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Question What makes MK9 stand out?


nah, the matches were close. You can't get rounds against me so that's already an improvement. Between EVO 2015 to EVO 2016 I've placed 3rd at ESL finals, won a major tournament and placed top 8 at 4 majors in a row, including Evolution. I even went to your house and beat your best player in an exhibition. You've done nothing. All you've managed to do in a year is get exposed. You're now a washed up has been complaining about Mileena on skype. I go out and beat Foxy. You and your friends cried and got my character nerfed and it still didn't matter, because I'm that much better than you.
You're right. I've done nothing in MKX. All I did was make a little over $30,000+ in total and place top eight at over five major tournaments. What a washed up loser.

cR WoundCowboy

WoundCowbae <3
You're right. I've done nothing in MKX. All I did was make a little over $30,000+ in total and place top eight at over five major tournaments. What a washed up loser.
Nobody cares about early game crap. When the scene leveled up and the meta evolved, you went into hiding because you can't compete anymore. You literally lose to randoms on a regular basis lol.
Nobody cares about early game crap. When the scene leveled up and the meta evolved, you went into hiding because you can't compete anymore. You literally lose to randoms on a regular basis lol.
I just want to say at least he was debatebly the best in the world at an nrs game once. You have to at least respect that.
Cool argument. But like.. for the OP...

MK9 stood out for a few reasons.

1. Dash Cancelling.
2. Anti Airs.
4. It looked like MK - Everything from the character select screen, menues, even the life bars felt like MK. MKX adopted too much of injustice for those things.
5. It didn't have stupid gimmicks like interactables
6. It was the first really good MK game in a long time
7. Buffered instant air projectile inputs with jumping back counting as the back input

It wasn't perfect... Like armor disbursement felt experimental and completely random.... like, "hey let's give this move armor and see what happens."

Fuck woundcowboy and his damn shang. knocked me out of two online tournaments.

AK L0rdoftheFLY

I hatelove this game
nah, the matches were close. You can't get rounds against me so that's already an improvement. Between EVO 2015 to EVO 2016 I've placed 3rd at ESL finals, won a major tournament and placed top 8 at 4 majors in a row, including Evolution. I even went to your house and beat your best player in an exhibition. You've done nothing. All you've managed to do in a year is get exposed. You're now a washed up has been complaining about Mileena on skype. I go out and beat Foxy. You and your friends cried and got my character nerfed and it still didn't matter, because I'm that much better than you.
Wow...so much just flat out wrong in this post. Funny thing is that no matter how many people disagree with you, you will never concede your opinion. Never have and never will. There is no logical discussion with you. Its almost humorous at this point...so much so that we like to hear your opinion just so we can laugh at how ludicrous it is while you fight for it tooth and nail.

cR WoundCowboy

WoundCowbae <3
Wow...so much just flat out wrong in this post. Funny thing is that no matter how many people disagree with you, you will never concede your opinion. Never have and never will. There is no logical discussion with you. Its almost humorous at this point...so much so that we like to hear your opinion just so we can laugh at how ludicrous it is while you fight for it tooth and nail.
Everything i said in that post was 100% factual (my placements, reo's lack of them in 2016). A majority of people saying something doesn't make it right. There is also never an argument because most people are like you and can't back up any of their opinions. They prefer "lol" type of posts. I'm always ready to argue.

AK L0rdoftheFLY

I hatelove this game
Everything i said in that post was 100% factual (my placements, reo's lack of them in 2016). A majority of people saying something doesn't make it right. There is also never an argument because most people are like you and can't back up any of their opinions. They prefer "lol" type of posts. I'm always ready to argue.
prove my point some more ok? Also Aren't opinion's just that...a personal point of view that doesn't require defending?

Whats your problem?

