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Combo List - Raiden The Official Raiden Combo Thread - All combos here


The Free Meter Police
Hey guys,

Post your Raiden combos here. Post anything and everything in here. I will update the OP as I determine what are and aren't the most practical combos. IT HAS BEGUN. Also... please don't pester me to give you credit for finding a combo. Tech is one thing... but BnB's are another. Knowing you were the first to find a BnB should be good enough. =) Not trying to sound like a jerk. I just don't want any unnecessary drama here. The point is to find out as much information as soon as possible. Feel free to tag me on any post you feel is vital.

1 – front punch (fp): square on PS4, X on XB1
2 – back punch (bp): triangle on PS4, Y on XB1
3 – front kick (fk): X on PS3, A on XB1
4 – back kick (bk): Circle on PS4, B on XB1
throw - L1 on PS4, LB on XB1

u - up
d - down
b – back (away from opponent)
f - forward (towards opponent)

j - jump
ji – jump in (Jump towards opponent)
nj - neutral jump (Jump directly up)
njp – neutral jump punch (neutral jump + 1/2)

~ - cancel
ex – indicates EX version of a special
mb - indicates a meter burned version of a special/move
run – indicates a run: ff+block)
, - end of string/normal/special
+ - indicates buttons pressed at the same time


Thunder God

-All combos end with superman.
-Superman is used to push the opponent into the corner.
-For charge strings, the number within [ ] represents the least amount of charges to continue the combo. [hold] means to hold the last button down for all charges. This applies to f12b2, b32, f22+4.
-LRC = Lightning Run Cancel. This means canceling into his projectile, holding the projectile, and run canceling out as fast as possible.


f12b2, f22+4[hold]~superman - 16% - no stamina
f12b2, b14~LRC~214~superman - 25%

b2, superman - 18% - no stamina
b2~run~b14~superman - 24%

b32, f22+4[hold]~superman - 16% - no stamina
b32, b14~LRC~214~superman - 25%

34, f22+4[hold]~superman - 20% - no stamina
34~run~b14~LRC~214~superman - 30%

213, njp, walk, f22+4[hold]~superman - 22% - no stamina
213, njp~run~b14~LRC~214~superman - 29%

njp, walk, f2, b14~LRC~214~superman - 28%

a2aj1/2~run~b14~LRC~214~superman - 25%

vb~run~213, b14~LRC~214~superman - 27% - max damage
vb~run~213, b14~LRC~21 - 20% - vortex
1 Meter

f12b2, b14~LRC~214~ex-shocker, b14~superman - 32%

b2~run~b14~ex-shocker, b14~LRC~run~214~superman - 40%

b32, b14~LRC~214~ex-shocker, b14~superman - 33%

34~run~b14~LRC~214~ex-shocker, b14~superman - 39%

214~ex-shocker, njp~run~b14~LRC~214~superman - 40%

ex-shocker, njp~run~b14~LRC~214~superman - 32%

njp, walk, f2, b14~LRC~214~ex-shocker, b14~superman - 35%

a2aj1/2~run~b14~LRC~214~ex-shocker, b14~superman - 34%

anti air f1, 21~ex-shocker, b14~LRC~214~superman - 33%
Displacer/Master of Storms


