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The Official MKXL Complain/Rant Thread

As my status currently says, I've never felt more bi-polar over a video game than I have with MKX. It's almost like my emotions have become a 50/50 because of this game.

I like MKX, but it's definitely not the crack that MK9 was to me. My first guess for this is that because it is so centered around 50/50, rushdown/then mixup style gameplay that it doesn't really leave a whole a lot of room open for different playstyles. Also with the game being so 50/50 heavy, that naturally reduces the thinking involved to open someone up or win a match in general. It also doesn't help that jumping is for the most part less punishable than it was in MK9, it's as if the game is missing an entire feature because of this. Why attempt to bait jump-ins when for many characters, you get an uppercut at best, and you'll probably just end up trading with it anyway.

When I play a competitive game, I want to think, I want to feel as if I outsmarted the other player, that's where the enjoyment in competitive games comes for me, MKX just doesn't feel like a thinking man's game to me. I typically feel no sense of reward or accomplishment, win or lose. It's partially the reason I play Takeda because I feel I have to actually work harder than many other characters to actually do well.

If you were to ask me again, tomorrow, I'd probably tell you how much I love this game and can't stop playing it.

help plz.
and i hate seeing the same shit over and over. playing some guy that does frametrapxx5050xxfull combo rinse and repeat. when i lose against that shit i dont feel like i got outsmarted or outplayed in the usual fighting game sense of the word. and it works both ways too, i basically have a flowchart ferra/torr but even when he works i don't exactly feel like Albert Einstein if i win

Kuai Liang

I agree. The 50/50's in this game are a pain. My biggest complain is against Scorpion. You get stuck in one combo and then you're screwed. I feel like every time I play scorpion I just sit there watching 30% combo after 30% combo while I have no chance of doing anything.


Resolution through knowledge and resolve.
I hate it when players blame the game for their own personal shortcomings.

The game is what it is; adapt, adapt, adapt.


That Welsh Guy
My only complaint is the basically players who use online as an excuse for their losses, yes it's not great but if you're getting 10-0'd by someone it's probably something to do with you.
Being completely new to the game and coming from Killer Instinct, the online isn't amazing but it's playable for me.

Sure, I might not be able to do things I can do with Liu Kang offline in the magical land of online but MKX is no KOF XII online. Now that was awful.

There have been a couple of times I've blamed online, I'm not going to lie. But I'm going to carry on playing regardless and hopefully adapt.

I don't want to give up on the game as I think it's fantastic offline when I can get people from my scene to actually play it.

Anyway, this is a complaint thread so.. er.. people who just jump and d1/2/3/4 for offense, you offend me greatly. Also, screw you online for making me struggle with utilizing DF pressure and making whiff punishing a complete and utter chore.


Seriously, fuck the online in this game.
It's pissing me more off by the day, people jumping out of shit they are not suppose to.
It's a shame the local scene here is utter shit cause I would really love to find some people to play locally with and not have to deal with this bullshit of jump happy fucktards who think they are good but the only reason they are winning is cause of online shit.
And I for one refuse to play like a total bitch to win my matches online.

Sorry I needed to vent cause I just lost several matches to shit like this.


Please please PLEASE can somebody tell me why NRS uses 3d hitboxes on a 2d plane? My combos with FF Liu Kang whiff against the likes of Cassie Cage and Kitana because of their tiny fucking hitboxes. Srsly, this shit happened in MK 9 with being in the wrong stance with certain characters, WHY IS IT STILL AROUND?!
I'm just tired of op characters I'm already sick of tremor and he's not even out on ps4 I play ferra torr and goro and it's a shame that I have no shot against certain characters then they add op ass dlc before patching other characters. And if u think its just me u try to beat a tanya or a shinnok with goro


Edenian Witch <3
After a few weeks of not going online intentionally because of lag--I tried it out again tonight only find it's still just as shitty as ever. Even though I won my matches I played, I still felt like hurling my controller because the input command lag is SO. FUCKING. LAME.

I couldn't even get a basic roll-->B34, air sai combo off. SOOOOO infuriating.

NRS really needs to address this shitty lag, like yesterday.


Characters loyalist :)
During my last Predator fights I couldn't cancel 32 into close mine trap.

Online is shitty as always. Bravo NRS !!!! Just BRAVO !!!!! You can ruin online mode in YOUR EVERY GAME !!

Why Namco can do good online in Tekken Tag 2 ? Why NRS can't do the same ??


AKA Uncle Kano
Johnny has mixup. He has a good d4 and 113 x np or 11, f24 is excellent for np resets. Even if you fail them you can always cancel into ex nutpunch.

This is A list exclusive but I think Fisticuffs needs some love. JC loses out on a lot of tools to get his speedbag, but honestly it feels worthless. Blocking the string creates a gap extremely fast. It needs to be less - on Block so you can actually stagger the string or at least make ex forceballs move closer to the target or have more +frames so you can move in on the guy to get dat chip.

It's also funny that A-list has a slower np than the other variations. It's so much easier to do combos in a list.


Characters loyalist :)
I have enough of that online mode. Nothing work there fine. When I'm on plus my oponent can poke me, when I'm zero on block he can punish me.

Wtf ???!!!!! That is nonsense.

Da Tac0

GT: C88 Taco
Cassie's and erron blacks take downs should be lows. Realistically speaking when someone shoots in for a takedown in real life you want to lower your base and sprawl to prevent being taken down. Just my 2 cents. That's my only complaint.

Evil Canadian

Premium Supporter
Cassie's and erron blacks take downs should be lows. Realistically speaking when someone shoots in for a takedown in real life you want to lower your base and sprawl to prevent being taken down. Just my 2 cents. That's my only complaint.
Realistically speaking, when a 4 armed half man half dragon spits fire at you and you burn your ex to armour through it to hit him twice with your 9 foot tall sword and juggle him into the air and eaeaoneoae08e84u3nlna;fldsn


The world's least hype player
People being like "kitana is good" hold down and she can't do shit i mean seriously her overhead is 24 frames!!!
Have you guys ever had connections that almost feels like offline? I just gave online a whirl after a couple of weeks of offline play with locals and it's a rude awakening. This could be due to me just playing randoms online, but 4 bars still feels like a pile of dung. My punishes never connect and poking feels hella weird. Are there good connections out there or is this as good as it gets?


Have you guys ever had connections that almost feels like offline? I just gave online a whirl after a couple of weeks of offline play with locals and it's a rude awakening. This could be due to me just playing randoms online, but 4 bars still feels like a pile of dung. My punishes never connect and poking feels hella weird. Are there good connections out there or is this as good as it gets?
It will obviously never be perfect like offline, but I've had really good connection a couple of times that felt nearly offline. If you want good connection online, try to find someone super close to you (same state/province) with good internet as well.