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KL can blow Sonya up, in a similar fashion to Jax (obviously not as brutally though), you just either gotta be full screen or point blank.

Take away her D4 and you've eliminated a majority of her offense and defense.
I mean it's not just that simple tho, just take her D4 away lol. She always has it. She can punish every KL does and her low hitbox helps too. It at least has to be 5-5, I don't think KL blows her up. You can't fight her the same as Jax, the is like a better Jax with better options and less interuptable strings


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
I mean it's not just that simple tho, just take her D4 away lol. She always has it. She can punish every KL does and her low hitbox helps too. It at least has to be 5-5, I don't think KL blows her up. You can't fight her the same as Jax, the is like a better Jax with better options and less interuptable strings
ya if you take away all of KL's normals and his spin and teleport he isn't that tough.


ya if you take away all of KL's normals and his spin and teleport he isn't that tough.
lol yeah. KL is good but I think people are giving him too much credit. He good, but some talk him up like he is so good he might be near Kabal's level. I hate when people compare him to Kabal, he is nowhere near Kabal's level.

Kung Lao: At least 2-3 bad matchups, maybe 4-5 even matchups

Kabal: No bad matchups, no even matchups

These two characters are not comparable


Perfect Legend was telling me the Smoke match-up is 5-5 and not a 7-3 over the weekend. I'm guessing he played Gross' Smoke or something. Many of you may need to step up your Smoke game.


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
Perfect Legend was telling me the Smoke match-up is 5-5 and not a 7-3 over the weekend. I'm guessing he played Gross' Smoke, many of you may need to step up your game.
Ya, I am trying to step my game up now that I know the MU is 5-5. What is the command for smoke bomb because I wanna start using it??


Perfect Legend was telling me the Smoke match-up is 5-5 and not a 7-3 over the weekend. I'm guessing he played Gross' Smoke, many of you may need to step up your game.
and gross's smoke is very far from complete and doesnt abuse smoke as much as he could


Ya, I am trying to step my game up now that I know the MU is 5-5. What is the command for smoke bomb because I wanna start using it??
I'm just telling you guys what I was told regarding Kung Lao vs Smoke. I use Kabal vs Smoke so I can't comment much on the match-up. But PL was telling me some things that were rather convincing.


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
I'm just telling you guys what I was told regarding Kung Lao vs Smoke. I use Kabal vs Smoke so I can't comment much on the match-up. But PL was telling me some things that were rather convincing.
That is cool so since KL is tough for some other characters to fight we should be seeing a lot of Smokes deep in tournament now since it evens things out.


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
eh?. you dont believe me do you?.
No I mean't that regarding to you responding to the REO's comment. It is hard to go in depth about someone's play style without seeing more of it to be honest though.


The Ignore Button Is Free
PL in MK: "KL isn't top 10. Has 7 bad MUs. Blah". Kung Lao has won the past two Evo's...

PL in SF: "Akuma sucks. Rufus is OP. Blah...". Akuma won Evo. Rufus wasn't even top 3...



B*tch Distributor
@ppl saying cyrax is a 6-4 against lao. Can i haz your drugs? Cyrax loses to every character 7-3 imo. Net and a dream doesn't mean auto top tier. It means lotsa lucky wins. Cyrax is a joke of a character. And as for lao not being top 10, i say "nonsense". Lao is definitely top 10. He's just over used therefore highly predictable. Same is happening to kabal. He's just so broken that its taking people longer to adjust. I have a dream that one day black people, white people, and even chinese people will lol @ nmd cancels.


No I mean't that regarding to you responding to the REO's comment. It is hard to go in depth about someone's play style without seeing more of it to be honest though.
im not saying he is bad or has a bad style he is just unaware of certain things that he could be doing to make smoke alot scarier. im going to post everything i know about smoke soon.


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
im not saying he is bad or has a bad style he is just unaware of certain things that he could be doing to make smoke alot scarier. im going to post everything i know about smoke soon.
What I am saying is that you don't know he doesn't know about it. He was in the heat of a match so you really need more before you blow someone up. Some of the stuff I saw seemed like it was more for style than practical. He gave up damage during some combos for the swag, but it was hidden because he connected on corner resets and the damage was there.


RiBBz22 how am i ' blowing him up' ?. i was just saying that as good as gross is with smoke he could better if he done certain things and im not talking about the wrong combos he was doing.


Pretty sure my Lao is ahead of REOs though...
can't count you guys when i have no idea how strong your competition is and have know idea if you where playing your best at Evo or not

All footage i've seen is old and probably outdate so i'm not going to pass any judgement. Didn't mean any offense in not including you


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
RiBBz22 how am i ' blowing him up' ?. i was just saying that as good as gross is with smoke he could better if he done certain things and im not talking about the wrong combos he was doing.
OK maybe not blowing him up but I am just saying I don't think the limited amount of matches you have seen can be enough to make any determination one way or the other I suppose. I am going to move this discussion to the Smoke forum when I get a chance because we are way off topic here.
Reactions: LaR
PL in MK: "KL isn't top 10. Has 7 bad MUs. Blah". Kung Lao has won the past two Evo's...

PL in SF: "Akuma sucks. Rufus is OP. Blah...". Akuma won Evo. Rufus wasn't even top 3...

rufus as a character has done more than akuma...justin wong and ricky ortiz body people with rufus. rufus was 2nd at evo2010. who are the best akuma players? tokido and infriltration, tokido has always been godlike but infriltration wasnt always on that level, he used to lose to the top of the top players.

also about the low hat punish, 1 frame late and you won't punish it, you need to release block immediately. you cant really call that easy
Smoke's damage is an important factor on why it's 5-5 with KL. With a character that is taking risks 24/7 like Kung Lao, one wrong teleport, dive kick, or spin can result in death combos for the round.
smoke has one of the best pokes in the game, so these pokes will interrupt hit pressure standing 1 and 2. kung lao has to spin on read to blow those pokes up. and the risk reward is heavily in smokes favor.