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General/Other - Kotal Kahn Kotal Kahn's backstory


"On your Knees!"
If hes' the Emperor of Outworld, wouldnt that make him a boss character? I know in MK4 Shinnok was a boss and was playable but this is different. When MKX drops he's my Insta main.


What a day. What a lovely day.
He probably killed Mileena, and that's why they haven't revealed her yet. They don't want us Mileena fans going into a state of depression before the game is even released.

Faded Dreams V

Retired June 2012. Unretired June 2013.
Mileena: With my daddy gone, I am now the empress of Outworld! hahaha!

Kotal Kahn: *Comes flying down from the sun* Get off my throne.

Mileena: Yes, sir.

Shinnok: Ah! After 10,000 years I'm free. Time to conquer Earth!...and Outworld.

Kotal Kahn: :(

Quan Chi (*on demon horse*): i haz ur amuletz.

Shinnok: ;_;

Onaga: The fuck is going on here?
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My GT: UncappedWheel82
Why does everyone call him a bad guy? So he runs outworld, that doesn't make him bad. It's a game full of trained killers who sadistically murder each other.
So true. After Kotal first showed up in the comic opposite Sonya, I started to wonder for real. Now after the most recent issue, we can see that he has some sort of code of honor.


bye felicia
So true. After Kotal first showed up in the comic opposite Sonya, I started to wonder for real. Now after the most recent issue, we can see that he has some sort of code of honor.
Well, lets be real for a minute here. Sonya is consistently one of the worst (morally/ethically) characters in the series. She picked that fight with Kotal all because she was having a bad day. The only reason she qualifies as a good guy is because Kano is worse.


My GT: UncappedWheel82
Well, lets be real for a minute here. Sonya is consistently one of the worst (morally/ethically) characters in the series. She picked that fight with Kotal all because she was having a bad day. The only reason she qualifies as a good guy is because Kano is worse.
I wouldn't go that far. She definitely was being a bitch, but morally/ethically questionable? ehhhhh...

When it comes to Kotal, I think she has more of a problem with him being from Outworld, and being the "Emperor" than anything else...unless there is more to this story.


bye felicia
I wouldn't go that far. She definitely was being a bitch, but morally/ethically questionable? ehhhhh...
Picking a fight with a foreign dignitary in control of a portal traversing stone and an enormous army because you're having a bad day is pretty questionable.

When it comes to Kotal, I think she has more of a problem with him being from Outworld, and being the "Emperor" than anything else...unless there is more to this story.
She has a problem with everybody. She had a problem with Johnny til he saved her life, she had a problem with Raiden until he saved Jax's life, she's had a problem with every single character she's ever encountered. She's the worst teammate ever.


My GT: UncappedWheel82
Picking a fight with a foreign dignitary in control of a portal traversing stone and an enormous army because you're having a bad day is pretty questionable.
I don't recall anywhere in the comic where is said "she was having a bad day." I think you are assuming / projecting that in there. She was pissed before she met with Kotal yes, but that has little to do with it seeing how we know how Sonya generally is, AND we know how Cassie generally is: that is Sonya's life. Sonya is slow to trust, and seemingly slow to forgive, but also straight military; she is not the soft diplomat you seemingly think she should be.

She has a problem with everybody. She had a problem with Johnny til he saved her life, she had a problem with Raiden until he saved Jax's life, she's had a problem with every single character she's ever encountered. She's the worst teammate ever.
True she seemingly "has a problem with everybody"...when she first meets them (slow to trust), but after she gets to know you, and also makes up her mind about you, she could either respect you or not.

Sonya doesn't, and didn't, trust, nor respect, Kotal, D'Vorrah, and/or Erron Black. She seemingly doesn't respect Raiden (anymore), nor does she respect Johnny. Does that make her "the worst teammate ever"?? No. She seemingly has no problem with the people serving under her, had no problem taking orders in MK9's invasion, nor did she have a problem with those serving beside her in open battle in said invasion. For some reason you have an all or nothing approach to seemingly everything, rather than looking at the shades of grey in most everything.

