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What was Flawless Victory?


Digital Pro Sports
There has been a lot of talk, specifically with regard to the NFGRankings, on whether or not Flawless Victory should be counted as a major. Ultimately no one person can make that decision, not us, not Sin and not Brady. The community as a whole determines what is or isn't a major with participation and support. However SWBeta and myself talked quite a bit about this and we wanted to share our thoughts on the subject, as FV was a tremendously important milestone for MAK.

Instead of butchering his thoughts into my post, I'm just going start by quoting the man who started all of this himself:
SWBeta said:
All the tournaments MAK hosted before Flawless Victory were stand-alone tournaments. They were not monthlies or a series. We do not even run MK tournaments every month. Each tournament was a stand-alone tournament, originally intended for our local community (Maryland/Virginia). MAK originally was not even looking at other states and regions.​

Due to amazing dedication and the strive for quality, N0rdicNinja brought his very talented friends on board to help us make MAK a bigger and better experience than "just another local tournament." This includes the amazing media crew (they created the banner at FV, the 1st/2nd/3rd place trophy posters awarded to FV's top 3, and several other things), and the MK girls (We had Sonya Blade and Mileena at Pass The Salt. They took pictures with everyone and made the event even more awesome) Blackula also played a huge part in this by being our unofficial spokesman. He was familiar with other regions that N0rdicNinja and I were not familiar with, and was able to talk to them and convince them to come out to our events. The combination of that, other community members seeing pictures and videos our media crew took, and reading praises from participants in our tournament threads, was when we started to see more players from outside our local region.​

I also have to give credit to Tom Brady. Pass the Salt would not have gotten as much attention as it did if he did not attend. This also opened the way for other high-profile non-local players to attend our events.​

Although the nature of our tournaments pre-Flawless Victory seemed otherwise, they were all local tournaments intended to foster growth in our local region. They were not a monthly series.​

In comes Flawless Victory.​

Flawless Victory was different. MAK intended for it to be an MK-only major. We made sure that the prizes for placers reflected this accordingly. We advertised accordingly. We also plan for this to be an annual event. Flawless Victory II will happen.​

In regards to the NFG, I had never even heard of them until last Friday when the Podacst was brought to my attention. We are not throwing these events to be part of a ranking list. We are throwing these events because we want to support the MK scene.​

It's all for you guys, so we will continue to bring the quality and the hype to our events.​

As for my thoughts, there seems to be a bit of confusion as to what MAK is and what exactly FV was supposed to be. The point of this write up is to give the community some insight into who we are and what our goals are, not only with regard to FV but with our events as a whole.

First a history lesson, who are we?

SWBeta (someone who doesn’t get nearly the credit he deserves) ran MAKs first tournament at a Tekken 6 event known as Summer Crowns and Beatdowns back in August of 2011. It was very much a small side event with 16 total participants, but his goal was to spark some life into an area that had little in the ways of competition and hopefully kick start a true scene that people wanted to be a part of. Without him MAK would not exist and FV would have never happened, even though he may not be as vocal as Blackula or myself, he deserves to be recognized for what he has created!

SCB Is where Beta and myself met for the first time and he quickly realized how motivated I was to not only play, but truly support the MK scene. A week or two after the event he approached me about helping him raise and nurture what was eventually going to become known as MAK (had yet to be named at that point) and I jumped in head first without ever looking back! Fortunately for Beta, when he brought me on board he got a lot more then he bargained for, as I brought with my a very large supporting cast of friends who bust their butts for our events for little in the way of recognition.

Since the beginning Blackula, who also participated in the SCB event and every event since, has been a tremendous supporter of MAK. Before he was ever an Admin he would relentlessly advertise our events, transport people from as far south as North Carolina, go out of his way to contact people directly and has given countless tips and tricks on correctly creating/running a bracket. He had a huge impact on the quality of our events so Beta and I quickly snatched him up into our ranks, he’s a key part of our team and I have no idea what we would do without him. I’m confident FV would have had far less of an impact without him.

