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NWM4 Shout outs!


Two men enter, one man leaves!
Shout outs to Room 222.

Shujinkydink great money match, I'll eliminate you next tournament :(

McNasty Best set of the weekend was that Smoke Raiden set IMO, looking forward to playing you and the Seattle guys more often.

MoFuzz and MashPotatoTower Thanks for letting my friend and I hang out and get casuals in all weekend, too many great matches to count.

The EGP guys were awesome and I hope to play them again someday, I'll be ready for KL by then.

Great first tournament, I'll be looking to be playing a hell of a lot more offline and hope to get a solid scene going in B.C. sometime soon.

STB Shujinkydink

Burning down in flames for kicks
McNasty McNastylovin! what a guy, staple of the seattle scene. Was so happy when we got there and he was stoked on gettin beers! thanks for showin us what blue moon is, man was that fun! Killer smoke, Killer guy, sucked we had to fight in tournament, but at least it wasnt until top 4. lets get together soon for some casuals! get that enhanced ID son!

@Kevin7 Hypest guy all weekend, only one that has ever shown up Jimmy and I in the hype department lol. Gettin the w00lay chant goin! being there for me every match of the way, and has one of the wickedest sonyas ive ever had the pleasure of playing. cool dude, funny as shit, and I was super proud to be in your corner till the very end. Again, sucks we had to play and sorry for the counterpick :(

MoFuzz awesome meeting you man! you seemed really into everything, and are a strong player :) good to know theres some ppl close to me we can get casuals in with, I dont mind travelling a bit lets do this!

Jimmypotato dude. you know. "how do you guys know each other?" "Video Games." laughin our asses off at "lickman rd" and "Annis rd" lmao

MashPotatoTower wish I coulda talked to you more, loved how you walked around with a huge grin on your face the whole time haha, could tell you were having a blast!

CJKRattlehead never met someone who doesnt call me out on forums, but shittalks me in person lol. Solid Freddy and raiden. Our MM was really hype, good way to start off the tourney

WhatsHerName Best female MK player period. Had the pleasure of playing casuals and has a really solid roster! Awesome chick, I really hope I get to see you guys again at EVO! Thanks for all the props, and support the whole way through the tourney. Too good!

I have two very special shoutouts id like to make.

Immortal Kombat this guy comes to casuals in the hotel friday night, and with all due respect, loses to everyone pretty one sidedly. Sits with Jimmy for quite a while and Jimmy teaches him everything he needs to know about kitana mileena MU. I have never, EVER, seen anyone take advice like that and use it that well. this guy absorbed everything he learned like a friggen sponge, goes through his bracket with one minor setback, ends up eliminating jimmy using everything jimmy taught him, and pushed me to the absolute limit in our match. Words cannot express how utterly impressed I am with this guy. Cool ass dude, super chill, and definitly kept his word on the shot he had for us! really want to get together again soon!!

pboardplayer WOW. just wow. I never thought a grand finals could be so much fun! Win or lose, we put on a friggen show for everyone. High level play at its best, adapting to adapting lol just crazy! Couldnt have lost to a more classy, nicer guy. Cameras didnt catch it but after he won he walked me onto the stage and raised my hand, and gave me props in front of everyone, i was super impressed. just goes to show why socal is my favorite scene in MK. Kung lao just killer! mannn....like mannnnn, it almost seems surreal how awesome that actually was.

awesome meeting everyone else, boknowskillin,matsura(great job runnin the bracket, play more MK!!),hangnail(really awesome commentary man! super impressed bieber!),Vastly,elijah, and im sorry if i missed everyone else, it was a super hype weekend! WEST COAST BABY!

and oh ya....ermac sucks <3

Immortal Kombat

almost moderate success
Good shit to everybody this weekend. It was an 8 hour drive but was well worth because i seriously leveled up 100 times in 2 days. Still laughing my ass off because nobody believed me that i play mileena 95% of the time.

@Jimmy- I want to thank you first off man. Without your help top 8 at my first major woudnt of been possible. If everyone in the community was as generous as Jimmy with his knowledge of the game, this game would be played by everybody at these majors. Dont ever get rid of that red controller dude, its fucking lucky.

@Mcnasty- Great scene dude for Seatlle to have. Great smoke man, spent all night learning that matchup after you beat me incase i played you again.(and then they changed the brackets and i got dink first...fuck me lol)

@Kevin- SSSSSSSOOOOOOOO EXCITED FOR MK! lol good shit dude

@cjrattlehead- ggs man. If only you didnt underestimate just about EVERYBODY at this tournament you could of placed very high. I mean no disrespect at all, your a great player but nothings free when you overlook people.

