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Strategy "Shazam!" -- Captain Marvel General Discussion Thread

teleport is also really important in matchups where single projectiles get shot at you quickly (green arrow comes to mind). The ending frames have invincibility for 1 projectile hit. You'll get blown up if you spam it yourself, but it does get you past some really irritating zoning.

It also mixes up your 'block -> dash' timing so stuff that's designed to frame-trap your dash will miss.


Ruthlesss Mayhem
teleport is also really important in matchups where single projectiles get shot at you quickly (green arrow comes to mind). The ending frames have invincibility for 1 projectile hit. You'll get blown up if you spam it yourself, but it does get you past some really irritating zoning.

It also mixes up your 'block -> dash' timing so stuff that's designed to frame-trap your dash will miss.
It feels great when you catch a projectile off a teleport.


Master of Magnetism
Meter burn projectile is good if you understand the point. The point is to throw something with a timing they didn't expect... usually to win the round, if you are far enough away, and if youve got spare meter. Its very situational but it has its purpose. A similar delay situation works with freddy in mk, if you mix in a nightmare stance then throw the glove. Why would you do that it takes longer? It creates a situation that can throw off their timing, cause them to stagger and get them to end up blocking it rather than jumping over, or even better, catch some people trying to jump the regular one in which case they jump right into it. Its a mixup and it is good if you can catch someone offguard. Its not meant to go back and forth in a fire fight. Its not even meant to trade. Its super situational but it does what it needs to do.

Sent from M-Class Star Freighter USCSS Nostromo
So its very situational? Sounds like a gimmick to me. I've been playing fighting games since 01..from what you've described the meter burn Bolts sounds like its pretty much useless if its that situational.

To throw of timing? Chip damage? lol. If I see another Shazam trying to throw off my timing fullscreen, I'll just throw a regular Bolts to throw him off his animation startup on his meter burn Bolts.


Xbl: Johnny2Die
So its very situational? Sounds like a gimmick to me. I've been playing fighting games since 01..from what you've described the meter burn Bolts sounds like its pretty much useless if its that situational.

To throw of timing? Chip damage? lol. If I see another Shazam trying to throw off my timing fullscreen, I'll just throw a regular Bolts to throw him off his animation startup on his meter burn Bolts.
The word useless is used to describe something that has no use. I pointed out the use I see for it. Therefore, not useless. You can theory fight your way into making arguments against any tool in the game if you want, if I see X, I just do Y, so X is useless. Just because you don't see a use for it in your game doesn't mean its useless for everyone else, however you've talked yourself out of exploring one of Shazam's tools, so good games.

So you've been playing fighting games since 01? I'm not sure what that has to do with Shazam, but thats great for you. Was it your goal to turn this into a pissing match? If thats the case I have you beat by 10 years :p


The concept for the EX Bolt is just dumb if you ask me. I get that it's not meant to be used in fireball fights, but take Batman for example. He is not a zoner by any means but his EX Batarang can be activated at any time the player chooses to burn the meter while it's out. It has the same startup as the regular Batarang but will explode when the meter is burned creating a bigger hitbox + damage. Same thing goes for Green Lantern's projectile. Using meter to enhance moves should only make them better. Now I'm not saying that it's useless, as I do find myself using it from time to time, but I also find myself getting stuffed out of it from time to time as well :/.


Master of Magnetism
Lol I tried to make a point with my years of experience in fighting games..competitive fighting games that I know a gimmick when I see one. Oh and I've been playing fighting games years before that..wasn't until 01 where I took it competitively.

But back to the topic. I think its safer to throw peoples timing off by altering your own timing with regular bolts. At least the start up is faster ;)


Xbl: Johnny2Die
The concept for the EX Bolt is just dumb if you ask me. I get that it's not meant to be used in fireball fights, but take Batman for example. He is not a zoner by any means but his EX Batarang can be activated at any time the player chooses to burn the meter while it's out. It has the same startup as the regular Batarang but will explode when the meter is burned creating a bigger hitbox + damage. Same thing goes for Green Lantern's projectile. Using meter to enhance moves should only make them better. Now I'm not saying that it's useless, as I do find myself using it from time to time, but I also find myself getting stuffed out of it from time to time as well :/.
Yup if you compare his MB Bolt to Batman's or GL's MB projectiles, I would agree that both Bats and GL are better. Shazam's doesn't work the same way, and it is weird, but its a different character and it is what it is. I've smacked people with it, and have gotten hit out of it as well. I'm interested in it though because it is different than the other characters, being unique has its advantages as well.


Xbl: Johnny2Die
Lol I tried to make a point with my years of experience in fighting games..competitive fighting games that I know a gimmick when I see one. Oh and I've been playing fighting games years before that..wasn't until 01 where I took it competitively.