Sonya is a hard-ass. She is a Military individual who is ridged and no-nonsense. That doesn't make her "the worst teammate" as it has seemingly done the opposite and made her an EFFECTIVE LEADER who has risen through the military ranks, which also implies, seeing how we know how she is, that she can take orders from people she doesn't see eye to eye with on all things, or maybe even carry out orders she doesn't fully get behind. Again, you are assuming a lot, and trying to paint in very broad strokes.


bye felicia
Again, you are assuming a lot, and trying to paint in very broad strokes.
Lol, dude. Sonya is on good terms with no one. Not Raiden, not her lover, not her kid. In issue 4 she disregarded a direct order from "The General" (whom she did not even remotely consult at all before refusing to help Kotal), refused to have someone sent to look after her daughter (who was ultimately kidnapped), and spat in the face of a desperate WARLORD with whom they had previously formed an alliance (who only came to talk). When she found Cassie's phone, Johnny had called three times. She had called zero. Sonya's behavior is absolutely indefensible.

You keep all the lines the same and swap her out for Mileena or Scorpion or even Shao Kahn and it fits just fine.


My GT: UncappedWheel82
Lol, dude. Sonya is on good terms with no one. Not Raiden...
She's on good terms with "no one"? She's not on good terms with Raiden? Raiden came to her...and furthermore agreed with her actions towards Kotal. There was no beef on Raiden's behalf towards Sonya, but Sonya did have beef with Raiden...like everybody else. That does not say "Sonya is on bad terms with Raiden", that is Sonya doesn't like/respect Raiden. 2 different things.

...not [on good terms with] her lover...
What? We don't know anything about JC and Sonya's relationship. We don't know if they are current "lovers", we don't even know if they were ever in love. We do know that Sonya always thought Johnny was an ass though, so hell, Cassie could have been the result of a one night stand with that "ass," a fling during a dark time for Sonya after either one of the invasions. You are assuming a lot...as I said before.

In issue 4 she disregarded a direct order from "The General" (whom she did not even remotely consult at all before refusing to help Kotal)
Disregarded a direct order? What order was that? To not start an interrealm war? Well, she didn't. Mission accomplished (yeah!). Sonya didn't declare war on Outworld, nor did Kotal declare war on Earthrealm. She denied aid to Outworld. 2 different things. And what were "The General's" explicit orders anyway? To offer aid? Or was it to deny aid...just don't start a war. AGAIN, you are assuming.

...refused to have someone sent to look after her daughter (who was ultimately kidnapped)
Seriously? Cassie "ran away" to her dads house. Sonya said "if she want's to be with her father, let her." How is that neglecting your child by allowing her father to take care of her? WTF. Sonya was annoyed because that apparently wasn't the first time. Sonya and Cassie seemingly butt heads a lot, but also, tell me, if you were a rebellious young girl, who/where would you want to chill? A restricted army base with your mom who is a hard-ass, or a movie star's apartment where you dad treats you like a "princess?" Come on.

...spat in the face of a desperate WARLORD with whom they had previously formed an alliance (who only came to talk)...
1) What "alliance" are you speaking of? And 2), I suggest you go back and read the comic.

Kotal asked for aid, Sonya said no and tried walked away, D'Vorrah took offense and attacked. Kotal then yelled to all that they were not their to fight and again pleaded with Sonya...then Raiden showed up and shut everything down. Kotal left on his own accord after that.

Sonya didn't start shit, D'Vorrah did. Sonya wasn't as soft and diplomatic as you may have thought she should have been, but she didn't "spit" in Kotal's face, she just didn't kiss his ass when she refused to lend aid. Again, Sonya doesn't respect Kotal, but more importantly, she doesn't respect the mantle of Outworld's Emperor, or see Outworld's problems as Earth's. Neither does Raiden. And don't I think it would be to much of a stretch from that either to say that the person who sent her to be the diplomat, doesn't think so either. Sonya, as the messenger of her superior, told Kotal to fight his own battles. Period.

