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Question Sub-Zero Ground Freeze

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Emperor of the Moon
As much as I would love to see the ice puddle threads stop,I just cannot justify sticking a thread about a move that has no use in high level play and is based solely around gimmicks that are always escapable.

Shoryuken himself has stated numerous times that he would never attempt any of these things on a high level player and indeed Ive never seen him try to. People use these things on people who dont know any better and dont know how to escape it. Sticking this thread would not be promoting high level Sub strategies, it would be promoting gimmicks that will only work on low level players.
Could be wrong but I thought he meant sticky a thread that explains the ice puddle is useless. That way we don't have a new person come in each week and look for this ice puddle tech that doesn't exist.


.... they mostly come at night. Mostly.
Ice Puddle / Ground Freezing (whatever it's called, lol !) is useful for :

- Provoke ultra turtle oponents to get out from excessive defensive position
- Keep someone in the corner, if you perceive you have time to do it, and a wake up attack will not coming right instantaneous
- In decisive moments, if you are at full screen distance zoning , and want to keep things that way, for a time out win, for example, a EX Ice Puddle can help to build a barrier between you and your enemy, saving your ass in the last seconds, hehe



Ice Puddle / Ground Freezing (whatever it's called, lol !) is useful for :

- Keep someone in the corner, if you perceive you have time to do it, and a wake up attack will not coming right instantaneous

That's the only way that I would possibly ever use this piece of crap move.


This one's for you
If the opponent continues to lay on the ground in the corner, it might be possible to get a guaranteed ice puddle. If they do a delayed wake up on reaction, it won't have invincibility. They would have to use an armored wakeup.

They can probably just tech roll out, but I don't have somebody to test it with right now
That's the only way that I would possibly ever use this piece of crap move.
I cant think on a char that doesnt have neither a projectile or a teleport in order to the Ground Freeze to have an utility for keeping him away. Unless the utility is to trade at least 10% and 1 ex bar to keep him away for 2 secs.

AK Toxic

Graphic Designer
Unless it's cancellable, and a couple frames are knocked off of it, I don't see the ice puddle at all in the future of high level play. Also, NRS shouldn't have taken out the ex puddle reset in my opinion. It made sub a lot stronger. There is an alternate I have used every once in awhile which is jumping while opp is oki, then ex puddle freeze. It catches people sometimes
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