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Cyrax Reset fix.

While you're at it "Fixing" his resets why don't you fix his 2,1,2 string. after 2,1 connects the 2 can be interrupted by some of the cast. reptile for example. after 2,1 hits he can dash you before the 2 connects. WTF is that? Thats B.S Jax can also interrupt the 2 and others with quick jabs. Serious bullshit. Also, do something about his wakeup options please, they suck! Or at least make his 3,3 string hit low.


Courtesy of Paulo Garica on VSM regarding the Cyrax Bomb Fix "the Buzzsaw hit or the 2nd net wont hit, thus ending the reset."

so there you have it. discuss.
wow it would suck, i use the net to finish combos and leave people standing so they cant wake up attack and i use the bursaw to finish combos in the corner, non reset combos, if these abilities dont hit on combos it will be the end of cyrax, they, cyrax still cant win a tourney with all his tools cause these combos are breakable and not always have the chance to come out, they shoudl give him a faster telepot indeed to catch up with meter builders players, specially instant projectile throwers in the air, cyrax fight hard to take meter and combo these characters, must of the time i have the chance to combo there is a breaker, hope they buff some of his moves not only nerf his resets, these resets are part of a lot of time invested in the training room and could lead people to quit the game, i feel like it myself, wish they stop patchign the game and people deal with what they have available, the bursaw is a useless abilitie already and if it cant be used in combos they better remove it form the game cause people woont use it, this move stay open for like 2 seconds on block and non blocked, the net resets are not that high damage i dont find they should nerf the net resets, i know how to trigger other reset wich i wont show it till they finish with the last patch , i know how the bug works =) dot worry cyrax players i got your back


Galloping Ghost Arcade
I really wish NRS would let the game mature a bit before all the patches. If they couldn't make a well balanced game from the factory, they shouldn't have shipped it, honestly. Test it more or test it longer, or make UMK9 have all the updates they see fit. When someone starts placing consistenly in majors with cyrax, then examine it. Even then, the players' skill could be the reason for the win.

I really dislike having to re-learn my bnbs every time something looks "unfair" or broken. Does anyone remember umk3 Kung Lao 100%? And he's not even considered top-tier! Damage doesn't make a character, especially one that can be pressured so easily on wake up and frame-trapped.

Saltines for dinner tonight for me.
OP fixes nothing.

2, 1, net, 2, 1, ex bomb, mid bomb, dash 3, 3. Lands on top of the bomb and resets.

If chestsaw doesn't hit, and in the reset it's the first one, that means it won't work unless the chestsaw never hits.... Ever.

2, 1, ex bomb mid bomb, dash 2, 2, net. That only has one net, so it will hit.

This is a troll thread. There's no way that solution came from anyone reputable.

Here's the right solution. Make the damage reset timer last longer than it takes for a bomb to explode. Damage isn't reset before the bomb pops em back up. Fixed.


Black lantern
i hope so, i like his resets.. against good players its a challenge to land, i hope they dont change it or at least buff his normals and teleport so that his bnbs are safer and easier to land


2, 1, net, 2, 1, ex bomb, mid bomb, dash 3, 3. Lands on top of the bomb and resets.
If you hit them (with any string) and the bomb explodes before they hit the ground theres no reset, it combos. But if they hit the ground before you hit them it will reset unless they do a fast special, x-ray or tech roll depending on the situation.

2, 1, ex bomb mid bomb, dash 2, 2, net. That only has one net, so it will hit.
I´m pretty sure you cant cancel 2,2 into net, but if you did it will hit and the opp would be suspended above the bomb, on explosion the combo will continue. Theres no reset. As of right now the 2nd net in a combo traps them only for an instant, after which they make contact with the ground before the bomb explodes. This special property of the 2nd net within a combo is what allows for the reset to happen. If you do 2,2 -> net, they touch the ground in between the last 2 and the net and the reset happens, but the opp is able to escape.

Here's the right solution. Make the damage reset timer last longer than it takes for a bomb to explode. Damage isn't reset before the bomb pops em back up. Fixed.
This was discussed before. I´m not sure wether there is a "reset timer" at all (meaning the code takes into account time in relation to the reset) If the reset trigger is tied to the bomb, wouldnt this disrrupt regular play?

For example lets say I land all hits in 1,2,1,ff4, the opp now blocks and I go for 2,2,f1 on block. Since 1,2,1 lifts the opp off the ground, the bomb is put on the screen while the opp is still in the air. Before I get my 2nd 2 out (of the 2,2,f1) the bomb has not exploded yet so I find myself still in the combo but chipping because the reset timer is waiting for the bomb to explode.

Ending combos with bomb setups would be disrrupted in general.
1,2, Ex bomb, mid bomb, uppercut, b2, 1,2,1,ff4 would suffer the same problem. Escapable resets/setups would be affected by severe scaling in this case.

There seems to be a conditional that activates the reset event, that involves the opponent touching the ground after a juggle. If there is no second net special properties there is no reset, as well as if there is no saw in combos. This does limit the characters technology a bit but it seems to be a hard fix from the coding perspective.

EDIT: clarity

EDIT2: 1,2, Ex bomb, mid bomb, uppercut, b2, 1,2,1,ff4 does NOT apply to this example since the bomb wont come out. Didnt want to leave incorrect info out here.


This is stupid. Personally, I complain not because of the reset but their bandage fix. Here we were. Sat in the lab for hours. Trying to figuring out some juicy stuffs. Bam. Couple months later, they nerf all the shiz that you found. Is this how you reward creativity and time spent??? Why would I spend more time in this game to find stuffs that'll be nerf later??? No thanks. Lucky for me, I didn't buy any dlc yet :)

If you nerf the damage, it's understandable. Took out the reset?? made us learn new bnb??? tell us to go fuck ourselves for our creativity??? Please stop being lazy and try to fix the character the right way. This character already have so many weaknesses without the company nerf him everytime they can.


i never did use the reset for cyrax, so i wont care, the max i can do with 1 bar is 59% or 58%, and is so easy to do and with no reset :D
so i am all for this.

thanks for the info :)