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Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
A few things here:
  1. I come from a chess background, where it's not uncommon to see 7 year olds kicking the shit out of grown men. You people just need to get the fuck over it. You're playing against someone's mind, and yeah, there's a good chance that a kid's mind is better-wired to gaming than yours. It says nothing about you as an older person. The thing that DOES say something about your character is a grown man making personal attacks on a young kid. What the fuck, people?
  2. You all need to get fucking jobs, cash in those savings bonds, or get your parents to pay your way. I'm so fucking sick of seeing the same shit on forums and even on the Woolay Show. I'm gonna be a Big Grown-Up here and tell you all what you need to expect to pay for:
    • Food for AN ENTIRE WEEKEND = $273
      • $15 per sit down meal + 20% tip = $18 (figure 2 a day if you're fancy) x 2 = $36
      • $7 per quick meal x 3 cuz you're a boy = $21
      • $2 per soda you get from the vending machine x 2 = $4
      • $2 per bag of Skittles or chips or whatever x 3 = $6
      • $12 per case of beer x 2 = $24
    • Lodging for AN ENTIRE WEEKEND = $150-$300
      • $150 per night AVERAGE x 2 nights = $300
      • Split this shit if you can.
    • If you're not driving, figure at least $15/day = $45
      • CABS: $7 per mile + tip
      • Having someone drive you: $5/day assuming it's only light travel
    • Entry Fees = $50-$100

      TOTAL COST: $518 - $718

      Now I'm sure you're saying, "Gee, BillStickers, that's a fucking assload of money and I'd NEVER pay that much." Bull fucking shit. The REASON why we hear about this shit so often is because ignorant FUCKS don't understand the value of a dollar. Every time one of you shitbags doesn't pay for a meal, or a room, or gas, or tolls, or entry fees, all you're doing is having SOMEONE ELSE WHO IS MORE RESPONSIBLE THAN YOU pick up the cost. It's fucking bullshit nonsense. Man/woman the fuck up and realize that you're all old enough to budget properly.

      Don't want to spend $700 on a tournament? Fine, but don't expect to follow all of your buddies to Denny's, don't expect free alcohol, don't expect free lodging, and don't expect people with cars to be your personal chauffeurs. You can't live like a king off of everyone else's dime.

This makes me feel so bad...I'm never going to a tournament ever again.


Cock Master!!
i also want to say I LOVE THIS KOMMUNITY SO MUCH..

Overall the positive wayyy out weights the negative stuff.. you guys are good peoples!!

this is the only place i really post at.. i love my Football, gay porn, sabres, other games --> i go to those forums but i never post.. i always feel at home here :)


Cold day in hell...
Reading all of this together I'm kind of surprised. Maybe I'm just shy but at tournaments (granted I've only been to two) I've been hesitant to really even talk to people much or ask for casuals because I don't even want to bug them. At Final Round had I not run into Grolarbears and his friends (who thankfully took care of the ice breaking I'm not that good at) I probably wouldn't have played a single casual game with anyone but the people I came with at that tournament. Thanks to them we played some games in Death's room and @GnGCrimsonPanther, another player who traveled with us, and I left before it got terribly late so that the people staying in his room could sleep. It's just simple courtesy and thanks to Death for letting us hang out and play if I've never thought to post that here before. There are clearly some very good members of this community out there who I'm glad I have met. Fortunately I have yet to deal with anyone doing the things I've read about in this thread. As a community we flat out need to step up and not take that off of any one. It's ok if someone extends a kind hand but do NOT take advantage of people who are nice enough to help you out as if this community owes it to you. It's simple courtesy and respect.


Crazy 88
Yes, THIS! Wanna_Die, the fat slob that he is, literally sat next to the Vodka I bought for myself, my friend Samantha, Tom Brady and Reo at Devastation while we were all drunk and bullshitting in a packed hotel room. I kept looking over and he kept sipping right out of the bottle...that shit was Grey Goose man...
Hahahaha, I did not hear this story but Wanna_Die wasn't the problem in the Psycho-Paff drama. He was one of the good guys that got that kids stick back, along with Thunder 88. There was going to be a beatdown if Psycho didn't give up the stolen merchandise. I'm serious you have to listen to the audio of that weekend, you will piss your pants laughing.


