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Question 22 online?

ive been using b1 2 freeze but according tom brady 22 is better, and he obvs knows what hes talking about. but ive been trying it out instead of b1 2 and online i hit 22 and subby always finishes the combo with the 3rd 2 instead of the freeze and i keep getting punished from the block. am i just hitting it too fast or something?


lol i swear im not mashing.. if i was mashing i wouldve just stopped mashing
Honestly, my first thought is that your mashing as well. But for the sake of argument lets assume your not. What you could be doing is holding down the button for the 2nd 2 to long. The negative edge is so fucked in this game , and the netcode so horrid, that it could be reading your release of the button as the third 2. Thats really the only other thing it could be. Try releasing the button more quickly and see if it stops doing that.
Honestly, my first thought is that your mashing as well. But for the sake of argument lets assume your not. What you could be doing is holding down the button for the 2nd 2 to long. The negative edge is so fucked in this game , and the netcode so horrid, that it could be reading your release of the button as the third 2. Thats really the only other thing it could be. Try releasing the button more quickly and see if it stops doing that.
thank you lol
just tried it out and indeed i was holding the second 2 too long i tried tapping them lighter and it worked like a charm, thanks rob


Good job Rob helping out deekins!

I used to accidently finish the 222kombo at the start of playing the game as well until i got more accustomed to the window/negative edge.
This is very helpful information. I tend to accidentally pull out a full 222 string enough times that it's cost me rounds before. Will have to keep this in mind next time.


there are certain times when there's nothing wrong with using b12 but you'll mostly want to be using 22
b12 doesn't hit most ducking opponents even if they're blocking while 22 will hit most of the cast ducked and also anti airs and hits behind you on the second hit.

If you do a jumpin punch then you can do b12 since they're forced to block the jump punch high and you can't duck in time to cause the b1 to whiff so it will always hit in those situations.
You also don't want to use this if they have xray because they can xray before the b12 ice dagger hits. I'm guessing enhanced armor specials will get them out of this too so probably don't want to use it on those characters as well.

b12 leaves both characters at 0 frame advantage if they block while 22 leaves SZ at a slight disadvantage so you'll usually want to do 224~clone if they block the 22. just be aware some characters can punish this such as CSZ dive kick so you will want to stop at 22 in those situations.


I'm getting this aswell, not down to neg edge or mashing, just shocking netcode. I'm even getting dropped inputs, my ice balls are coming out as kicks. It's even stupid stuff like not being able to block anything on reaction even though I hold block before the other person even gets to me.

This netcode is shocking, and it doesnt help that americans keep joining the UK rooms we make!
I'm getting this aswell, not down to neg edge or mashing, just shocking netcode. I'm even getting dropped inputs, my ice balls are coming out as kicks. It's even stupid stuff like not being able to block anything on reaction even though I hold block before the other person even gets to me.

This netcode is shocking, and it doesnt help that americans keep joining the UK rooms we make!
yeah i know dude, it can be frustrating but hopefully with this next patch they'll fix some of this shit