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Ps3 vs. 360


Are ya' ready for MK11 kids?!
Why are people still under the impression that the brand of your online infrastructure has bearing on the online performance of a game? Any game on any platform, on any given day is liable to have a netcode brainfart.

And by that logic, the Xbox 1 should've ran gauntlet during the previous wave of consoles, but nope, everyone continued to live under their networkless PS2's rock.

However, there are reasons why the PS3 version is more susceptible to it, since it was ported, and region locked, it was never optimized to function across continent-wide distances, on a system where it's general install base is more likely to use wi-fi over ethernet no less, why do you guys think all hell broke loose when Madzin played in that MLG online tourney?

That's probably the best I can summarize it, after all, this is the same community that interprets a 6 frame down 1 failing to beat an 8 frame low as random advantage. :rolleyes:
Have fun with your time-stalling xrays and your banned, laggy stages.

Xbox is just fine, thank you.
The clock runs down during X-rays? The wasteland stage isn't on the 360 version? News to me..


Show me what you can do
I find that PS3 has more input lag, and end up with a bunch of d/c, if you can connect at all. As for the people, I've always thought it was the d-pad. Not everyone can afford a stick/converter. The d-pad is gdlike compared to xbox's.

Also, Ramp is hella salty. He pulls every match we play.


I find that PS3 has more input lag, and end up with a bunch of d/c, if you can connect at all. As for the people, I've always thought it was the d-pad. Not everyone can afford a stick/converter. The d-pad is gdlike compared to xbox's.

Also, Ramp is hella salty. He pulls every match we play.
Online just sucks, start an offline scene lol.


Lol, I know. The input delay is worse on PS3 than on xbox is what I was saying.
On certain stages yea, framerate starts to drop and the game gets choppy not just input. Dont know why there's PS3 exclusive shit yet it was developed on Xbox and ported lol.


Online Punching Bag
I play on XBL and I gotta say the competition does suck for the most part, I fight 10 people that are like 1/3 or 1/4 win ratio records before I fight anyone half decent in ranked. I could go to a room but 90% of the matches with 4 dots won't connect anyways, thank goodness for some tym players on my friends list.


PS3 has an online bug that shows 4 green circles for everyone so u never know who has bad connection. You could be lagging all this time and never know it.

STB Sgt Reed

Online Warrior
I play on XBL and I gotta say the competition does suck for the most part, I fight 10 people that are like 1/3 or 1/4 win ratio records before I fight anyone half decent in ranked. I could go to a room but 90% of the matches with 4 dots won't connect anyways, thank goodness for some tym players on my friends list.
I need to add you, love playing dat sheeva.
On certain stages yea, framerate starts to drop and the game gets choppy not just input. Dont know why there's PS3 exclusive shit yet it was developed on Xbox and ported lol.
Sony and Warner Bros are in bed together, that's why. Along with the fact some former members of Midway/NRS work at Santa Monica Studios (God of War devs).


A prop on the stage of life.
Technically speaking, its not the power of the hardware thats the issue. Its the way the hardware actually goes about reading the disc and generally those cell processors.

On topic of the thread: I sometimes wish I could play someone whose just a jump happy 111, spear scorpion over "lol I dropped my combo and you still lost 45% of your life lol" cyrax players left and right.


Ayy Lmao
I guess you consider quitting on me twice, and sending me a message calling me a spammer not salty lol

Yea man, that's that calm shit right there. :p You should see when I'm mad, but that won't happen because I only get mad at things that matter. By the end of the day, I forget everything that went on in the game, so like I said, getting mad will be pointless cause I'll just forget about it.