper has a string, it cannot be interrupted by jabs either. and if respected, becomes safe at 0 frames.
Run~step Kick becomes neutral on block
Chin Buster into light clipper is now safe,
Chin buster into step kick its now a block string, an cannot be interrupted.
Drive Rush St.HP~Run~Thunder Kick will trade with any Jab
and give Ken enough advantage for a combo and it cannot be interrupted
Thunder kick from Run becomes +1 on block, enough to start his pressure on every overhead he gets to force opponents to block, with either a strike/throw game, or whiff punishing into more damage if you space it correctly, you can also increase its block advantage to +5 if hits meaty.
Light Jinrai Kick into F.LK doesn't trade with jabs anymore and it becomes -1 on block, a nice option to hit characters trying to jab your pressure when they enter a burnout. and make them pay for it with keys to the Kingdom if they happen to whiff something
Heavy Clipper becomes +5 on standing block and +6 on crouch block enough for Ken to brute force more options every single time he touches opponents while they are in bournout, to force them to a wall through pressure or by throw loops.
These options, will make any character in the game shivers, and resort to use their super meter more if they don't want to deal with Ken when they burn themselves out.

Frame data of important moves when opponent blocks them while in burnout
Cr.LP +3
St.lp +3
Cr.MP +4
St.MP +2
St.HP +2
thunder kick +1
step kick = 0
cr.MK +2
LK. Clipper (L Dragon Lash) 0
Cr.Lk +1

Some Combos( Vid Below coming Soon)

*Note: I wrote these away from home, so i can't fact-check some of the uninterruptible blockstrings in burnout state, which i will check as soon as i return home.

Pieace Sign

Combo Structure

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Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Guide will have a few updates later today, just hammering anything on this thread i couldn't think about it when i wrote the guide, mostly:
Meaty Clipper setups
Shoryuken proprieties
Damaging SPOWER combos
Easy side Switching into super links
Jump out Drive Impact Punish Counters
DP Punish Counters Combos
Corner Loops
Push block whiff punishing setups
Run~Sudden stop baits
Run~Sudden Stop meaty setups
St. Fierce Kick Punish Counter Combos

I won't have character specific stuff yet, but it might in the future.