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Darkseid - General Strategies and Discussion

A New Angel Is Advent

mutton basher
Sorry for list of questions but day 2 of this guy, and I think I'll keep him.

What are his optimal conversions off d2 and f3 without trait?

Does he have any drastically different bnbs in the corner?

Does anyone have some trait setups they would like to share?


The Power of Lame Compels You
Sorry for list of questions but day 2 of this guy, and I think I'll keep him.

What are his optimal conversions off d2 and f3 without trait?

Does he have any drastically different bnbs in the corner?

Does anyone have some trait setups they would like to share?
Off of a clean AA from D2 you can get a B3/F3. Corner combos are slightly different and I'll be posting some setups later today.


Noob Saibot
You guys make me sick, probably the third best zoner in the game behind fate and deadshot. Has teleports, multiple angle hitting projectiles, a badass trait that can set up his TP and complement his zoning...and you guys want him to have normals on par with the supes or GL? He doesn't need all the tools, he has so many options already.


The Power of Lame Compels You
You guys make me sick, probably the third best zoner in the game behind fate and deadshot. Has teleports, multiple angle hitting projectiles, a badass trait that can set up his TP and complement his zoning...and you guys want him to have normals on par with the supes or GL? He doesn't need all the tools, he has so many options already.
I'm sorry who said we needed normals on par with them? We literally just want at least semi decent options. And maybe try not bunching everyone up with a single person's opinion?


End Of Humanity
You guys make me sick, probably the third best zoner in the game behind fate and deadshot. Has teleports, multiple angle hitting projectiles, a badass trait that can set up his TP and complement his zoning...and you guys want him to have normals on par with the supes or GL? He doesn't need all the tools, he has so many options already.
I dont want but why deadshot have as good zoning or better and good normals ? Btw all I want is f2 to be mid thats all .


He seems to have gaps everywhere... can't anyone do a armored b3 through any string?
What options do we have?
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You guys make me sick, probably the third best zoner in the game behind fate and deadshot. Has teleports, multiple angle hitting projectiles, a badass trait that can set up his TP and complement his zoning...and you guys want him to have normals on par with the supes or GL? He doesn't need all the tools, he has so many options already.
Except no one is saying this.

It seems to me you just wanted to make a snide ass remark and group a bunch of people into one group.

Think it over better next time or don't post at all.


Noob Saibot
If you're reading, everyone is saying they're sad and butt hurt he doesn't have "normals" but he is a high damage character. People haven't even noticed that you can AA with his s1. Complaining already on week 1. He shouldn't have good normals bc his other tools are good.


The Power of Lame Compels You
If you're reading, everyone is saying they're sad and butt hurt he doesn't have "normals" but he is a high damage character. People haven't even noticed that you can AA with his s1. Complaining already on week 1. He shouldn't have good normals bc his other tools are good.
There's a difference between being butt hurt and saying "It'd be nice if X was better" I'm still playing the character when I compete so clearly I don't see it as a huge disadvantage.
No. Literally no one respects d1 on hit... Because they don't have to. D1s don't jail in his game... Or at least with many characters. D1 into b1 will get stuffed but any number of things.
I figured, Darkseid doesn't have any good options to check opponents or keep them honest they can blow him up from his gaps or abuse his lacking mid to keep harassing you. I'm really polarized by this character at the moment, perhaps once his tech develops they will find something. But at this moment, I think he is more of a pocket character in my humble first week impression.


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So I've been playing a lot of Cheetah and I have a question: does Darkseid have a single answer to her f3? It's double hitting so it will break his armor. It leaves her +10 on block with her normals vs his normals. And anytime it hits, she can end the combo with at least +20 advantage and within range for another f3. If Darkseid teleports, her f3 moves her far enough away to keep him from hitting her.

On a similar note, does he have a single answer to her Blood Lunge? From full screen she can Blood Lunge 3, which leads to the same situation as above: +8 or so on block and combo ending in +20 or more on hit. I suppose he can at least mb.b3, but his normals aren't going to be stopping that train.