Shoot them. Shoot them all.
Quite frankly, you have to call these kind of people out and put them in their place. Make them feel like shit, and if they don't appreciate it, they can just not attend events. Don't let people do this kind of shit. Not trying to be ruthless or assinine, but this can all be stopped by putting a foot down.

I'm sorry to hear this happened to STH, Rapzilla, and anyone else, but we need to keep this from happening in future events. I would suggest posting the names. Not to blow those people up, but to make others aware of their actions so the same does not happen to them. We want to trust everybody, but we just can't, you know? It's really frustrating to hear these things, especially when I think of this community as one I love dearly.

Sometimes you have to tell people how it is. Everyone has the power to stop shit like this, it's just hard to do it. In the long run, do not let a few poor members of the community dictate your stance on the whole community. This thread alone shows how disappointed the a lot of the community is about hearing this news.

I hope to see you all still playing.
Some real talk right here!


Crazy 88
A few things here:

    • TOTAL COST: $518 - $718

      Now I'm sure you're saying, "Gee, BillStickers, that's a fucking assload of money and I'd NEVER pay that much." Bull fucking shit. The REASON why we hear about this shit so often is because ignorant FUCKS don't understand the value of a dollar. Every time one of you shitbags doesn't pay for a meal, or a room, or gas, or tolls, or entry fees, all you're doing is having SOMEONE ELSE WHO IS MORE RESPONSIBLE THAN YOU pick up the cost. It's fucking bullshit nonsense. Man/woman the fuck up and realize that you're all old enough to budget properly.

      Don't want to spend $700 on a tournament? Fine, but don't expect to follow all of your buddies to Denny's, don't expect free alcohol, don't expect free lodging, and don't expect people with cars to be your personal chauffeurs. You can't live like a king off of everyone else's dime.
I have yet to spend less than $500 per tourney that I've been to, mind you I drink alot :). Regardless, that was a pretty good breakdown of the costs associated with local tournament travel if we are not talking about flight for long distance trips. Always bring enough to buy a good friend a shot or two also. It's just good form.


Come On Die Young
hm.... psycho paff was at this tourney... and some things went missing. i dont even know who he is though.


Premium Supporter
SwiftTomHanks 9.95 Phil or any other people that run tournaments...

Give me the staff shirt next time...I'll make sure shit gets done right. I may not be AS BIG as Big E but I can be just as scary and I damn sure will demand order and respect like he does.
This can definitely be taken under consideration.

As far as costs, anyone going to a tournament and booking their own room needs to budget $400 if you are driving by yourself, and $750 if you are flying. Otherwise, if you carpool and split a room with 3 other people, your overall cost for 2 days is $200 to $250.
I know that I shouldn't comment BUT some of your issues should be...hmm? ...expected??? My first tournament ever was ECT and everything went accordingly to MY personal expectations(not a good thing). Why? Well, I expected a lot of "kids" to be on "staff" but WHO is responsible for choosing, instructing, organizing and being held accountable for them?? I mean, they're kids...what do you expect?? If no structure was put into place, you can't expect them to just "listen" to you.

I personally thought the MK9 section was ran poorly, but that's just me. Especially since it was also my first tournament. Many things could have been done better IF someone was specifically designated to do so.

I can't feel sorry for you being kicked out of your room. I don't want to come off as an a$$hole but what was difficult about announcing-- "Thanks for participating and hanging out BUT ROOM CASUALS ARE NOW OVER! I'm going to bed now..."???? Simple. If someone gives you unwarranted difficulty, you're a smart guy...take the appropriate action.


My blades will find your heart
I know that I shouldn't comment BUT some of your issues should be...hmm? ...expected??? My first tournament ever was ECT and everything went accordingly to MY personal expectations(not a good thing). Why? Well, I expected a lot of "kids" to be on "staff" but WHO is responsible for choosing, instructing, organizing and being held accountable for them?? I mean, they're kids...what do you expect?? If no structure was put into place, you can't expect them to just "listen" to you.