@Dink- Woolay! Damn dog! those were almost your evo points lol! I was really hoping to play you later in the tourney but what can you do? They make the brackets right? You guys leveled me up so much so fast, I cant thank you enough....so thank you for flawlessing me in casuals lol! I would love to get some games in with you and Jimmy on xbox. Im under dabearscq. Its just a matter of time before you get a major. P.S.....Why the hell did i go Kenshi first when I knew you were tight with mayo and pig! oh well, rookie mistake.

ggs to everbody else at the tourny that i cant remember your names! Espescially the other Liu Kang player.


Two men enter, one man leaves!
@cjrattlehead- ggs man. If only you didnt underestimate just about EVERYBODY at this tournament you could of placed very high. I mean no disrespect at all, your a great player but nothings free when you overlook people.
I know, I'm still kicking myself for underestimating what's her name, After that first set we had I expected a free win especially when I saw Ermac, a MU I am ridiculously familiar with, oh well, 9th ain't bad and I'll know better for next time.


First and foremost big props to everyone that could make it out!

Dink- Great to meet you man! you are a bad ass MFer. Epic friday night shout outs to hang overs! piss drunk talking about life at 4:30am lol. You opened my eyes to more read based fundamentals, switching up styles, and very different elements to match up knowledge. Hope to get something going with us and the western side of canada in the future! Congrats on your placement that was a fucking INCREDIBLE finals...seriously couldn't have been any better!

Potato- waddap wwwaddap! as soon as i heard that voice i got hype! we had so much fun in 210 hahaha fuuuuuck almost too much fun. Ammurrrican cigs and beer FTW lol. First guy I played in casuals and man it was an eye opener luckily you were such a cool dude it didnt effect my confidence going into saturday! Very smart kitana play you understood the matchup vs smoke very well and adapted like a mofo in that 3-6 beer range! Glad we were on opposite sides but maaaan i wanted you in that top 8 brother! oh well we got dem points! AMMURRRICA!

The Vancouver guys- Mrsleeze, mashpotato, alex so glad you all could come out for this hope that it lived up to the hype! I feel shitty that we couldnt make it to room 222 fucking hung over as a bastard post tourney. I didnt get in enough casuals with you guys:(

CJKRattlehead- man probably one of the hypest matches I will have ever been a part of. I felt bad that my home turf made it so one sided. great fundamentals man! thanks for the freddy experience in casuals as well I reaaaally needed that! Hope to see you in tourney again.

mac and cheese/his sparring partner whose name eludes me right now- such dedicated players i mean hawaii? really? thats just crazy! Great set we had I was nervous as hell once i saw how serious you guys were. Im glad you guys enjoyed yourselves!

Immortal and Bo- Great guys! Cool as shit and both great players glad you could make it out! I was so mindfucked on who you guys play it was unreal so many characters in casuals. Friday night was really fun. Immortal man you leveled up what would take others months in a matter of hours it was inhuman. Congrats on top 8 glad you could make it to finals day!

Pboardplayer- Such a cool guy! you hyped me up before we played lol I felt amazing losing, pretty much the most respectful individual in the scene. Loved talking match ups and players/characters with you we see eye to eye on laming out a lot of characters. "let them hang themselves" love that! Congrats on your win! I believe that puts you in 3rd for evo point standings which is just awesome! Cant wait for MLG and the event you mentioned to me at NWM!

Whatshername- The real deal! Great knowledge of the game and its players you hyped up the cali scene like no other! Very happy for you for being the first female in top 8 and definitely not the last time we will be seeing you there! I love the style in which you play as a fellow turtle I have the utmost respect! Your pool and casual play was some of the best I saw especially with how you interchanged characters flawlessly. See you at MLG! P.S. Blowing up Kevins jax is FUCKING AWESOME lol.

Northwest MK and everyone else who is a local- God damn we in there! Ill hype you all up in person because I could never do enough of that unless I wrote an essay right here. Love you all.

Shout outs to all the staff and unofficial staff of NWM4 thank you all for your hard work!!!!

If I forgot you im sorry ill add shoutouts as they come to mind.


MashPotatoTower Bad Tournament, Bad Experience. J/K. Well, we didn't put Vancouver on the map like we thought we would, but at least we both lost to good players! You lost to 1st place, and I lost to 2nd. How bout that? Keep your phone close bud, we don't want you pullin a you know what again....

CJKRattlehead Great games mang. Having someone beat the Freddy matchup into me was harsh, but necessary. I definitely need more practice though, he's a tricky one to play against. Shoutouts also to your friend and ever the ladies man, Chandler B, workin his game on those Nos girls all day, every day. Special thanks to Mama Rattlehead and sis (The Tracy's) for Dat Sandwich. It fed four grown men splendidly. We all need to get some local meetups in soon.

