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When do PC users can expect more info on PC version?


Blind justice....
lol I'm not apologizing yet (and if anyone should be, it's Pako); why is there "no comment" on the port company when they've been announced already? Whotf is Brian Goodman? WTF is GotGame? Why did the interviewer struggle to cross his arms? So many questions.
Many questions but one is clear if PC version was made by NRS he would say it along side the PS4/X1. He didn't so it's either HVS or #Silverwhateverthiscompanywascalled


Showtime Studios. The name is all over. But I can't even tell if it exists.

Usually little studios take credit when they are working on big games but nobody seems to have claimed this one.


Blind justice....
Showtime Studios. The name is all over. But I can't even tell if it exists.

Usually little studios take credit when they are working on big games but nobody seems to have claimed this one.
That's actually normal for NRS games with porting. There was no word on HVS doing MK9 or IGAU until very close to release like few weeks before if i remember correctly. But honetly Showtime Studios wtf is this anyway. HAve a bad feeling about this.
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