I personally thought the MK9 section was ran poorly, but that's just me. Especially since it was also my first tournament. Many things could have been done better IF someone was specifically designated to do so.

I can't feel sorry for you being kicked out of your room. I don't want to come off as an a$$hole but what was difficult about announcing-- "Thanks for participating and hanging out BUT ROOM CASUALS ARE NOW OVER! I'm going to bed now..."???? Simple. If someone gives you unwarranted difficulty, you're a smart guy...take the appropriate action.
That is much easier said then done behind your computer. He already explained that the problem with calling security was he didnt want anyone to get in trouble for underage drinking or having too many people in the rooms. Plus, he might have had a long day and after all that he posted you really think he wanted to fight someone over it? I somewhat agree in that he should have kicked them out, but it is definitely not as easy as some people make it out to be. I think the best action would be to just not open up your room for casuals next time, but then again I have never been to a major so...


Top 8 Injustice Frosty Faustings VII
Yo STH! Don't quit...

I have been around online for awhile but I just started attending live events and playing off-line. So I thought I would mention this...

People can be disappointing, rather than think about the one's who are rude, mooches or worse. I say think about the ones who impressed you and really came through for you. Dwelling on the negative is bad for you. Don't let people bring you down, let them teach you how NOT to act and rise above it. You can only account for yourself.

With that said next time just serve people up some #realtalk and stop the douchebaggery at the moment it begins. Train people how to treat you...

also don't quit...


I'm a literal Sloth
I guess I'll chime in on this.

All in all I had a great tiem at this tournament, mainly because I got to see the majority of my friends (excluding the VSM guys who were at MLG) which was the main point of me going to this tournament.

The hotel thing, there was a shitload of people in our room on Friday and I really didn't expect there to be that many, I feel so bad that AC1984 and SwiftTomHanks left to go sleep in the cars, because I would have easily given the spot on the floor I was in to either one of you. I am really glad I got to meet so many new people though, Khaotic(I don't even know your tag so im not gunna attempt it) even though we didn't play we talked a bit and I'm really excited to see you at future events. Edgar Inc. Your Sonya is so good and you're so nice it was really refreshing.

Saturday night was a lot smoother, a lot less people in our room so everything went accordingly, I feel bad that AJ had to leave his room to sleep in the car though, that room was so crowded :S

I wanna mention @KevoDaMan's shit talking. Like zaf said, if you say shit back to him, he stops right away. That's exactly what Zaf and I did and there were no issues, just don't take what he says to heart. If you can shit talk a shit talker it's almost like getting instant respect from them.

I'm also so proud of SonicFox for winning this tournament and making Mileena viable, I really tried hard at this tournament and I'm glad I actually made top 8(Despite every MU being a bad MU for me this tourney :p ) I really wanna sit down with him and play game to see what I can do differently to have more success with Mileena.

Also, sucks that my pool got moved far back and I thought it was supposed to be at 4pm but it really started at like 6:30 and I didn't eat all day up to that point (I was up since 11:30 am), but that doesn't matter.

All in all I had fun, and if any TO ever needs help with a tournament, I'd be more then happy to give any sort of assistance that I can.


My blades will find your heart
lol but shes got tarkatan blood, racism!

do u hate the char or the baraka vs mileena MU?
But she was made from Kitana who is Edenian, therefore she is not pure. And I just hate her in general, the matchup has never been too bad fro me other than the 4,2 frame traps.


Cock Master!!
I just want to publicly say that funkdoc is the man and anything I may have said or thought I fully take back. Thank you very much.

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Alpha Tarkatan - Moderator
But she was made from Kitana who is Edenian, therefore she is not pure. And I just hate her in general, the matchup has never been too bad fro me other than the 4,2 frame traps.
yea thats what makes she so hot...AND shes got daddy issues :D

on serious note,liu would cover alot of the shit MUS for raka,id play him if not for the undying hate i have for him since mk2.
also that u replied to the comment of hes stupid to use in tournies with that u picking up liu kang, this mean u wont be using baraka in tournies or just that he a alt now?