When she found Cassie's phone, Johnny had called three times. She had called zero. Sonya's behavior is absolutely indefensible. You keep all the lines the same and swap her out for Mileena or Scorpion or even Shao Kahn and it fits just fine.
Cassie called "Daddy" 3 times, but was praying that it was her mom when the ceiling caved in. Sonya's behavior is Sonya's behavior. Cassie knows it, and so do those around Sonya herself. There is no defense needed, that is just her. Swap her out and things would have been WAY different as the 3 characters you named DON'T ACT LIKE SONYA. Mileena is a psychopath, no telling what she would have done (like start a war); Scorpion more than likely would have said leave (I guess similar to Sonya); but Kahn would have made the deal...but then had asked for something in return.

You assume a hell of a lot, and seemingly don't even know it. I'm going to need you to actually think through your assertions before you just throw them out there.


bye felicia
She's on good terms with "no one"? She's not on good terms with Raiden? Raiden came to her...and furthermore agreed with her actions towards Kotal. There was no beef on Raiden's behalf towards Sonya, but Sonya did have beef with Raiden...like everybody else. That does not say "Sonya is on bad terms with Raiden", that is Sonya doesn't like/respect Raiden. 2 different things.
When Raiden appears he says "Enough, that means both of you." and shocks Kotal's crowd and her, none of her subordinates. If had confidence in Sonya's judgment, why did he even intervene? Why didn't he just give Kotal's crew the business? Because she was just as wrong as they were.

What? We don't know anything about JC and Sonya's relationship.
We know plenty. They live seperately, they don't see eye to eye on raising the child, she cares more about her career than her family. We also know Johnny Cage saved her life twice in MK9. She didn't even call him when their child vanished. Didn't even ask him to help look for her until she needed some muscle to go into Outworld. Even if Johnny was a total douche, that doesn't give her license to douche too.

Disregarded a direct order? What order was that?
Goodman said:
The generals orders were clear: Don't start an INTERREALM WAR
What did sonya do? Dismissed a request for aid without even hearing him out, and then threatened to kill one of his subordinates. Kotal himself didn't even attack until Sonya threatened to execute D'Vorah. You think Kotal was going to back down? You think Sonya cared? No. If Raiden hadn't intervened D'Vorah would be dead and Earth would be in open war with Outworld, again.

Seriously? Cassie "ran away" to her dads house. Sonya said "if she want's to be with her father, let her." How is that neglecting your child by allowing her father to take care of her?
Good parenting is watching out for your kids, making sure they don't wind up in death matches or kidnapped by enemies you just made. Kids shouldn't run away, but parents also shouldn't let them. Especially when you have the resources of the military at your disposal. Especially when you know your kids a trouble maker. Good job, mom.

1) What "alliance" are you speaking of? And 2), I suggest you go back and read the comic.
Kotal came to talk about legitimate Earthrealm threats, The Red Dragon and Mileena. Raiden promised him the realms would cooperate after the War. From his standpoint, the request was entirely valid. Sonya dismissed him without consulting her bosses or Raiden or anybody. Is she in charge of SF? Does she speak for Raiden? Is she in any way qualified to tell Kotal to fuck off without a second word? No.

Cassie called "Daddy" 3 times, but was praying that it was her mom when the ceiling caved in.
The only thing Cassie did was take a picture. The time on the phone when Sonya picks it up is 1 minute after those entries, so those are missed calls from Johnny. He was checking on his daughter. Meanwhile, there are no calls from Sonya. She only knew about it because Raiden told her to cause she was too busy threatening people.

You assume a hell of a lot, and seemingly don't even know it. I'm going to need you to actually think through your assertions before you just throw them out there.
All my assumptions are based on stuff that's happened. She let her kid go unattended, bad shit happened to her. She also told off a warlord and nearly started an interrealm war, by herself. She also told Raiden (Who has been her ally in the past) that she didn't need his help, despite the fact that if he hadn't dropped by or said anything, she wouldn't have even known her daughter was in trouble.


You Johnny is the one that is taking care of Cassie now right & theirs a whole TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON of details we don't know about the relationship between Earthrealm & Outworld. Even if Kotal has the best intentions keeping guys like Reptile & Ermac, both of whom were extremely loyal to Shao Khan & one of whom almost killed her best friend she has all right to throw shade Kotal's way. Plus we know right now not many people trust Raiden right now so not listening to him is understandable with the bit we know.