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How do you feel when you get grabbed put of your down pokes or uppercuts?

Say you're in a scenario where you're not jailed and you read a high attack or a throw. Or you're playing a flowchart player and you just know that the throw comes next on the flowchart. So you throw out a ducking normal or try to cash out a beefy d2 kb combo. But for whatever reason your opponent delays the high by just one or two frames and actually stuffs your move. You made the right read, yet you still get punished. How does it feel when this happens to you?


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I feel like I mistimed my d2. If you read a throw and go for a d2, and you’re getting thrown through that, you’re doing the d2 too early. There’s plenty of time to d2 after a whiffed throw, just wait a tiny bit longer and you won’t get thrown out of it.


Up rock incoming, ETA 5 minutes
I was kind of used to getting grabbed out of pokes because throws were mid in Injustice 2 but I would say that I didn't make the right read in the situation you provided. I view D2'ing highs on read as risky business because you can react to whiffed throws in general but I don't view D2 as being an option against both highs and throws because you'll get grabbed out of the D2.

The whole thing with being grabbed out of pokes kind of forced me to learn how to throw tech tbh


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I feel like I got caught mashing. It's frustrating, but you usually have to delay the d2's long enough for the throw to come out. If you're just mashing d2, sure, sometime's that's going to work, but it's also going to get blown up a lot.


Administrator and Community Engineer
If you're waiting for the throw to d2 or stand up and punish, it's usually not too hard to punish it once you see the animation. No need to rush it, there's usually plenty of time to react when you're ready.

Whereas if you get grabbed out of a poke, you didn't poke fast enough, as throws are slower than pretty much every poke in the game.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
If you get thrown out of you pressing buttons, then you definitely deserved it. Just Saying.

This game can be a lot of things, but consistency in this it's one of them, some characters don't have fast pokes to context to they grab to stop mashers. Sure they take a risk but then if you are expecting a throw, then they can use their slower mids or simply move away.


D'Vorah for KP2 copium
I feel like I mistimed my d2. If you read a throw and go for a d2, and you’re getting thrown through that, you’re doing the d2 too early. There’s plenty of time to d2 after a whiffed throw, just wait a tiny bit longer and you won’t get thrown out of it.
This. It just means I was either:

  1. Mashing and got beat out cause they grabbed earlier than I started my poke
  2. Too early on the read response for the grab, resulting in my answer getting eaten by said grab


Ermac & Smoke Main
So if you mash low attacks like d3 and d4, high throws can punish you still because you are dumb and masher, it is nothing about how the things should work in fighting games, it is about your dumbass mashing style.


There it is...
I feel it makes sense for grabs but i dont know why they made d2’s high vulnerable on startup. Sometimes i hard read a high jab and want my KB but instead eat a combo. You cant really sit ducking and d2 after the whiff jab like for grabs


D'Vorah for KP2 copium
So if you mash low attacks like d3 and d4, high throws can punish you still because you are dumb and masher, it is nothing about how the things should work in fighting games, it is about your dumbass mashing style.
Gunna be petty here and say god DAMN do you need to just uninstall the game if this is how every comment of yours about it turns out. "Should" it work differently? Who knows. Has it worked this way since the beta over 2 years ago and we should be playing around it because that's just what we've gotta do as part of the game? Yes. We were all just asked how we feel when it happens. The others who have responded say it's that they mashed or mistimed because, again, that's just how the game works and they've learned to accept and play the product instead of throwing passive aggressive shit fits.

Give yourself a breather cause clearly playing MK11 is gunna give you a hernia. Play something else. Post about something else or make your own thread to discuss how it "should" work.


Ermac & Smoke Main
Gunna be petty here and say god DAMN do you need to just uninstall the game if this is how every comment of yours about it turns out. "Should" it work differently? Who knows. Has it worked this way since the beta over 2 years ago and we should be playing around it because that's just what we've gotta do as part of the game? Yes. We were all just asked how we feel when it happens. The others who have responded say it's that they mashed or mistimed because, again, that's just how the game works and they've learned to accept and play the product instead of throwing passive aggressive shit fits.