But back to the topic. I think its safer to throw peoples timing off by altering your own timing with regular bolts. At least the start up is faster ;)
Haha gotcha. I agree that it is safer to throw regular projectiles. This is yet another tool that he has that adds to the high risk high reward style character he is. It wouldn't fit his style if the MB projectile got safer, thats not how Shazam works in this game, he gets more yolo the more balls out you play. I also don't disagree with it being a gimmick, it totally is, but gimmicks can work when used correctly, at any level of play. Having another trick in your pocket to pull out once in a blue moon isn't a bad thing. It could be that no one ever uses this move because 'its bad', well thats exactly when it will start to work.


Skrull Queen Pleaser
Bolts are IMO, a necessary tool when playing against Lobo, Grundy, Bane, Doomsday, and for some reason are decent against Nightwing staff-lockdown. Against those characters you can make it much easier on yourself by playing a runaway(via teleport), and whoring out bolts. Those characters can find ways around it, but it makes it harder on them.
You can't throw bolts against a Grundy with 1 bar no matter where you are on screen. Way too much startup and you trade like 7% for 41% in Grundy's favor and he has a trait powerup afterwards.

I don't see how Nightwing lets Shazam even attempt to throw a bolt. You don't have time in between seismos to throw one, and ground spark he can use the slam animation to duck your fireball and send one back at you.

Bolts are very unnecessary as they are probably close to the worst projectile in the game. The only time I use it is when I'm out of meter and I get a knockdown, since I've shown command throw and torpedo so many times they're probably hoping I screw up and jump, and I throw a bolt to stop them from jumping, send them fullscreen, and now I spam teleport and bolts to get meter.


Skrull Queen Pleaser
You can't throw bolts against a Grundy with 1 bar no matter where you are on screen. Way too much startup and you trade like 7% for 41% in Grundy's favor and he has a trait powerup afterwards.

I don't see how Nightwing lets Shazam even attempt to throw a bolt. You don't have time in between seismos to throw one, and ground spark he can use the slam animation to duck your fireball and send one back at you.

Bolts are very unnecessary as they are probably close to the worst projectile in the game. The only time I use it is when I'm out of meter and I get a knockdown, since I've shown command throw and torpedo so many times they're probably hoping I screw up and jump, and I throw a bolt to stop them from jumping, send them fullscreen, and now I spam teleport and bolts to get meter.
Yeah, Grundy is the one out of that group that concerns me for that exact reason. I didn't say it was perfect, and i know it sounds crazy, but the bolt isn't bad against Nightwing(staff) . I'll go into the lab hopefully by tomorrow and get the exact details for you. I have tickets to a ball game tonight, so probably can't before then.
bolts definitely arent good vs nightwing
Well this is a bit debatable. If you are in the life lead, and full screen away from Dick, you can pretty much start chucking lightning without much of a care, since it'll at least trade with his Ground Spark in Staff Stance. If he tries to get in at all with Flying Grayson or jumping, he eats the lightning free. In Escrima Stance, he's just much less of a threat in this matchup imo, but that's just from my experience.

On the subject of using MB Lightning, I only use it after either MB AT or 112 xx Lightning against certain characters for some cute and totally escapable chip-setups. I'm kinda partial towards 112 xx Lightning into a somewhat delayed AT, since it hits at that perfect distance and blows up people trying to crouch from that distance, and then vortex and death n such.


Ma b to be a bit off topic but what is the deal with Shazam's MB Psycho Crusher?

I haven't blocked that shit once yet. What in the world.
Ma b to be a bit off topic but what is the deal with Shazam's MB Psycho Crusher?

I haven't blocked that shit once yet. What in the world.
its an overhead.

Extremely glad about the Buffs for this dude. I welcome all post-buff-bandwagoners, more people playing this character = the faster he's figured out. I just hope they stay around after playing the Deathstroke/GL/zoner matchups lol.


Idk how I feel about his changes... they don't really change his character archetype at all. They lowered recovery on whiff of his grapples but they are still highly punishable.

The teleport wakeup option is interesting though, I haven't tested it yet so I'm not sure what that really means. Is it faster? More invincibility?

The faster trait startup is a welcome addition. Can anyone elaborate as to how much faster it is?

And lastly, the throw tech fix sucks for us lol but I guess it shouldn't have been in the game at all :joker:.

All in all, I guess I can't complain about these since he received 0 nerfs. Haven't touched the game in a couple of days but I'm hype to get back in it!


I Bring Knives To A Gun Fight !
can anyone tell me how can i get shazam icon for the background of my hero card? (how to unlock it)
I'm a bane main, and really liked the look of shazam, the buffs put me over the edge to co-main him, and don't regret it one bit haha. quick question though, with the HM MB, B3, ji2 f223 HM combo, is this really only useful offline? I can nail it in training, but for the life of me can't seem to get the f223 HM to not drop online.


I'm a bane main, and really liked the look of shazam, the buffs put me over the edge to co-main him, and don't regret it one bit haha. quick question though, with the HM MB, B3, ji2 f223 HM combo, is this really only useful offline? I can nail it in training, but for the life of me can't seem to get the f223 HM to not drop online.
The combo is extremely difficult online lol. I would just substitute the f223 for 22 when playing online.