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What do you like most about MKX?



The smooth and fast gameplay..I really dont see that in any other fighthing games..they just dont look as smooth as MKX to me..
The roster..besides Rain literally all my favs are in it..and Erron Black & Cassie are amazing
Blanch and some other Interactables
The gibberish of some characters
Brutalities...I love how you can combo into some of them
Variation system
Run feature
Faction kills
Character intro dialogues..some are funny as hell and I like how they have more than 1 now
Some winning poses
The sick combos

People talking shit on mic and then they lose


Absolute favorite part of this game is when the match gets really close, and my opponent tries zoning me out with a projectile, but Sonya's xray eats that shit up. I have ended so many matches with that specific scenario and induced some very ragey moments on the mic.


Live by the sword, Die by the sword
I do prefer the Game design over MKX. The trades, wakeups, Different character move properties, just can't stand the netcode.


Hot Gyahbage
The return of Tanya.
Jacqueline Sonya Briggs.
Faction Kills
Everything else is hot gyahbage.


Buff George
Sound effects are entirely on point.


Match intros.

Unlimited Kombat Kard combinations.

Shinnok and Tanya's return.

Tremor's (re)debut.

Variations. (Was extremely apprehensive at first, but they've grown on me.)

The death of Quan Chi.

Balance quality.

Arena detail is astounding.

...to name a few.


Green Arrows personal Shooty guy
I love when it buys me fancy jewelry, and takes me to expensive restruants.

Oh and Kotal


By badassery do you mean bland stuck up cow?
Sonya is badass in the story bruh.

And what's this talk about

Bland stuck up cow?!

Personally, if Sonya was a real life person and not a video game character..... Well I don't think I need to say it. I don't mind seconds if its Mr. Cage's seconds


For the Shirai Ryu.
Sonya is badass in the story bruh.

And what's this talk about

Bland stuck up cow?!

Personally, if Sonya was a real life person and not a video game character..... Well I don't think I need to say it. I don't mind seconds if its Mr. Cage's seconds
What i mean by bland stuck up cow is first of all by bland i mean boring, secondly by stuck up i mean a conceited arrogant snob and thirdly by cow i just mean cow. She ain't badass, she just makes people like captain planet seem badass.


Designer for BxA
These are a few of my favorite things:

I am new to the competitive side of the FGC with MKX and the community and friends that I have found are the best. The people that I get to play with on a regular basis (online or offline) have helped me grow so much in the short amount of time that I have been playing. Love the longs sets with everyone.

The brutalities are amazing! Whether I am performing them or getting the business end of one I still love it. The match is about to end and then you see the health bars slowly disappear off the screen and you just know that your in for something special.

I love the huge/swaggy combos you can pull off.