Awkward Sloth

Lamest Harley, still better sloth than Jer
Wound Cowboy's tournament placings top 8s in MKX with dates (Going by what is on SRK)
Current Patch as of 3/29/16
Evo 2016 - 5th
CEO 2016 - 7th
Combo Breaker 2016 - 7th
Various Patches beforehand
ESL Season 2 Finals - 3rd
KIT 2016 - 4th
EGL Dallas - 1st
Midwest Championships 2015 - 7th

http://rank.shoryuken.com/rankings/player/byname/Wound Cowboy

Reo's tournament placings top 8s in MKX
Current Patch
Various Patches beforehand
NEC 16 - 7th
Defend the North 2015 - 4th
ESL Season 1 Finals - 2nd
CEO 2015 - 3rd
ECT 2015 - 5th
Combo Breaker 2015 - 5th
Toryuken 4 - 4th
Northwest Majors 7 - 3rd


Throwing this info out there for those interested.


Come Thunder! Come Lightning!
Let's be honest if MK15 had everything MK9 had and better there will still be hot threads like this of old schoolers saying "yep, they where the days, I wish we had them days back"

For most players here it's the game they lost their virginity too, their first love

Was the sex great, yes it was the first time releasing the pipe but was as great as you remembered probably not, will you have better for sure, but you are always going to look back at those days as the best days no matter what.
That's my take

Hell will happen to MKX too by then the time will pass the bullshit will blur away the bad times will be forgetting the better the times will be remembered, people will miss them etc etc

There is actually a name for this phenomenon I'll edit it when I remember.

For the record I think MK9 was a fundamentally more sounder game because it was more safe in execution.
The word you're looking for is nostalgia, and yeah that ain't happening. If MK15 had everything that MK9 had with better balance, people will only look back at mkx the same way you'll look back at a dog's turd after you've stepped on it.

The vast majority still prefers mk9 over mkx, The fraction of number who will miss or get nostalgic over mkx when said mk15 is out are character loyalists, whom their character happened to be S tier or broken and it's not anymore in mk15 or doesn't even exist anymore (and don't take that on yourself or cage). Aside from that no one will talk about how badly they miss the superior mkx fundamentals or meta without questions of his/her sanity arising.

villainous monk

Terrible times breed terrible things, my lord.
Man. After reading the brine and the Franks red hot I got to say.

What are guys truly arguing about?

Mk9 was a great game it had its issues and serious problems but it rebooted the franchise from the 3D era where moslty everything else were dealing with were there in every character and in each different styles.

The bugs, glitches the bloody terrible online play and everything else everyone has posted plus more to come made what mkxl is today.

NRS was learning From some of the mistakes form mk9 albeit late and not quite complete in some regards but they learned from mk9 regardless. Going forward to mkxl now they gone further to make this game bigger then mk9 and more interesting to say the least. Oh and yes this blasted game has some balancing issues and I think nrs went a bit overboard on what should/shouldn't be in this game but I'll say this.

It's been 17 months since the release and I find nrs is trying to do their part. I'm sure they'll learn from the mistakes made and the problem that mkxl faces. They'll learn to do better in the next game.

In all honesty I perfer mk9. I'm old. Mkxl moves too quickly and requires less thinking about how and when to where you should execute your offence or defenses. It fine tuned my fundamentals and reshaped my way of thinking for fighting games far further then SFIII3rd strike or tekken 5 ever did. It built a community that we have and it's by far one of the best mk titles to date.


MK1 is the best MK period.
I can't place? I probably have around the same number of top eight placements that you have accumulated in MKX. Your inflated ego is starting to give you selective memory.

Probably just as horrendous as you are in the Sonya and D'Vorah match-ups.


What's the point of a random Krypt?
Why does it matter if it "looked clunky" if it didn't play clunky? And why even is "clunky" an inherently bad thing?
Exactly. It was such an unique and amazing mechanic, it just felt so good. If it is the looks what people don't like about it, I would guess that it could always be worked on without completely ditching it. I hope MK11 returns to it, I was really dissapointed to see it go.