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Why Don't You Play Street Fighter?


Dead Kings Rise
What are you currently disliking? Is it something you wish he had that he doesn't?
IDK, I haven't put that much time into him, I just dislike that he sucks when he gets knocked down without meter and how slow he is.

Back + MP is hella good for AA's (i think thats the normal)


Just don't really like it. There's nothing wrong it, i've had fun when i've played it (and spectating it is hype) but nothing's really compelled me to sit down and play with it.

It's just another game to me.

Groove Heaven

Main 3 reasons:
1. Combos aren't fun to do
2. You need a stick to be good
3. Specials are too homogenized

I don't like the "combos" in SF, doing hype combos is what drew me to MK. You would think I would get tired of doing the same bnbs but I love it every time. I'm too poor to buy a stick right now, but I might in the future if Ultra or the next Marvel catches my fancy (not likely). Also I love how in MK/IGAU every character has their own crazy shit which molds their playstyle. I know in SF they do too but they're not quite as colorful.

I like SF, I like how fast-paced the footsies are, but it just never clicked with me like MK did.


Scrub God Lord
am waiting for the next iteration to come out.
won't be playing it as much as I play injustice, I have no love for the characters.
I will either main juri or a brain dead top tier.


1/60 frame timing for certain combos, option selects everywhere, mashing reversals, unblockables, etc etc. As a random button basher I loved SF4, but as I started putting more work into it I just found out about more and more annoying mechanics which put me off the game completely.


Because my max combo only did 7 hits...ill spectate i guess other than that its like looking at a game of pool on Espn....Randomness

Fred Marvel

It's actually Freddy Marvel
I hate charge characters and the combo system.
spinneeng a bud a keek
Main 3 reasons:
1. Combos aren't fun to do
2. You need a stick to be good
3. Specials are too homogenized

I don't like the "combos" in SF, doing hype combos is what drew me to MK. You would think I would get tired of doing the same bnbs but I love it every time. I'm too poor to buy a stick right now, but I might in the future if Ultra or the next Marvel catches my fancy (not likely). Also I love how in MK/IGAU every character has their own crazy shit which molds their playstyle. I know in SF they do too but they're not quite as colorful.

I like SF, I like how fast-paced the footsies are, but it just never clicked with me like MK did.
this is very very true, playinf SF on a controller just doesnt cut it, especially for me playing in arcades growing up, also the shoryuken input is the worst thing thats ever happened to anything


Est In Harvey 1989
When I was too young to play SF2 my god father had it. Long time ago. When SFIV came out I went and bought it on the first day. I broke my PS3 controller playing on the analogs (Blame Guiles Controls) so I had to learn how to play on the pad. I main Guile. I like the game a lot, but when I had it I didn't know about tournaments. I plan on getting it if Ultra comes out on the Vita. The one frame links are too much for me. It's too execution heavy. Maybe now I could attempt to play on a level beyond casual, but I doubt I'll ever be as good in SF4 as I am in MK9 & Injustice.


Coward Character User
  • Don't like the characters, minus a few.
  • Dislike a lot of the risk/reward balancing (very low risk, high reward on some characters / moves imo).
  • Dislike the overall safeness of the game
  • Don't like the flowchart okizeme. Going into a safe jump after every backthrow is very boring and basic imo.
I do however like the emphasis on the neutral game, there's a few characters that sort of break the meta (Ex. Viper) but overall I think it plays nicely in a neutral state.

GGA Saucy Jack

The artist formerly known as ImNewbieSauce
Its a scene thing for me.

The capcom guys shunned the nrs guys (not all, but a majority) in my city, and those arent the type of people I would want to train with. I love the nrs scene here, so there is no draw for me to play SF.
I love playing SFIV, but I feel like this game could benefit the most from simple improvements.

The problem is the game lacks frequent improvement steps. There's basically two kinds of moves in Street Fighter IV:
1) moves you can do
2) moves you can't do

There's no intermediate steps. Like when I learned MvC3, before I could do "advanced" combos I could do "intermediate" combos, and before those I could do "beginner" level combos. Same with most other fighting games.

In SFIV, either you get the link, or you don't.

It would be acceptable if only the extremely powerful stuff was difficult to do- but its not consistent that way. A lot of basic BnB stuff is just as hard as stuff that will take away a quarter of someone's life bar.

You can say "you just need to put in the time to practice and get good", but I like to be rewarded at least a little by seeing my improvement while I practice, instead of not seeing results until AFTER 2 months of practice. It took me a month before I had good enough execution that I didn't have to put all my focus on my hands and fingers and could actual devote mental energy to the deep strategy and metagame.

AK Stormthegates

Relearning sf4 because that is one of my first game franchises. Playing sf4 compared to the other ones is incredibly different but a fun learn nonetheless.


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
I play SF4... I also play SSF2T, 3s, CvS2, SC2 and V, TTT2, and a couple more.

Honestly, the only game I've quit is Injustice.


IDK, I haven't put that much time into him, I just dislike that he sucks when he gets knocked down without meter and how slow he is.

Back + MP is hella good for AA's (i think thats the normal)
You are right he has one of the slowest walking speeds and his wake-ups are also pretty bad. I do know how you feel though, the character isn't easy by any means. I think if you put enough time you'll quickly realize how dangerous he is up close with his effective frame traps, reliable anti-airs and array of anti-zoning tools. He is a force to be reckoned with from close to mid-screen, for sure.
He will take a lot more time to be effective with than one of the shoto characters, especially if your just starting. Keep it up though!

I'm also down on XBL, if you ever feel like sparring.