Premium Supporter
Yea for future tournaments I go to I will be posting my room rules on the forums. This way no one can say they didn't know I was going to turn into a super flaming homo when I start picking people up and throwing them out head first out of the room.

I personally had this room issue stuff happen multiple times. This is why I wasn't planning on going to ect, but again storms and Andrew got me all hyped up and we felt we had a proper gameplan in place. Clearly we didn't. I think the fact that Andrew got drunk and I got almost drunk that we didn't follow through the first night. The second night we did take charge and hopefully everyone that stayed in the room after I left were comfy.

One example of past nonsense is winter brawl. The tub knob was broke, over 8 different guys ended up crashing the room 4 people that were suppose to stay went some where else. I went to bed thinking everything was ok not realizing those 8 crashers had crashed in the room. People also ended up eating food and and just left it in the room. I got done with my tournament match went to the room to find 5 pizza boxes shot all over the place, bag of chips spilled on the floor. Those people that I still to this day don't know who made that mess, didn't have the common decency to clean up after themselves. I was fucking pisseddddd. Thankfully I have STORMS to bitch my feelings to at these tournaments.
FYI the room crashers are NOT random people in the kummunity they are well known members that have sponsors and make money during these tournaments. This has been something that has been driving me nuts for a while now but I kept it to myself because those room crashers are well respected members of the kummunity.

When I got my bill for winter brawl I ended up paying an additional $80.00 for the room being a mess and broken tub.

At final round I decided to do the just 2 people in the room but even that is too just expensive.

All on all at these tournaments I have gotten a MKD, 2 ps3 pads, one hdmi cord, and 1 long USB cord to my sticks either taken or misplaced.

The disrespect that some players have makes you not want to go to these tourneys. The few spoil it for the Many.

But I just fucking love chilling with Andrew and storms.

I made sure I took one picture with the just incase I don't see them again in person. :(

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Dan, from now on you and I are the main two in the room. Maybe we'll add SwiftTomHanks and a few others but our room is off limits to anyone else. We have to draw the line somewhere... I've been an asshole before in a hotel room... I think you remember that... and I'm not afraid to do it again.
Yes, THIS! Wanna_Die, the fat slob that he is, literally sat next to the Vodka I bought for myself, my friend Samantha, Tom Brady and Reo at Devastation while we were all drunk and bullshitting in a packed hotel room. I kept looking over and he kept sipping right out of the bottle...that shit was Grey Goose man...
whoa bro, you must be mistaken. calling me a fat slob? real cool bro. you must get picked on a lot.

to respond to your lies, I didnt drink out of that bottle. I poured one drink in a rocks glass and it used the equivalent of maybe a little more than a shot of your vodka. why didnt you say anything to me then? especially if I was stealing your stuff. I dont drink anything out of the bottle. especially not vodka. who the hell drinks vodka from the bottle? that shit is nasty!!!

I thought the vodka was Tom's. I have given him so much free alcohol I figured I didnt have to even ask for a drink. So that was my bad for not knowing it was yours. It sure didnt look like yours. All I saw was Tom making drinks from it.

And fyi, it was Psycho Paff that was stealing stuff from people, not me. I was the one who had to clean up his mess. Thanks for presenting yourself in such a cool manner. If someone was drinking my GREY GOOSE right in front of me without asking I would have said something then, instead of insulting them later.

btw, these kinds of lies and dramatic statements are the exact reason why I don't post on the forums anymore. wasted energy. I would rather put my energy into making money and developing my business, but I figured I would at least stop in and defend myself from your insults and lies.


Cock Master!!
Dan, from now on you and I are the main two in the room. Maybe we'll add SwiftTomHanks and a few others but our room is off limits to anyone else. We have to draw the line somewhere... I've been an asshole before in a hotel room... I think you remember that... and I'm not afraid to do it again.
yes I remember that day lol that's when Eazail took hostage of the bathroom for over an hour lolol and ignored your pounding on the door. Good times lolol

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