What was Flawless Victory?

Flawless Victory was intended from the get go to be MAKs first attempt at a Major, and in that regard I feel like it was a tremendous success. It’s no secret that we throw tournaments for MK every 2-3 months, and we will continue to do so to support the Mid-Atlantic scene. But FV was not just another one of those tournaments and it was never at any point intended to be, we were intentionally attempting to reach much further than that. To emphasize this even further, Flawless Victory WILL be a yearly event and you can expect us to go just as big if not bigger next year!

We didn’t call FV a Major from the get go because that is not our decision to make, only the community can decide that. However I feel we did everything we could have possibly done to represent FV as such. We may not have the money MLG does, but we have an amazingly talented and dedicated team and we authentically care about making the MK scene the best it can possibly be!

In the end, whether or not we are incorporated into the NFGRankings is irrelevant, it doesn’t take away from anything that was accomplished over the weekend. We would certainly be honored, but the thought had never crossed our minds until now. We just want everyone to know what our intentions were, and we hope we met your expectations. We love this community, and we plan to help it grow the best we can!

Major thanks to everyone who has shown their support! In the end we don't care if we're on a ranking list, our goal is to throw awesome tournaments that foster the MK scene and we will continue to do so!

-- TLDR --
Yes, FV was intended to be a Major, and we hope we lived up to that expectation.


missiles are coming
The NFG rankings are something no one should care about. It's a broken system on so many levels.

What I personally care about is Nordic, Beta, Blackula, and the rest of the crew getting the credit they deserve. To describe the events they run as a series of monthly events is offensive. The MAK staff organize, plan, and run the smooth and most "professional" tournament events the MK community has seen outside of MLG.

The west coast players do have the right to state they have fewer large scale tournaments, and adding yet another east coast major will make it even worse is true. But for people uneducated enough on the intent of Flawless Victory to completly discredit it's worth before the event even happens... it's this kind of ignorance that sums up a large player base in the MK community.

If people want Mortal Kombat to uphold a high professional standard and appear worthy enough to keep standing with the likes of Street Fighter, the MAK staff are the right people to use as the golden standard for the community. They are outstanding people who have a passion for the game, community, and the players. Their major events such as Flawless Victory are perfect examples of their refined and outstanding efforts.

I do know that all my friends and myself will be in full support of all things MAK. While FV should or should not count on the NFG rankings is debatable; MAK needs the publicity it deserves.

16 Bit

Mash d+1~Cat Claws
Premium Supporter
NetherRealm Studios
Ok, I apologize for considering this part of a monthly series.


Filthy Casual
swift - why is calling something a monthly offensive? I know this one was considered a major to mostly everyone, but shit you know how awesome it would be if every region had a tournament ran by these guys every month?!


missiles are coming
swift - why is calling something a monthly offensive? I know this one was considered a major to mostly everyone, but shit you know how awesome it would be if every region had a tournament ran by these guys every month?!
The fact they created the best prize for MK outside MLG is the stand alone reason in my opinion. A paid trip to EVO during 4th of July weekend, plus a $600 pot and a $100 koth inspired challenge.

I would love for them to run monthly events... hell weekly, I'd be driving to VA all to much then. But a monthly is more of a get together, play some MK, nothing serious. FV brought in players from all over the east coast who wanted to WIN that prize. Some tournaments, I go into for fun - just wanting top 16 or top 8. I know that myself and my friends went in with the mind set of winning... then VSM showed up.


The fact they created the best prize for MK outside MLG is the stand alone reason in my opinion. A paid trip to EVO during 4th of July weekend, plus a $600 pot and a $100 koth inspired challenge.

I would love for them to run monthly events... hell weekly, I'd be driving to VA all to much then. But a monthly is more of a get together, play some MK, nothing serious. FV brought in players from all over the east coast who wanted to WIN that prize. Some tournaments, I go into for fun - just wanting top 16 or top 8. I know that myself and my friends went in with the mind set of winning... then VSM showed up.

