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Guide - Grandmaster Sub-Zero GRANDMASTER Guide

Last question guys, am i the only one that cant connect NJP? I mean in corner for example: B12,FREEZE,JP,242,NJP!!! I miss 90% of those, any specific timing on that? Doesnt matter if i use NJ1/2 still missing. HELP :D


get that work make that work work
Last question guys, am i the only one that cant connect NJP? I mean in corner for example: B12,FREEZE,JP,242,NJP!!! I miss 90% of those, any specific timing on that? Doesnt matter if i use NJ1/2 still missing. HELP :D
It doesn't matter if you use NJ1 or NJ2. The timing is significantly more lenient against male cast members than female. I'm seen VODs where Based Tom Brady uses JI2 > NJP against females because it makes it easier. You're basically just trying to do it as early as possible after your feet leave the ground. Work the timing a bit, and you'll get used to it - it's not too terribly hard (against male characters.)


Last question guys, am i the only one that cant connect NJP? I mean in corner for example: B12,FREEZE,JP,242,NJP!!! I miss 90% of those, any specific timing on that? Doesnt matter if i use NJ1/2 still missing. HELP :D
Less active frames for his NJP than his MK9 NJP means it's more strict. This is just based on my feel of MKX so far as I haven't checked the frame data yet. As @BasiKs said, try hitting it early going up instead of at the peak of your jump.


I was wondering what are the matchups where GM Sub struggles the most, and if could be convenient to switch variation (cryomancer?).
What do you guys think?


The smart stuff!
Got a question about stance, corner and 4 into ice clone. I'm not sure if it's a bug or feature, but in the corner I'm able to 4~ice clone and dummy will get frozen. If I switch stance however to the one showing Sub's back, the ice clone after 4 will whiff. Somewhere else someone spotted that changing stance can whiff throw. Should I consider stance changing another tool, or it's some kind of bug?
Edit: correction. Actually you need to have the same stance as dummy, otherwise it will whiff. But if it's the same, dummy gets frozen after 4~clone. And doesn't work on female chars apparently.
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i have a question about shatter.i do b33~iceball, njp, jp, b33d4, clone. after that how should i space my b33? run and cancel into it, or take a step? is timing strict? sometimes i get a meaty shatter, sometimes not, i tried taking small steps, running cancelled into b33, can't find reliable method. or if im dumb and just have to watch videos again, don't answer :DOGE

edit: yep im dumb, i was doing clone incorrectly and it was too close. smh


Believe it or not, I haven't tinkered with this style yet much because I'm still trying to perfect my Cryomancer game. I'm actually surprised at how completely different the style change is.
I can see how some might find grandmaster a bit boring since most are using it so you're seeing mostly the same strategies,set ups etc... but i still find this variation interesting as my first nrs game.


Got a question about stance, corner and 4 into ice clone. I'm not sure if it's a bug or feature, but in the corner I'm able to 4~ice clone and dummy will get frozen. If I switch stance however to the one showing Sub's back, the ice clone after 4 will whiff. Somewhere else someone spotted that changing stance can whiff throw. Should I consider stance changing another tool, or it's some kind of bug?
Edit: correction. Actually you need to have the same stance as dummy, otherwise it will whiff. But if it's the same, dummy gets frozen after 4~clone. And doesn't work on female chars apparently.
Yeah I showed this to some people on my stream I guess it's something to do with the character hitbox but if it's a bug or not I dunno...most likely it is knowing NRS.
I don't imagine any of the douchebags that worked on this game go like "I have an idea on how to make the stance button not be filler"... fkin cunts.
Why the hate you might ask... 2 words for ya... PC version.


I made a post about 4~clone awhile back and stance changes. What I've found is that if you have the same stance (1 facing cam, other facing away) you will be closer than if you are both opposite (both facing cam or away). This applies to numerous things including punish range.


I'm so bad bout making a video (it will happen)...but I have a big break through in clone set ups. No longer do we have to sacrifice damage to land a nj.3, use f12 instead! You still lose a tiny bit of damage from and optimal slide ender, but we're talking 2-4% now, not 10%+.

Optimal corner combos w/ new set up!
b12~freeze, whiff clone, j.2, 242, nj.1, fj.1, bj.1, f12, set clone
b12~freeze, whiff clone, j.2, 242, bj.1, f12, set clone
b2, b2, 1, d1, b12~clone, nj.1, bj.1, f12, set clone
b2, b2, 242, 11~clone, nj.1, f12, set clone

So you'll be very close when you do this but you have TONS of time. Wait till their legs go up from the knockdown, then set clone or it will whiff. You'll have ridiculous frame advantage and are in perfect range to throw out a d4(low) or a b2 (overhead) for a safe 50/50. If they wake up with an armor move, you first hit will be absorbed and then they will be frozen by clone, netting you the damage they took in armor and a fresh new combo to restart the vortex. I think only armored teleports and moves that don't move their body forward can ever beat you out.

Tech is still very new so I need to test it on other cast members and other things. So far this is VERY consistent on sub zero opponent doing wake up EX~Slide.
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They most consistent way to do clone combos on females in the corner(at least for me, anyways) is to do b2, b2, d1,1~ice clone.

Works pretty much everytime.


Beso de Muerte + Fantasía Oscura
yea im using this now. been messing with it for 20min. its good stuff.