f12b2~run~f12b2~run~f12b2~superman - 32%

b2~run~f22+4~run~f12b2~superman - 33%

f22+4~run~f12b2~run~f12b2~superman - 33%

b33~superman - 16%

b34~superman - 17%

214~superman - 20%

34, f22+4, f12b2~superman - 32%
1 Meter

b11~ex-shocker, njp, f22+4, f12b2~superman - 36%

f12b2, f12b2, f12b2~ex-shocker, b14~superman - 41%

b2, f22+4, f12b2~ex-shocker, b14~superman - 42%

f22+4, f12b2, f12b2~ex-shocker, b14~superman - 42%

b33~ex-shocker, njp, f22+4, f12b2~superman - 38%

b34~ex-shocker, njp, f12b2~superman - 29%

214~ex-shocker, njp, f22+4, f12b2~superman - 41%

34, f22+4, f12b2~ex-shocker, b14~superman - 42%​


Thunder God

-Vortex combos end with LRC~21 which leaves you at +22 which forces the opponent to respect your b2/b3 50/50.
-After superman (not after all combos), you have the option to immediately input b32[hold] to blow up almost every armored move in the game if they don't tech roll. If you end a long combo with superman, you don't get the same amount of + frames on the knockdown which doesn't give you enough time to blow up their armored wake up with b32[hold]. This will lose to ex wakeups that are faster than 18 frames if the opponent tech rolls. Even on raw superman. So it loses to most wakeups if they tech roll.
-For charge strings, the number within [ ] represents the least amount of charges to continue the combo. [hold] means to hold the last button down for all charges. This applies to f12b2, b32, f22+4.
-LRC = Lightning Run Cancel. This means canceling into his projectile, holding the projectile, and run canceling out as fast as possible.


f12b2, b14~LRC~b2, 213, f12b2[hold], f12b2[hold], 4~shocker - 32% - max damage
f12b2, 213, b14~LRC~21 - 22% - vortex

b2, b2, b14~LRC~214~superman - 37% - max damage
b2, b2, b14~LRC~21 - 29% - vortex

b32, b14~LRC~b2, 213, f12b2[hold], f12b2[hold], 4~shocker - 32% - max damage
b32, 213, b14~LRC~21 - 22% - vortex

34, b2, b14~LRC~214~superman - 36% - max damage
34, b2, b14~LRC~21 - 28% - vortex

213, b2, b14~LRC~214~superman - 33% - max damage
213, b2, b14~LRC~21 - 26% - vortex

njp, b2, b14~LRC~214~superman - 32% - max damage
njp, b2, b14~LRC~21 - 24% - vortex

a2aj1/2, 213, b14~LRC~214~superman - 28% - max damage
a2aj1/2, 213, b14~LRC~21 - 21% - vortex


b2/34, run~b111+3

1 Meter
b2/34, run~b14~ex-shocker, b111+3
f1/b33/f24/214~ex-shocker, njp, run~b111+3

Note: You can end these combos with b14 for a standing reset that leaves you at +9. You can then go for a b3/b2 mixup which both start up in 12 frames, but be careful. B2 and ex-shocker are hella punishable. Your safe options on this mixup are to go for b2~shocker and b33~shocker since the regular version of shocker is only -6 and pushes back just a little.

1 Meter
b2/34, 34, b14~ex-shocker, njp, b111+3
f1/b33/f24/214~ex-shocker, 213, njp, b111+3
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I am a casual and you should not value my opinion.
You should check out Jwong's stream right now. He's playing Raiden and doing some 54% corner combos :eek:
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Meta saltmine
Sir @Chaosphere , may I suggest a formatting such as was used here? It's pretty convenient IMO, especially when we are talking about multiple starters with the same followup or grouping combos by meter usage.

Also since this is going to stay here for a while, I believe that spending a few minutes and including all those useful marks such as buffered cancels (~) where it is due wouldn't hurt. I mean, a lot of people coming to MKX for their first FG, it's gonna be useful to them.

We can take notations from here, I think it's a good example.

I can do that myself when I get the game and experiment with training mode to see how inputs should be actually done.

Finally, there were 1 meter 45-something midscreen and 52% corner combos there somewhere in general thread. It's just a video (f*** this era of integration, people are lazy as hell), so I cannot identify moves yet (not before I have the game), but maybe later.


34, Run, 11, EX df2, b111+3...you can actually do this combo without the run and 11 and get a 33% its not much of a difference I thought I mention it since there might be some peeps who cant get the run mechanic down...at least that was me for a while haha



Feel free to correct me if I say bullshit. I am new to this strategizing thinking process. Those combos are not crazy combos, I am not that type of guy.