Matsuura Great job with running the brackets and keeping everyone informed and up to date. Keep playin MK brother, GG's in casuals as well!

@Kevin7 Dude, I think we were separated at birth, we both got the Asian blood running in our veins, and we both play Sonya/Jax/Sektor, lulz. We'll have to get that Jax-off in next time. You brought the hype for sure: "FUCK THOSE RESETS!"

McNasty Great play with Smoke! We'll have to get some casuals in next time. Congrats on the top 4! You made some clutch reads throughout the tourney and it paid off big time for you. Even took down some Kung Lao's - Smoke's favourite matchup!

Jimmypotato You are one funny dude. I'm glad you EX Ass'd your way over like I suggested. What is it with Kitana players and character loyalty? I may never know. Kitty4lyfe son!

Shujinkydink Good meeting and playing you brutha. After I lost my first match, and they told me my very next match in losers bracket was against you, I like "Fuck. This." I was pretty humbled after our tourney bout, but I'm glad we got to play some more casuals the day after so that I had a chance to try and figure out that dirty Quan!

Awesome stuff all the way through the tournament dude. I don't think you could have asked for a better grand finals. With you and pboardplayer there was adapting to adapting within adapting. It was some Inception type shit ya know? You are BC's boy and you repped us well man. Maaaaaad props.

Immortal Kombat Wow, your first tournament and you made top 8. GG's in casuals. Man, you told me only played Mileena, but you had dirt on other characters too, quit sandbaggin' bro! Glad you and your buddy were able to make it out to our room to hang out though.

BO KNOWS KILLIN It was fun playin casuals man. You had the coolest stick I saw at the tournament! Solid matches against your Ermac & Co. Oregon, Washington and BC all need to meet up again soon.

@Black Mamba Tyrone Biggums is the shit! It's true that MK has its issues, but come on dude, you know it's a fun game, and you're obviously good at it, so I hope you keep playing!


SRK posted the top 12 names from the tourney.

Who are:
Duncan T

I know Jimmy P is Jimmy Potato. Someone mentioned that CJKRattlehead was tied for 9th? Is he signed up as something else?


Two men enter, one man leaves!
I know I got 9th because I was in winners and losers finals. I think I was just signed up as Rattlehead


Even though I was salty for my performance and overall play I'm glad I met y'all last weekend. Thanks to every single person who attended we had the hypest tourney out of all the games played there. In fact I think for all the games that have been out for more than a year our game was the ONLY one that had an increase in fighters(and a big one too compared to NWM3). /Obviously this game is dead and no one plays it./

To all the neighboring cities above and below Seattle let's do this again real soon since we can build upon this with each other. I thought I was going to take a break after NWM4 from fighting games. Yeah that ain't happening. ;)


Lol great shit posting my pick from Pax sometime ago. The cosplay chicks were from free to play MMO, can't remember the name. Shujinkydink Jimmypotato I'm so glad I met you guys. Honestly this is probably going to be one of the few times where elite players are going to be playing sets as extensively as you guys did with myself McNasty. I got hype as hell with you guys at my back, even though some things didn't turn out as I hoped, it was fun as hell regardless.

McNasty without you my friend I would be no where near as good as I am today. I have you to thank for all my anti airs, footsies, d4 pressure, hell learning Sonya lol.

MoFuzz you are the brother from another mother dude! Your and my Jax is like a mirror. When I saw you play it was literally like you were in my head making the exact same reads it was hilarious. I look forward to seeing you in the future.

Immortal Kombat seeing you and your friend come up here from online and do as well as you guys did was AWESOME!!. I hope your friend ends up choosing 1 out of those 7 to be his main. He's a great player just needs to stick with 2 or something. But your Milleena no joke man, I look forward to see you again man.

CJKRattlehead Regardless if you think I'm free or not. I respect you as a player. Your freddy and Raiden are awesome. Next time don't seem so elitist, I felt like you were trying to look down on everyone. We can't afford to be picky with how small our community is. We all want to win and have a good time, we are all brothers and sisters in the end.

pboardplayer and WhatsHerName you guys were fantastic. I'm so glad that I got to play a bit with you guys for sure. I look forward to this weekend a lot for leveling up and just seeing how I fair against the fray.

MLG!!!! Let's do this!!!!
PS My voice is still shot from all the NWM hype lol.


Two men enter, one man leaves!
CJKRattlehead Regardless if you think I'm free or not. I respect you as a player. Your freddy and Raiden are awesome. Next time don't seem so elitist, I felt like you were trying to look down on everyone. We can't afford to be picky with how small our community is. We all want to win and have a good time, we are all brothers and sisters in the end.
Why is everyone saying that? I didn't think I was disrespectful to anyone there other than me joking around with Dink, sorry if I don't recognize your name BTW.