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How effective is this "Tech"?


Scrublord McGee
"Tech" - Corner Escape - F3,3xxFlip Kick
Perks -
-1. Flip Kick, as a special, builds meter and even more on block.
-2. Flip Kick, to my understanding, is safe on block.
-3. A blocked F3,3xxFlip Kick will cross the opponent up during the Flip Kick recovery
-4. F3,3 can be hitconfirmed into Nut Punch for a reset.

Above is the info, topic is the question. Just curious since I'm interested in learning Cage a bit.
Flip kick is punishable with a 7 frame uppercut. In the corner you can do F33B3 flip kick without crossing over. Being approximately -7 on block isn't worth it.

A F0xy Grampa

Problem X Promotions
Interesting, good for getting out of the corner, but obviously you lose advantage.

Depends how badly you wanna get outta the corner really. Should be good against characters like Sub because hes too slow to be able to do much about it/ cant hurt you that much for it.

However, the fear of the mixup from the F3 string should usually be enough to give you the chance to get out. This is nice to 100% get you out of the corner though