Raiden has one 50/50 mix up. Both options are unsafe but you can make the low option safer by cancelling b33 into df2 (-6 on block). It's weird to say, but b33 seems block confirmable, but almost not hit confirmable. b2 is easily hit confirmable. It's a launcher by itself.

The 50/50 comes from
b2 : Overhead, Overhead, 12f, -63 on block
b33 : Low, Mid, 12f, -15 on block

Combos for that mix up.

Midscreen - No Meter
b2, run, b111+3 (24%)
b33, bf3 (16%) (Not a good risk reward if you can't hit confirm. You better do b33, df2. Same damage, "safer", but no wall carry )

Midscreen - 1 Bar
b2, Run, 21, EX df2, b111+3 (36%)
b33, EX df2, 213, Run, 11, bf3 (35%)

Corner - No Meter
b2, 34, 213, b111+3 (35%)
b33, Same as Midscreen

Corner - 1 Bar
b2, 34, 34, EX df2, b111+3 (43%)
b33, EX df2, 34, 213, b111+3 (43%)


Midscreen - No Meter
5f: f1, bf3 (11%)
7f: b14, bf3 (16 %)
7f longer range: 11, df2 (13%)
9f: 213, run, 213, run, 21, bf3 (25%) (If you use 11 instead of 21, it does 24% but it's easier)
or 213, NJP, run, 213, bf3 (25%)
11f: 34, run, 213, run, 11, bf3 (26%) (Really hard for me, if you can't do it, use the 9f punisher)

Midscreen - 1 Bar
5f: f1, EX df2, 213, run, 11, bf3 (31%)
7f: b14, EX df2, 213, run, 11, bf3 (35%)
7f longer range: 11, EX df2, 213, run, 11, bf3 (31%)
9f: 214, EX df2, 213, run, 11, bf3 (38%)

Corner - No meter
5f: f1, Same as midscreen
7f: b14, same as midscreen
9f: 213, 34, 213, b111+3 (31%)
11f: 34, 34, 213, b111+3 (34%)
12f: b2, 34, 213, b111+3 (35%)

Corner - 1 Bar
5f: f1, EX df2, 213, b111+3 (39%)
7f: b14, EX df2, 34, 213, b111+3 (43%)
7f longer range: 11, EX df2, 34, 213, b111+3 (39%)
9f: 214, EX df2, 34, 213, b111+3 (46%)

Not (only) punisher starters.

214 is a Hi, Mid, Low starter, -2 on block (starts in 9f), easily hit confirmable

Midscreen - No Meter
214, df2 (21%)

Midscreen - 1 Bar
214, EX df2, 213, run, 11, bf3 (38%)

Corner - No Meter

Same as midscreen

Corner - 1 Bar
214, EX df2, 34, 213, b111+3 (46%)

Check out his f24, 11, and f22+4. Same combos. (Good starters)

34 is a Hi, Overhead, 0 on block (starts in 11f)

Midscreen - No Meter
34, run, 213, run, 11, bf3 (26%) (Really hard for me. You can do 34, run, 213, bf3 for 24%)

Midscreen - 1 Bar
34, run, 21, EX df2, b111+3 (35%)

Corner - No Meter
34, 34, 213, b111+3 (34%)

Corner - 1 Bar
34, 34, 34, EX df2, b111+3 (42%)

From a NJP

Midscreen - No Meter
NJP, walk, 213, run, 11, bf3 (22%)

Midscreen - 1 Bar
NJP, walk, 34, run, 11, EX df2, b111+3 (34%)
Easier: NJP, walk, 34, EXdf2, b111+3 (33%)

Corner - No Meter
NJP, 34, 213, b111+3 (30%)

Corner - 1 Bar
NJP, 34, 34, EX df2, b111+3 (37%)

From an air to air jump in punch (1 or 2)

Midscreen - No Meter
J1, run, 213, bf3 (19%)

Midscreen - 1 Bar
J1, run, 34, EX df2, b111+3 (33%)

Corner - No Meter
J1, 34, 213, b111+3 (29%)