$700 pot total. :)


Digital Pro Sports
You Flawsin?

I hope there is some summer event put on by you guys.
You can bet on it! We will definitely continue to throw events with the other teams under the WHB banner. Hopefully we'll be able to experience a degree of growth over the next year, because we have big plans for next year! =)

And SwiftTomHanks, seeing responses like that makes everything wroth it! We've all invested a large amount of time and money into MAK and reactions like that only make me want to double up on the dedication!


FV was more than a major for the mortal kombat community N0rdicNinja, you guys ran a very organized tournament and this should be done at least 4 times a year, mortal kombat major only, if the west coast complaint they should plan the same thing for themselves, don't let anyone discourage you nordicninja, this event you organized made us feel way better than when we go to majors mostly ran by the capcom community and we have to play on misorganized schedules, tournaments with no speakers, top eight very early in the morning when all the stream monsters are sleeping, people playing in the bathroom like it happened at texas showdown lol i don't really know much about that really but it happened, i loved final round but people lost all their energy and focus at the end when we ran a 128 people tournament in one day and also monitors didnt have any speakers, we really went to this tourney to hype up the 5v5 but we knew it was gonna be ran in one day and it was really a little stressing but it was a good tourney overall, our community have always wanted a MK9 major only or if we have to includes some other games it will be ok if mk gets the same respect as them and yu guys are the perfect staff to do this, thanks again for organizing such a good tournament =)


A seldom used crab named Lucky. AKA Citizen Snips.
I think everyone who has been to a MAK tournament will agree that they run the smoothest tournaments. Every major tournament I've been to, I'd be lucky to get 1 match per hour. MAK runs things along so that you aren't waiting forever in between matches. For example at NEC I played my first two matches within an hour. Then I had about a 3 hour period in which I had to wait for my next match.

At the 2 MAK tournaments I've been to, I think the longest I've had to wait was MAYBE 45 minutes. The only time it slows down is when it gets down to top 8/16 which makes sense. At majors, you might have to wait a whole hour before playing your first match. I'm not bashing the guys who run majors, just saying that the guys at MAK are great and know what they are doing.


I am your god
Here is a solution for any so called ranking system, which is insignificant anyway. 10 points 1st, 5 for 2nd, 2 for 3rd to 8th, 1 for 9th to 16th. DONE!!! I don't care if 2000 show up or 200. If you report your tournament to this so called ranking group and are accepted, then that's it. No need for drama from a group that don't even play. Lemme show you something to rank.. Later

Tim Static

All i ask for anyone doing this is to just ask around to make sure events dont overlap. It would have been amazing for the players at FV & PU to both be at each event.

MK only tourney and no Tim Static?

Thats all i ask from everyone & anyone running events in our community.


Filthy Casual
Here is a solution for any so called ranking system, which is insignificant anyway. 10 points 1st, 5 for 2nd, 2 for 3rd to 8th, 1 for 9th to 16th. DONE!!! I don't care if 2000 show up or 200. If you report your tournament to this so called ranking group and are accepted, then that's it. No need for drama from a group that don't even play. Lemme show you something to rank.. Later
I think the mk community should start a jamessmk fund for president...


Digital Pro Sports
All i ask for anyone doing this is to just ask around to make sure events dont overlap.
Rest assured, it will NEVER happen again, you have my word!

Maxter: I don't know if 4 true Majors is currently within the realm of possibility for us, however we do plan to continue running 4-6 smaller events (as in smaller then FV) throughout the year along side our brother/sister gaming groups, with FV being our big yearly MK dedicated event. But rest assured we approach every event with just as much effort as you saw at FV, PTS is a good example of us going big even though it wasn't even remotely considered a major.


