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NRS Introduces Enhanced Online BETA For MKX; Sign-Ups Are Now Live


The only reason High Tech Jaquie was not much used online is because of lag, which caused her too many problems.
I'm sure that with GGPO a storm of High Tech players will conquer the online scene :DOGE

RM Truth

Unintentional Tier Whore Follow me @TruthRM
Anyone else getting the vibe that we'll have to download a new version of MKX? Can such a thing be patched into the main game? I'm not complaining, just curious.
I've asked a few people, and it seems that it is possible. The way the PS4 downloads and stores files to the system, they can recode everything and release it as a patch to everyone.


Punching bag that throws fans !
Would have been great to let us know that they were working on a rollback netcode when there still was an online community for MKX.

Unless we ALL believe they started working on this like 3 days before the actual beta :)

This video screams "Come back guys, buy some KP2, we'll fix online, I swear" so much it's not even funny.

Especially so close to SFV being released, it feels like a desperate way to get our money all over again.

-NO NRS, I will NOT buy any KP2, but nice try, thanks for fixing online, wasn't it IMPOSSIBLE though ? lol-
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Sutter Pain

Your mothers main.
I would say we will get it latter than consoles. And prob no beta for PC, but who knows.
Yeah the "who knows" part is the really annoying bit. If they just wanna discontinue sup for PC let us know ASAP so we can stop guessing and speculating. Right now we don't know if we will be getting the DLC 100% for sure or not either unless boon stated otherwise.

If they announce it too late for PC I will be balls deep in SFV and won't be looking back.


bye felicia
Where did that tid-bit of info come from?
For something as all encompassing a rollback code, there would be next to no way to make the old game and the new game work in concert. So come tuesday (or whenever the beta actually begins, because this really just says sign ups) there will be the MKX build everyone knows, and a "special" mkx enhanced online build that probably doesn't do much more than online vs.

I predict about an hour before somebody complains something doesn't work in the beta that should work in the real game because nobody knows what the point of a beta is anymore.


welcome to the ButtSlam
Would have been great to let us know that they were working on a rollback netcode when there still was an online community for MKX.

Unless we ALL believe they started working on this like 3 days before the actual beta :)

This video screams "Come back guys, buy some KP2, we'll fix online, I swear" so much it's not even funny.

Especially so close to SFV being released, it feels like a desperate way to get our money all over again.

-NO NRS, I'm will NOT buy any KP2, but nice try, thanks for fixing online, wasn't it IMPOSSIBLE though ? lol-


bye felicia
also (and it's really important that some people get this) there is not one person, not a single one who makes any decisions or in any way matters at WB and NRS who believes that a closed beta test for enhanced network features in a year old fighting game that was launched less than a month prior to its release is going to make even the slightest bit of difference in SFVs sales and playership.

There is not one shred of business logic that supports that theory.
There is not one shred of business logic that supports that theory.
Well, it is a good way to test a new system that will be for all their games... all nrs games after this will use the same setup now. CapCom did it with the update to tekkenXSF when they introduced it. Work out all the bugs (and there will be tons.. this is basically a re-write of the game) in a older community and then allow the next game a clean start... so there is a corporate reason behind updating MKX.. be3sides making the fans happy and extending the life of the game by years


Punching bag that throws fans !
also (and it's really important that some people get this) there is not one person, not a single one who makes any decisions or in any way matters at WB and NRS who believes that a closed beta test for enhanced network features in a year old fighting game that was launched less than a month prior to its release is going to make even the slightest bit of difference in SFVs sales and playership.

There is not one shred of business logic that supports that theory.
You underestimate how many MK fans stopped playing MKX because online was a joke, and how many had to look elsewhere for their daily dose of VS fighting.

I have a lot of friends that entered SFV beta just because MKX was a thing of the past for them, since online was their only way to play this at all besides that "once a week gather up with friends, somewhere".

That would be a good way to get them back, even though I honestly think it's way too late now, NRS could have worked on this matter before launching their rushed netcode into everyone's toilets ...

If they try and release a rollback netcode for MKX, you can guess that they hope to make money out of it, and that's by selling KP2s and most likely "game of the year + new netcode !" to the same people that plan on buying SFV : fighting game fans.

That might not change SFV sale numbers a lot, but the timing for that "good news" and that beta isn't random at all, with SFV being so close to launching now.


bye felicia
Well, it is a good way to test a new system that will be for all their games... all nrs games after this will use the same setup now. CapCom did it with the update to tekkenXSF when they introduced it. Work out all the bugs (and there will be tons.. this is basically a re-write of the game) in a older community and then allow the next game a clean start... so there is a corporate reason behind updating MKX.. be3sides making the fans happy and extending the life of the game by years
They definitely had a reason, a financially qualifiable and agreed upon reason that was discussed at length long before today. But that reason was not "I bet this'll really stick it in SFs craw!".

MK has continued to grow despite the machinations of Capcom and Street Fighter for years, including the years when Capcom said fighters weren't worth making anymore. The notion that a new street fighter on the horizon "scared" anyone into fixing the netcode is nonsense.
The notion that a new street fighter on the horizon "scared" anyone into fixing the netcode is nonsense.

imo.. if anything "scared" other fighting games it was Killer instinct. That games online is the best in the FGC, far better than any of the Street Fighters.... I think it really showed what you can do if you do it right and its immense popularity is (I think) directly because of the online play. i think that game proved to the money men what online play means to a game.