Corner - 1 Bar
J1, 34, 34, EX df2, b111+3 (37%)
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Finding a Main
Every corner combo should end in b14. It restands and leaves you at +7. Midscreen you're too far away to apply a 50/50, but it'll be sooo good in the corner
Ex: b2, b2, 11 > df2(ex), b14
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"I still got it...but not much of it"

Will be posting more in the future!
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Bzzzt *Paging Doctor Fate*
The best personal BnBs I've come up with are:

214 / df2 EX / b11-1+3 (35% Damage)

213 / NJP / R / b1-4 / db1 EX / Ji2 / R / 21 / df2 (37% Damage, I think)

I need to lab more.


ҜømbÄŦ Ħøu&Ŧøπ
The best personal BnBs I've come up with are:

214 / df2 EX / b11-1+3 (35% Damage)

213 / NJP / R / b1-4 / db1 EX / Ji2 / R / 21 / df2 (37% Damage, I think)

I need to lab more.
The second combo, after the ji2, how exactly are you landing the 21 df2 after the run? How deep does the ji2 need to be, and how long is the run? Been trying to land this and all I can do is land the 21 but never get the bf2.


Bzzzt *Paging Doctor Fate*
The second combo, after the ji2, how exactly are you landing the 21 df2 after the run? How deep does the ji2 need to be, and how long is the run? Been trying to land this and all I can do is land the 21 but never get the bf2.
The actual hit of the ji2 has to be delayed until the opponent is at the peak popping up from db1 EX, and the run part I figured out you can cancel ffR in the air just a small window before landing, so upon landing, it's like 'autopilot running' and you just 21 pretty quickly.


cr. HP Master
Displacer Raiden 1 meter combos

b2-run-b14-shocker-b111+3; 38%
b33-shocker-nj1-b111+3; 35%
214-shocker-nj1-b111+3; 38%
34-run-b14-shocker-b111+3; 37%

I'm having difficulties finding a 1 meter mid screen combo for at least 40% damage. I know they're there since Tom Brady showed one on stream.


Teleport tickle fail
I haven't spent time with many other characters as I used to main Raiden in MK9 so that's who i was naturally drawn to for X. Is every character hte same in that meter-use is basically required to get to 30+% combos? In MK9, we linked all kinds of strings together without needing to meter. Is Raiden a special meter-using case or have you guys experienced the other characters are the same way?


The Free Meter Police
I haven't spent time with many other characters as I used to main Raiden in MK9 so that's who i was naturally drawn to for X. Is every character hte same in that meter-use is basically required to get to 30+% combos? In MK9, we linked all kinds of strings together without needing to meter. Is Raiden a special meter-using case or have you guys experienced the other characters are the same way?
It's the same for a lot of characters. Some variations are designed to have an extra meterless launcher such as Raiden's thunder god variation (those charged strings that launch) and Scorpion's infernal variation. The other variations have to rely on meter to extend combos, such as Raiden's displacer/master of storms and scorpion ninjutsu.


Soul Kollector
Having a hard time landing the last hit in the simple 1122 string in Thunder God? At work and can't lab it atm, but the last hit seems like it connects maybe 10% of the time? Tips appreciated.


ҜømbÄŦ Ħøu&Ŧøπ
The actual hit of the ji2 has to be delayed until the opponent is at the peak popping up from db1 EX, and the run part I figured out you can cancel ffR in the air just a small window before landing, so upon landing, it's like 'autopilot running' and you just 21 pretty quickly.
Sick man! Didn't know you could buffer the run after a jumping attack. I was able to land the combo, but only saw it do 31% so I must be doing something wrong? Regardless, this was a great exercise for me to learn the mechanics of the game better. Kudos. .. such a swag combo and feels great to pull off once applied to muscle memory I bet.

Edit: FYI I was using the displaced variant. That's probably why.

It's worth noting I was able to extend the combo though by ending it with an ex df 2 into b111+3 for 37%. Will probably do more than that in the other variation.
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