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i personally like to surprise folks with Uncle Raiden. I like to start with a 214db1RC 214db3EX1122df2, or if i want to immediately get the corner juggling going i'll pop up with u2 then uf4bf3 then b2b2213f12b2df2 ( if I have 2 bars sometimes I'll df2EX after the 213, or I'll EXdf2 at the end and add another df2 espcially in brutality situations ). I also like to RC the db1 off of b33 then go with 214 or 213...of another b33. A corner combo I like as well is a u2 uf3 34df2EX1122df2.


Beaten, by this mere man
TG raiden pressure- Think this might be genuine Raiden pressure not sure if its already been posted but its very spacing specific.
And stops heavy reliance on F1 also beats pokes.

F2 B11 LRC B11 DF2
on a read follow up with ex DF2 - if the opponent back dashes DB3 ex full combo punish.
Wtf is this lol,b11 is duckable after the b1.also this is all mids,you might as well go for b3/b2/throw after the LRC if we're assuming they're respecting the +frames. And even if you're just going for chip you might as well do b112df2 instead of b11df2


Official Infrared Scorp wid gapless Wi-Fi pressure
Do you guys think that maybe raiden was nerfed a little too early? Especially bc of his b11 whiff (I don't think it will be fixed.)

I mean I don't think his corner bnb with one bar that did 48 percent was that bad when kung lao can do practically do the same thing.

The chip damage thing I can understand but if you risk holding 2 for the full 1122 or b1122 I think you deserve that chip damage.

I don't mean to complain but I'm just wondering if you guys think it was well deserved?
Kung Lao can't do 48% off a 50/50. Hell he can't even get that off his overhead, he gets that off a 14 frame high and risks a 2 frame link to get more than 12%.

I do not think Raiden was nerfed too early. He isn't even mid tier, not sure what the issue is.


Beaten, by this mere man
i personally like to surprise folks with Uncle Raiden. I like to start with a 214db1RC 214db3EX1122df2, or if i want to immediately get the corner juggling going i'll pop up with u2 then uf4bf3 then b2b2213f12b2df2 ( if I have 2 bars sometimes I'll df2EX after the 213, or I'll EXdf2 at the end and add another df2 espcially in brutality situations ). I also like to RC the db1 off of b33 then go with 214 or 213...of another b33. A corner combo I like as well is a u2 uf3 34df2EX1122df2.
What am I reading Jesus help me


Bags of mostly water
Kung Lao can't do 48% off a 50/50. Hell he can't even get that off his overhead, he gets that off a 14 frame high and risks a 2 frame link to get more than 12%.

I do not think Raiden was nerfed too early. He isn't even mid tier, not sure what the issue is.
I'm not saying he is mid tier I'm taking ab damage itself, he just lacks in the neutral game. His highest damage combos are off his 5050 anyways.

And Kung Lao is number one so get that shit outta here, he doesn't even need 5050s


Official Infrared Scorp wid gapless Wi-Fi pressure
I'm not saying he is mid tier I'm taking ab damage itself, he just lacks in the neutral game. His highest damage combos are off his 5050 anyways.

And Kung Lao is number one so get that shit outta here, he doesn't even need 5050s
I didn't say he needs 50/50's, that's the point moron. Your argument against the damage nerf was "well Kung Lao gets it", when KL gets it off a 14 frame high, and this is a character that is ALREADY #1 with that sort of opener, and here you are complaining that you don't have as much damage as him off a 50/50 and acting like Raiden was overnerfed. Just stop.


Thanx. This may fix my whole problem.
I usually do 1122[h] bf3 after the f1

Sometimes the 2nd lightning attack whiffs for some reason but it's pretty reliable.
F1 D1 Ex Shocker B14 UUUUUUUU!!! lol 25% or if you didn't expect the jump and got the f1 and the 2 wife continue the string you should be able to superman still... both lead to the corner carry or after the B14 use bolt for mid screen setups. All variations. @BlackJackSnack
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Bags of mostly water
I was just asking if it was maybe too early for him to be nerfed

I understand KLs isn't a 5050 I'm just saying that if I risk b2 which has 64 frames of recovery if whiffed he should be able to have the damage he had. And since you can't get anywhere near the damage off his low starter I think the OH should still have the insane damage it had before.

Not trying to argue just trying to understand the thought process of the damage nerfed when the OH is so risky if that makes sense


Official Infrared Scorp wid gapless Wi-Fi pressure
I was just asking if it was maybe too early for him to be nerfed

I understand KLs isn't a 5050 I'm just saying that if I risk b2 which has 64 frames of recovery if whiffed he should be able to have the damage he had. And since you can't get anywhere near the damage off his low starter I think the OH should still have the insane damage it had before.

Not trying to argue just trying to understand the thought process of the damage nerfed when the OH is so risky if that makes sense
True but if you miss the 2 frame link there is an armourable gap that you can't avoid in the KL combo so that is a risk... Honestly though, I think you are looking at this wrong, I think KL needs his damage toned down like Raiden was. Raiders balancing was important and he's still one of the best characters in the game, hard sell to say he's not top 10. Just because the #1 character has some stuff isn't a good argument for giving it to another character too, in fact it's a good example of why not to.
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I like to start with a 214db1RC 214db3EX1122df2
First I just want to say that 214 is a gimmick, and high level players will never get hit by that low. You're better off going for a b3 or a b2 OS after that LRC.