The term Major is being thrown around alot. Major tournaments are big affairs. They have many more than 1 game and can draw in participants from all over the country in many games. They usually have corporate sponsors and for Road to EVO majors winners and top placers can gain EVO seeding points. Major tournaments also tend to have a track record, as in they have been around more than once(there are exceptions). They also are usually once a year. The level of competition has nothing to do with whether an event is considered a major per se, but major tournaments usually attract the better players because the prize pools are larger and the prestige greater.
Another thing you have to take into account is to look beyond our still very little pond that is the MK community. MK is still a small time player in the major tournament scene compared with games like UMVC3 and SSF4 AE. Dont get me wrong, weve made great strides, but we arent as big as they are yet. So even if you have a relatively small turnout for MK at a major tournament that doesnt make it not a major tournament because in point of fact, MK is small potatoes when you put it next to the headlining games at these events. So just because a group of higher level players attended an MK only tourney and not MK at the major tourney does not automatically mean the major is no longer a major anymore. It doesnt work that way. Sorry to whoever believes it does, your just wrong.

Examples of major tournaments:
Winter Brawl
East Coast throwdown
Summer Jam
EVO( Still the world series of FG tournaments no matter what anyone says)
Seasons Beatings
Final Round
(I may be forgetting a few, but this is just an example)

Im sorry but you cannot count an MK only tournament like Flawless victory as a major tournament. It just doesnt meet the qualifications to be called a major. Major tournaments do not only have one game. It was a regional/local MK tournament. It got alot of attention in OUR community because alot of high profile players attended, but it would have gone unnoticed elsewhere.

Also I am not debating one way or the other whether Flawless Victory should be applied to the NFG rankings, I dont care either way. However it was an MK tournament and if your keeping track of MK tournaments it seems silly not to include it.
But this MK only major stuff needs to stop. There is no such thing.

Phase 3

Feels Good Man
What was Flawless Victory?

Above all, it was a tournament with setups and production values that greatly outclass most majors in the FGC as a whole, let alone events dedicated strictly to Mortal Kombat. Their commitment to the Mortal Kombat community was so readily apparent in every facet of that event. I have been to countless tournaments for dozens of games and I was particularly impressed with MLG. It was a well-oiled machine supplemented by a grandiose presentation that left me wondering whether any other tournament could possibly live up to the standard they had set.

I have no reservations saying that Flawless Victory, somehow, as a 50-man tournament, matched that experience. The indigenous players and MAK staff members were not only outstanding competitors, but extremely friendly people. I also can't speak nearly enough about the crowd, which brought so much hype and laughter that I haven't seen at many almost any other tournament. It was such a great environment.

The tournament itself ran smoothly and the day started with two exhibition matches (Clash for Kahn and MAK vs WNBA) that brought the house down. Throughout the tournament chairs, pizza and drinks were all in abundance. In fact, on top of the free pizza, they had a variety of free drinks, something even MLG can't say.

Imagine a tournament where the stream station is epic, the monitors are all pristine and the staff is incredible. Now imagine a roaring crowd with professional camera equipment gliding around players as they compete in brutally intense matches. Throw some free pizza and soda on top of this and you have FV.

Ultimately, does anything I've said have anything to do with the NFG rankings? Hell no. I just wanted to let everyone know what FV really was. Whether or not it's included in the NFG rankings, in my eyes, is irrelevant based on the absurdity of that list to begin with. I just wanted to make sure, in a thread discussing FV, that people knew exactly what it was.

I can't wait until their next event. If it wasn't for events like this and players like the MAK/VSM guys, I probably wouldn't have stuck around. I'm traditionally from both the Smash and Capcom fighting communities, and I truly believe this community is better than both. I hope VSM, MAK, and the rest of us continue to prove that as time goes on.


Digital Pro Sports
Dark_Rob: I wholeheartedly respect your opinion and I see where you're coming from, but I disagree that a Major can't be dedicated. All the tournaments listed above will have far more overall prestige then any dedicated event, and rightfully so, I can only imagine the stress involved with running those events (mad respect to Osirun!). But I personally feel a solo event that not only draws a high number of players, but also draws high standing members of the community is just as much a Major as if the event was thrown alongside other games.

