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Fighting games in 10 years. What does the future hold?

Where do you guys see fighting games 10 years from now? I dont think 2d fighters will come back at least not in full force, and I am guessing Virtua Fighter and Tekken will be the 3d fighter kings. MK will also still be crapping out steaming 3d titles nobody cares about, and Killer Instinct 3 will still be a rumor/wish.

Lag in a fighting game will be a thing of the past. I am guessing by the end of the 10 year period people will be getting tired of 3d fighters and will start to crave dial-a-combos, and flashy fast 2d action again. Thanks to the availability, people will start to flock to the re-release retro fighting games and the death of 3d fighters will be a possibility.

All in all, I am hoping fighting games will be like clothes fashion, and history repeats itself.
DAVE101 said:
dead, FPS is taking over.
Maybe they'll do a FPS vs Fighting game type thing.
Like There will be two gane types: 1. FPS; where it'll be shootum up game but you can pick some fighting, and FPS charcters.
2. Fighting style; Can choose from FPS's and Any Fighting game characters you want, and you could choose to "2d" fight or "3d" battle. :wink: that would be sweet :p


I think fighters will still be around. If nobody else is making 2D ones, I'll make my own :twisted:

I look at what's happened already to guess at what'll happen next.

Graphics will improve. Long standing series will fluctuate in quality of gameplay.

Periodically new timeless fighters will be added to the lists, to go with 3s, ST, and MvC2 depending on where in the world you are.

Really it comes down to what series will survive, what will set the new games apart enough to give them some longevity to really become mainstream fighters, and will the time ever come that ST is not played regularly in tournaments?

I think it's cool that technology has finally caught up to the dreams of years ago. UMK3 for 360 is a home version of the Wavenet vision of so many years ago. Improved networks, decreased latency, will increase the online presence of fighters. That'll be a big shift.

My guess is mainstream playing of fighting games over the internet combined with customizeability, even if it's just dressing up a character, not creating a character from scratch, will get a lot more people into fighting games. But at some point they'll figure out a fighting game that is fun for all skill levels equally. That + netplay + custom looking chars will be golden.

And yeah, damn fps and mmorpg games are taking over. God damnit.

Now that I think about it, the last 2d fighting game i bought on a release date that i enjoyed was street fighter anniversary for 3rd strike. And that game was released nearly 10 years ago in the arcade itself. Well shit, you are right I think the days of good fighting games is over.

edit: dreemer i did not see your post till after i made mine. I hope that is true. Be awesome if capcom gets the rights to marvel again, or if they make another game like that using a difference liscence. There is bound to be a game creator/creators in the future who were hardcore 2d fighter fans and they will hopefully release one themselves that doesnt suck.
I use to go to my friends house and we all played games like: Halo 2, GoW, Baseball and Football games online. But i always felt as though I wasn't being tested competitively .
Then I brought over Some Fighting games like MKDA, MKA, and Fighting EVO.

It was fun playing "1 on 1" games and putting are skills to the test. We never got really into them b/c i would always start owning cuz im the one who had them, therefore i cold play them/practice more often.

What I'm tryin to say is that Fighting games will never die cuz people will want that "1 on 1" competition, that you can't really get in TPS's and FPS's. :wink:


Mortal Kombat: Obliteration, Tekken 16, Virtua Fighter 14: The next next next next evolution.

One thing is for sure though, I will ALWAYS love 2D fighters :)
Niche at best, though if the online infrastructure improved greatly (no latency issues), we might see a different picture. I think sales of upcoming games like T6, DOA5 etc. (not VF5 since let's face it, the series was never popular outside of Japanese arcades) will be a test.

Markets changes, so don't be surprised if even FPS games lose popularity over the next 5 years. Same with GTA.

The question is: What will be the next craze? Personally, it doesn't matter. I'll still have those old games to play, and if none of the new games appeal to me... well, who cares?


In 10 years its going to be alot of Thug ass gangster shit that only Really Black people will want to play and its pretty much going to be like Def Jam

and it will have somthing like Mks Konquest Mode

You walk into alley the drug deal goes bad Instead of saying fight some dude yells