Give yourself a breather cause clearly playing MK11 is gunna give you a hernia. Play something else. Post about something else or make your own thread to discuss how it "should" work.
Scrub quote. i am not playing the game for months. it doesn't really matter because i don't need to play MK 11 to know that high attacks can't hit you while crouching and pressing low attack buttons, otherwise what is the meaning of categorizing buttons as low, mid or high?


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I don't think throws are considered to be the same as high normals. Yes, they are listed as high, because they will still whiff on lowered hitboxes. But that doesn't mean they behave identically to non-throw highs. It's annoying that we players had to figure out these differences ourselves, but now that we know this is how the game works, what is the complaint?

If you think you read a throw and you still get thrown out of your d2, it's not the game that messed up, it's you (and by "you" I mean the reader of this post, not any specific TYM user). If you really did read the throw, you would have waited and punished accordingly. But too many times I think people mash d2 hoping for a throw or expecting one, and they get mad when their d2 is thrown. You can't mash it (usually), you gotta actually make the read and react correctly.

If I read a jump and mess up the timing of my anti-air, I don't come onto TYM to claim MK11 is broken. It's the same thing for throws. If I think my opponent is going to throw and I d2 too early and get blown up even though I made the right read, that's still on me; no amount of patches or game changes will correct that issue. Is it frustrating? Of course. But is it a consistent element of gameplay we should all know how to play around by now? Absolutely.


Ermac & Smoke Main
Throws can eat D2 on missed timing, but if player is crouching without pressing block and trying to hit by a crouching low attack and throws can still eat that it is a bs. it is not about active Frame or another bs explanation. player is not at high hitbox region while crouching without blocking. Not that hard to understand.


The future of law enforcement.
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Throws can eat D2 on missed timing, but if player is crouching without pressing block and trying to hit by a crouching low attack and throws can still eat that it is a bs. it is not about active Frame or another bs explanation. player is not at high hitbox region while crouching without blocking. Not that hard to understand.
But it's not bs; it's literally how the game works. That's what I mean when I say high throws are not the same as high attacks. You are correct that a high attack will whiff on a low poke, but that's not the case with throws because they behave differently. You're saying that shouldn't be the case, but why? If we know that's how throws work and we are all able to play around that mechanic appropriately, why is it bs when someone gets blown up trying to play the game in a way it's literally not designed to be played?

I wish they had used a different term than "high" to describe throws, because that's where I think all this anger and confusion is coming from. Throws already have different properties from other high attacks. You can block a high normal but not a high throw. Is that bs? Or is that just throws doing what throws do? If that difference is ok, why are other differences bs? Forget the "high" classification, or just realize it means something different when applied to throws.


Ermac & Smoke Main
  • what if throws aren't high
  • you can block high attacks but you can't block high throws.
Nice arguments, i have nothing to say


The future of law enforcement.
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  • what if throws aren't high
  • you can block high attacks but you can't block high throws.
Nice arguments, i have nothing to say
That's pretty reductionist lol. You are ignoring all of the context used to present those statements. You don't want to be told to just drop the game you hate and play something you like, but you won't accept valid discussion about these same topics, so not sure what is your plan other than to complain on a fan site about the primary topic of that fan site. I'm trying to engage you constructively, but in response I'm getting a bad-faith take on cherry-picked lines from the info I presented. You can't do that if you don't want people to dismiss you with "maybe you should just drop the game".


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I'd probably just feel frustrated with myself for messing up the timing.

In general when it comes to fighting games I try and take the game as it is, instead of losing too much sleep over how I think the game should work.
I've always found this rule weird and stupid, but I adapted to it anyways. I mean the rule is dumb but it's MK11, there are so many dumb mechanics in the game, this one is far from being the worst or the most frustrating.


Mid-match beer sipper
It’s the same as it’s always been. You could throw someone out of a d4 in MKX, etc.
That's why I said, 'as far as how D2s interacted with throws.'

I'm pretty sure throws lost to uppercuts no questions asked (meaning no having to neuch and wait for the throw to fully whiff)
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