He also has zero wakeups against her; her d3 causes his Knee and Palm to whiff.


You will BOW to me!
After playing some games with him, my observations are the following:


1) F23 sucks as a punishing string and b1 is hella slow.

2) S2 is probably the worst normal in the game in terms of range and reward.

3) His d2 is average at best. Played against a Batman, GL, HQ and Supergirl and it was a jumping spam fest.

4) His mobility is almost non existent (thank god for the teleport).

Only when his trait is out he can compete and even then, his trait has issues, especially regular trait. Shoulder whiffs and the parademon's fireball seems a bit sluggish and has a weird hitbox.


1) His damage output from the trait, teleport and stomp shenanigans is very rewarding.

2) His wake up game is extremely good (not only the knee move, palm as well).

3) His corner game is very good.

All in all, i believe that the New God from Apokolips need some tuning. His lack of a solid mid normal really hurts him, i mean, even his palm special move is a high ffs! How is he supposed to play footsies? Unless something good is discovered, i dont see him doing well in the competitive scene. He is really fun to play with though.

The only way i see DS playing footsies, is by using the flying knee special.

EDIT: All of his strings have gaps which can be either interrupted or armored through.


Day 1 grill
There is an invisible wall in the right corner of Slaughter Swamp, so some of Darkseid's trait combos won't work. At least 4~4 won't work. I still need to try 4~F4, B4~4, and B4~F4.


Most of the setups in that video by RZA can quite easily be negated by tech rolling or delayed wake up. They are pretty good but he just has the AI set to a normal wake up which very rarely happens.

Da Tac0

GT: C88 Taco
What's his go to punish string? I'm think f23 but 13 frame mid.. it's better for whiffing than off block imo.
Hey guys I'm not sure if anyone is using this or not but here are some setups I use with Darksied. Sorry if everyone knows about these already.
You can get the air stomp to fully animate and meter burn it is just hard to time.

Da Tac0

GT: C88 Taco
I've found that I prefer ending combos with Palm Strike instead of Doom Stomp. It seems to land far more consistently as well. I tend to whiff the Doom Stomp ender. I dunno if it's my timing, spacing, etc. But I'll take the advantage from Palm Strike anyway, unless Doom Stomp would end the round/match.

I like to do b1u3 (MB) > b3 > j3 > 2~df2 or f23 > nj3~MB Doom Stomp > b3 > j3 > 2~df2.

You sometimes have to walk slightly forward for the 2 to land because of its pathetic range, but it's the only normal/string I've found that allows Palm Strike to fully land mid screen. I would likely replace the 2 with 3 for more damage if I'm in the corner.
Yeah the second J3 into boot stomp needs to hit when they're almost out of the air.


UPR DanableLector
You guys make me sick, probably the third best zoner in the game behind fate and deadshot. Has teleports, multiple angle hitting projectiles, a badass trait that can set up his TP and complement his zoning...and you guys want him to have normals on par with the supes or GL? He doesn't need all the tools, he has so many options already.
I don't recall anyone asking for normals THAT good. But when your best punishing string has slow start up, and a horrible hit box, you might wish it was a mid, or 9 frames on start up. (f2)

Just yesterday I attempted to actually use f2 in footsies. I had outspaced my opponent (Harley), and attempted to make her pay with f2. She mashed a pop shot, which the animation has Harley completely upright and standing... And my f2 was low profiled...

Also, before anyone brings up s2. Standing 2 isnt very good either. A very high mid, with poor range, inconsistent hitbox, and is a horrible meaty... 22 not coming out if 2 whiffs sucks.

Anyway, that's my two cents on his normals. No, I do not want, or need a superman f23. I just want to be able to punish my opponents when they make mistakes consistently, and I want to be able to generate something, ANYTHING without having to jump in, or air teleport.

Is that so unreasonable, or broken?? I dont think so... But opinions vary.
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