But even if you insist on doing this, why wouldn't you just do 214 LRC 214 EXdf2 b14 LRC 214 bf3

That does way more damage.

if i want to immediately get the corner juggling going i'll pop up with u2 then uf4bf3
I assume u2 means njp? If so, why not do njp f2 b14 LRC 214 bf3 for 10% extra damage?

then b2b2213f12b2df2
I'm actually kind of embarassed that I wasn't aware of this combo. I do a much more difficult combo in the corner and now I realize this one is much easier and does the same damage.

However I would modify yours a little bit and do b2 b2 213 f12b2[h] b111+3 which does 2% more damage and leads to Raiden's best hard knockdown.

if I have 2 bars sometimes I'll df2EX after the 213, or I'll EXdf2 at the end and add another df2
That is a complete waste of meter. If you've already landed the b2, you might as well go for b2 b2 214 EXdf2 b32[h] b111+3 for 45% or if you have good execution go for b2 b2 b14 EXdf2 b14 LRC 213 f12b2[h] f12b2[h] 4 bf3 (47%)

You can still end both of these combos in a brutality if that's what you're after.

A corner combo I like as well is u2 uf3 34df2EX1122df2
31% for 1 bar?

You can get 32% meterless with njp b2 b14 LRC f12b2[h] f12b2[h] 4 bf3

I would never spend a bar in this situation but if you insist:

njp ji3 b2 b14 EXdf2 b14 LRC f12b2[h] f12b2[h] 4 bf3 (39%)
I just picked raiden up 2 days ago. I got a few wins, but they weren't high level. I haven't tested raiden against high comp yet, I want to know all his tools and details further before I do that. I want to have him as a pocket character to compliment Unbreakable Sub and Goro.
First I just want to say that 214 is a gimmick, and high level players will never get hit by that low. You're better off going for a b3 or a b2 OS after that LRC.

But even if you insist on doing this, why wouldn't you just do 214 LRC 214 EXdf2 b14 LRC 214 bf3

That does way more damage.

I assume u2 means njp? If so, why not do njp f2 b14 LRC 214 bf3 for 10% extra damage?

I'm actually kind of embarassed that I wasn't aware of this combo. I do a much more difficult combo in the corner and now I realize this one is much easier and does the same damage.

However I would modify yours a little bit and do b2 b2 213 f12b2[h] b111+3 which does 2% more damage and leads to Raiden's best hard knockdown.

That is a complete waste of meter. If you've already landed the b2, you might as well go for b2 b2 214 EXdf2 b32[h] b111+3 for 45% or if you have good execution go for b2 b2 b14 EXdf2 b14 LRC 213 f12b2[h] f12b2[h] 4 bf3 (47%)

You can still end both of these combos in a brutality if that's what you're after.

31% for 1 bar?

You can get 32% meterless with njp b2 b14 LRC f12b2[h] f12b2[h] 4 bf3

I would never spend a bar in this situation but if you insist:

njp ji3 b2 b14 EXdf2 b14 LRC f12b2[h] f12b2[h] 4 bf3 (39%)
yeah i call NJP u2 because I base it on the inputs. I caught 214db3EX, 34, df2EX b11 1+3 and tried to work off of that. Its the first combo I learned from watching a Raiden Tutotial, and I dont want to use 2 bars every time just to corner someone.


Is Raiden even viable?
Any character that can take your entire lifebar in 2 reads is always gonna be viable.

He loses the neutral game to a lot of characters and it's frustrating but he also has a lot of good matchups.

I think having a secondary for certain matchups like Johnny Cage is a good idea though if you're gonna main Raiden.


Wtf is this lol,b11 is duckable after the b1.also this is all mids,you might as well go for b3/b2/throw after the LRC if we're assuming they're respecting the +frames. And even if you're just going for chip you might as well do b112df2 instead of b11df2
Good point on the b112df2 but I didn't say it cuz I'm not sure if there's a gap in that string-(worth testing)
But Ye it's genuine raiden pressure if you condition them with b2 after F2. Like I said you can be cheeky with it then when they start blocking high you do the mid pressure cuz if they try and poke you while blocking high they get hit by the mids and you can combo off it. Also you can't do b2 or b3 after LRC because it's too slow. The b3 would come out in like 11 frames anyone trying to mash a reversal or that has a 7frame special like kunglau reg spin or cassie 6frame flip kick would get out it of it. But with what I posted the b11 comes out in like 6 frames and you do it to catch them trying to press buttons.
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Any character that can take your entire lifebar in 2 reads is always gonna be viable.

He loses the neutral game to a lot of characters and it's frustrating but he also has a lot of good matchups.

I think having a secondary for certain matchups like Johnny Cage is a good idea though if you're gonna main Raiden.
What is his most viable variation(s)?


Former Divine Power Abuser
If MoS orbs stun on impact this will be the only variation I play. Unless of coarse Displacer gets a really good teleport.
I think orbs having a hitbox & being neutral or slightly plus on block would be fine, or just a better knockdown where you can place an orb safely. Displaced needs better teleport. Universal needs fixes on mids.


『T R I G G E R E D』
Were there any buffs for Raiden?
his Teleport in displacer got 10 less frames of recovery, also apparently b11 hitbox issues were fixed

His b2 OS is apparently taken out

So where do we go from here guys? Losing our B2df2 OS is critical.
I didnt even use the option select because i saw this coming for so long, so this will have no effect on my game what so ever. In fact, it might help me not get b2, shocker on hit and ruining my combo lmao