But regardless of how it ends up being labeled by the community, our hope is that FV becomes a milestone event in the Mortal Kombat community. Something that is held in high regard regardless of your location. That is the ultimate goal, and we will continue to put in as much effort as possible to get to that point.


Dark_Rob: I wholeheartedly respect your opinion and I see where you're coming from, but I disagree that a Major can't be dedicated. All the tournaments listed above will have far more overall prestige then any dedicated event, and rightfully so, I can only imagine the stress involved with running those events (mad respect to Osirun!). But I personally feel a solo event that not only draws a high number of players, but also draws high standing members of the community is just as much a Major as if the event was thrown alongside other games.

But regardless of how it ends up being labeled by the community, our hope is that FV becomes a milestone event in the Mortal Kombat community. Something that is held in high regard regardless of your location. That is the ultimate goal, and we will continue to put in as much effort as possible to get to that point.
The term "Major" is misleading though. Since the word is already used to describe the tournaments I listed above. A high number of players is also relative. For us? Yes 50 people is a good turnout. For Street Fighter or UMVC3? at a major? It would be a total failure. The major basis for wanting to call FV something it isnt is based purely on the level of competition it had. As I said the level of comp doesnt alone make an event a major. I am not in anyway trying to disrespect you or Flawless Victory. From all reports it was a splendidly run tournament and everyone who went has had nothing but good things to say about it, including many of my own people from VSM. Im just trying to put things in perspective. A 50 person tournament for one game cannot be called a major.

Now you can make the argument that "well Powerup had about the same amount for MK, why is it called a major?" Because Powerup has many more games than MK. Powerups success or failure has virtually nothing to do with MK at all. Powerup would still be a major whether MK was there or not because in the grand scheme of things MK just doesnt draw the players that the headlining games at major tournaments do.

In a months time 9.95 will be having a tournament at Gamers Edge where we will have MK,SSF4AE,SFXT,UMVC3,UMK3,Soul Caliber,KOF13 and others. And you know what, it will not be a major either. Majors are a whole different breed of tournament. Everything is on a much bigger scale.


Digital Pro Sports
The term "Major" is misleading though. Since the word is already used to describe the tournaments I listed above. A high number of players is also relative. For us? Yes 50 people is a good turnout. For Street Fighter or UMVC3? at a major? It would be a total failure. The major basis for wanting to call FV something it isnt is based purely on the level of competition it had. As I said the level of comp doesnt alone make an event a major. I am not in anyway trying to disrespect you or Flawless Victory. From all reports it was a splendidly run tournament and everyone who went has had nothing but good things to say about it, including many of my own people from VSM. Im just trying to put things in perspective. A 50 person tournament for one game cannot be called a major.

Now you can make the argument that "well Powerup had about the same amount for MK, why is it called a major?" Because Powerup has many more games than MK. Powerups success or failure has virtually nothing to do with MK at all. Powerup would still be a major whether MK was there or not because in the grand scheme of things MK just doesnt draw the players that the headlining games at major tournaments do.

In a months time 9.95 will be having a tournament at Gamers Edge where we will have MK,SSF4AE,SFXT,UMVC3,UMK3,Soul Caliber,KOF13 and others. And you know what, it will not be a major either. Majors are a whole different breed of tournament. Everything is on a much bigger scale.
Wont argue that point, by the definition of PowerUp and other tournaments like it FV in and of itself will never be a "Major." But what I will say is outside of MLG, we strive to provide just as good if not better an experience for the Mortal Kombat community than any Major out there.


By the way N0rdicNinja none of this is an attack on you,MAK, or Flawless victory. We need people like you, in fact the community depends on people like you. As I said we are still very small in the grand scheme of things and people who organize tournaments and promote the scene are our lifeblood.


But what I will say is outside of MLG, we strive to provide just as good if not better an experience for the Mortal Kombat community than any Major out there.
I can think of no better goal to have. And from what Ive heard you did just that. You have all my respect man.